Help me corrupt a Paladin


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I'm designing a BBEG for my campaign. It involves a Paladin who has been resurrected by servants of Bane, and then twisted to serve their evil purposes. Thus, when the party encounters him, he will be a Paladin/Blackguard.

However, I want to give him a little bit more flavor, such that would happen to a holy Paladin who was resurrected by a powerful evil force. Something evil should happen to him, aside from simply having Blackguard levels.

Having him animated as a Lich really doesn't fit.
A Corpse Creature (BoVD) is a possibility... but corpse creatures don't have much flavor, aside from being undead.
I was also thinking making him Corrupted (BoVD), but this seems to go a bit overboard, turning him into a true Abberation.
Make him Fiendish maybe?

I'm not sold on making him undead... it just has to be EVIL. If he's undead, that's great, but it has to be EVIL. If it fits the pantheon of Bane (God from FR), then its even better.

Can people provide suggestions of things I can do to this Paladin... a template to add or something similar that would be appropriate for the story?

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Do you have a reason as to why he was raised by the servents of Bane? To make it interesting, have him either be serving them willingly, or being forced to do so. Or maybe He thinks He is still serving a good god.


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Death Knight? I rather liked the one they had in Dragon...which I believe is in the MM2. Lots of powers and flavour abilities, can't be turned, ect.


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Getting him to accept the raising, that's the issue, agreed.

Maybe he accepted the raising because he thought he could do something great once brought back. Or maybe his true love was in danger, and he agreed to come back in order to save her, even allowing himself to undergo an evil Atonement as long as he was given free will to save her afterward. He did save her, but he later killed her when she spurned him, calling him fallen and weeping over the fact that he had voluntarily chosen to become evil as a cost of saving her.

Okay, that's lame, but it's a start.


Murrdox said:
I'm designing a BBEG for my campaign. It involves a Paladin who has been resurrected by servants of Bane, and then twisted to serve their evil purposes. Thus, when the party encounters him, he will be a Paladin/Blackguard.

However, I want to give him a little bit more flavor, such that would happen to a holy Paladin who was resurrected by a powerful evil force. Something evil should happen to him, aside from simply having Blackguard levels.

Having him animated as a Lich really doesn't fit.
A Corpse Creature (BoVD) is a possibility... but corpse creatures don't have much flavor, aside from being undead.
I was also thinking making him Corrupted (BoVD), but this seems to go a bit overboard, turning him into a true Abberation.
Make him Fiendish maybe?

I'm not sold on making him undead... it just has to be EVIL. If he's undead, that's great, but it has to be EVIL. If it fits the pantheon of Bane (God from FR), then its even better.

Can people provide suggestions of things I can do to this Paladin... a template to add or something similar that would be appropriate for the story?

What sourcebooks do you have to work from?

Book of templates has the ebon servitor for divinely powered martial servants of evil.

Denizens of Darkness, the Ravenloft monster book, has tons of undead templates to throw on him. perhaps ghoul lord?

Out for Blood by bastion press has a number of vampire templates for him.

My DM used the wight template from Penumbra Fantasy Bestiary on an ally NPC party of paladins who delved too deep into the Banewarrens and we had to hunt them down.

Fiendish sounds good to me for resurrected by dark evil power.


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Paladins are the souls of sacrifice. Most expect, if not desire, hardship and challenges to pave the road of life. The methods that lead to spurning this way of life are usually at one of two extremes. A single tragic event or a slow, insidious fall from faith.

Betrayed/failed by your God or his agents. This is good for the paladin who died in service to his god and was corrupted/brought back to serve evil.

Death by ex-compatriots follows the corrupted during life route and gives a nice list of targets for vengence.

For this paladin, Bane must have an agenda for him to fill. But he must have his own Agenda as well. Try to tie the additional evilness you are seeking to his Agenda. Make him a souleater(just a name not a class or anything). Bane has promised him additional powers but they are granted as he takes his revenge. He must eat the souls(and in the ritual, the bodies) of his stated enemies. He gains either predetermined powers or powers from the person he consumes plus maybe thier memories and the ability to assume their form. Great spy. Thier soul is locked in his and magic designed to find missing people actually finds his location (a weakness but neccesary to maintain subterfuge). He could become exceptionally powerful depending on who the stated enemies are and what of their abilites you grant (Maybe everything if he is in thier form but none of his own, talk about multiclassing).

Just rambling.

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