Help Coming up with first 8 levels of my Rogue/Ranger(revised)


I'd go Hunter 3 (for Horde Breaker. It simply dwarfs all others. It's an extra attack for no cost, with only a slight restriction), then Rogue 2, then Hunter 5 for Extra Attack, then finish up Rogue (probably Assassin. Up to 3 attacks at advantage first turn is good).

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I might go Theif for this build, since the Ranger gives me advantage on attacks already on enemies that haven't acted.

Basically Assassin would just be for the auto crit.



I might go Theif for this build, since the Ranger gives me advantage on attacks already on enemies that haven't acted.

Basically Assassin would just be for the auto crit.

I can almost guarantee you that that's going to be dropped/delayed on the ranger as it steps far too much on the Assassin's toes, but it's up to you.
If not Assassin, it'd suggest Arcane Trickster. If nothing else, you can pick up some utility.

Thanks for all the replies.

I'm defiantly going Rogue 1 -> Ranger 5 -> Rogue 3

What do you guys think of the following levels?

I'm thinking probably going pure rogue after the first 8 levels, but fighter has some interesting draws to it.

I'd really like to get up to at least level 7 rogue for evasion and uncanny dodge, but other than that I have no real need to stay in rogue after level 7.

I've just started with my half-elf Ranger and taken the Gloomstalker conclave. I wanted the weapon and armour proficiencies and tougher hit dice for the start. For this build the GM has authorised the optional class Features from Tasha's so I've taken Deft Explorer and Favoured Foe. At level 4 I will take the Elven Accuracy feat, essentially giving the option of a 3rd d20 to hit when I have advantage. While there is temptation to take my first Rogue level next, the Ranger 5's extra attack and 2nd Level spells (Spike Growth) is a better fit for me. So I level up and take the next 3 in Rogue; Scout and Assassin both fit thematically. It's a shame not to take the next level in Rogue which will give me another Feat, Sharpshooter. With its -5 to hit /+10 damage the earlier acquisition of Elven Accuracy is a no-brainer. From here there are several options. The Level 7 class Features for both are priceless; Ranger's Iron Will gives a WIS saving throw proficiency while Rogue's Evasion is a DEX lifesaver! Many build advisers suggest that you should concentrate on just the one class from herein; Ranger 7 / Rogue 13 will provide a nice 7d6 Sneak Attack bonus however, taking both to Level 8 allows for 2 Feats. Resilient CON, Piercer and Alert are all good solid choices. Taking the last 4 levels in Rogue allows for another 2 ASI / Feat choices at levels 10 and 12 rather than the Ranger's single ASI at 12. DISCLAIMER please note that I don't claim this as "the ultimate build", it's one that has looked at a variety of different creators' ideas and adopted the best advice from all. Happy rolling!

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