Once A Fool
So, each challenge would look something like:We need a scoring system that both makes it so that a consistent winner each week is likely to win the whole thing, but that also gives someone who falls behind a chance to catch up so they are not discouraged. I do think there needs to be some kind of public scoring round up each week.
0 = No significant presence.
1 = Present, but minimally significant.
2 = Present and significant.
3 = Present and exceptionally implemented.
Ingredients used.
For each ingredient:
Creativity (0-3)
Internal Relevance (0-3)
Potential Relevance to PCs (0-3)
Interconnectivity (0-3)
Structural Analysis.Creativity (0-3)
Function (0-3)
Style (0-3)
For the adventure challenge, I would add the following to the Structural Analysis:Cohesion (0-3)
Playability (0-3)
These numbers are tight enough that a few low numbers shouldn’t knock anyone out, but consistently higher numbers should always matter.
Factor in the potential 1 point per 1 unique spectator vote that an entry could get, and things could get a little swingier (depending on the number of votes).
Perhaps a vote-ratio converted to a certain number of additional points would be better. Maybe a total of 5ish points per contestant, divided up according to the ratio.