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Help me DESTROY the Forgotten Realms


I was originally planning to run an Alternate History Dragonlance campaign where the High Clerist's Tower fell, and the Takhisis won the war.

Due to the fact that I'm not going to be able to get my hands on a copy of the new DL Campaign Setting before our mid-August gaming trip, I'm going to be using Forgotten Realms - only I want to change things to make it a little bit more grim.

My plan is to start the characters at 3rd level (just enough to have something under their belts, but not enough to make their character's so established that they don't feel like they can give them their own backgrounds). I also want to run them through City of the Spider Queen when they hit 10th level.

Let me say that I own the FR Campaign Setting book, the Silvery Marches book, and the City of the Spider Queen. I also know next to nothing about FR....I read the Icewind Dale trilogy about 10 years ago....That's it. I don't like Elminster or the Harper's, and would probably have them 'taken out' or dissapearing mysteriously from my Campaign.

I need some help figuring out:
1) What to do with the players from level 3 to level 10 that would allow them to experience things going 'to hell in a handbasket' in Faerûn before they enter the City of the Spider Queen module ?
2) What events would be taking place in the FR that would make it a darker, grimmer place to live. (What armies could be fighting ? What evil powers could be on the rise ? What event could take out Elminster and the Harpers ?)
3) Any other tips on making this work.

Thanks in advance for your time!
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Design a plague/magical curse/planar assassins/dictum of the gods that causes anyone above a certain level to die, their souls devolving to some "other" place where they cannot be recovered (i.e. no rez).

Say goodbye to Elminster, Khelben, the Simbul, etc...

The deaths hit the evil organizations as well, opening up a struggle for power that throws a good portion of the Realms into chaos. With the Harpers and other organizations of goodie-goods decapitated, not to mention the rulers of a number of kingdoms/nations, they have a difficult time responding.

A twist to this would be that as the players gain levels, they'll draw closer and closer to this threshold, so they have to find out the cause and do something about it before that happens.
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New Publisher
Re-write what happened during the god's war (time of troubles) so that the effect on the Realms was much more like the effects on the Scarred Lands.

Magic Dead Zones, whole areas of the continent turned evil or destroyed, Powers still walking the land and laying waste to anyone standing in their way.

Bring back the demon summoners and have a full scale demon-led incursion. Use the Incursion ideas from Dragon.


First Post
Bane has just returned to the realms. Why not have the realms suffer a war of conquest by his followers ala Midnight. Using the Book of Vile Darkness should help (making magic items through sacrifice versus xp). Have gates open and a infernal host walk out and enslave the area. Use the gith invasion as a template but use forces loyal to bane.


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Zaukrie said:
Re-write what happened during the god's war (time of troubles) so that the effect on the Realms was much more like the effects on the Scarred Lands.

Magic Dead Zones, whole areas of the continent turned evil or destroyed, Powers still walking the land and laying waste to anyone standing in their way.
Hey! That's what I was going to say.

--Grumbling Off Spikey


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My suggestion is to introduce Anti-Magic, not as in the spell, but as in the element. I mean, there is so much Magic in FR, Greyhawk and all the rest that a small amount of Anti-Magic should cause a chain reaction and blow the place up ;)

Okay, okay, I admit that I am not a huge fan of pre-packaged worlds :D


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Give them their own toys and sandbox...

In the North, you don't have to worry much about Elminster. Your primary issues will be with Silverymoon (Alustriel), Waterdeep (Khelben, Laeral, Piergeron, and Mirt), and Mithral Hall (Bruenor Battlehammer).

Give all these big boys their own set of toys and tell them to go play in their own sandbox. They should be contending with Epic level planar forces. Dealing with things more fantastic than most people can even imagine. Helping to maintain balance and order.

I don't think it's an all-bad thing to have some "forces for good" who can provide a safe haven (never completely safe) and a handful of resources under dire circumstances. Even in a "grittier" world, you still have to have someone who mentors, supports, and shelters you. Or you won't last long.

The harpers just had a big internal struggle and they are breaking off into different groups. A perfect excuse to minimize, or eliminate, their impact on your campaign.

Things to do from 3rd to 10th level:
1) Exploration of Dungeons throughout the North. Pick an object, relic, piece of information, secret to uncover, and place the answer in a handful of wicked-cool dwarven ruins or ancient elven burial grounds.
2) Early incursions of humaniods (drow led, deep, deep, deep undercover, but to be discovered).
3) Discover what has brought the frenzying barbarian tribes of the North into conflict with the forces of Larue.
4) Undermountain. There's always undermountain.
5) Conflicting merchant caravans/nobles vie for control of trade down the Dessarin. Are there other motives behind this conflict (zhents, etc.)

Brooding uber-evils on the rise, "going to hell in a handbasket":
1) Shadovar - infiltrating spies throughout the realms, using far superior magical technology, perhaps even replacing key members in leadership positions with Greater Dopplegangers.
2) Phaerimm - nothing brightens up a day like a handful of evil archmagi.
3) Fey'ri - possible drow alliance?
4) Khelben and Laeral go evil...afflicted by the evil artifact, the Crown of Thorns, Khelben has gone renegade, but his closest friends don't believe it. Secretly, he plots and manipulates his extensive network to cause chaos throughout the north.
5) A good sized meteor/disease/diety whallops one of the relative safe-haven's of the north. I'd recommend Waterdeep, for a variety of reasons.

Also see the Waterdeep in Ashes thread.


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Running a dark campaign in FR is extremely easy without much work at all.

I ran a campaign in the Dales using the drow and it worked out quite well. The key to any campaign in FR is using what you want. I rarely mention, let alone include, any of the major NPC's in the realms. The advantage I have is that few of my players have read the novels and even the ones that have don't expect to run into the major npc's. I can see that having a player who is a self-acclaimed Realms history buff could be a problem but that is more of a problem with the player than with the setting.

The first thing many ask when they hear about the drow in the Dales is, where is Elminster and why doesn't he just blast them all back into the dark caves from which they came. My answer is..he is busy/gone/detained/possibly dead. Elminster doesn't sit in his tower waiting for bad things to happen that he can fix. He is also more of a sagely character in my campaign. His days of running around righting wrongs are pretty much done. He has made enough mistakes in his long life to know that he can't fix everything and he isn't always right. The only thing the characters know of Elminster is that he is a mysterious mage who has been around forever and is reputed to be extremely powerful and eccentric.

If you read through the FR book you will find that almost every area of the Realms has the bad guys kicking butt and taking names. Everybody is struggling to deal with their own problems so they are not able to send much aid to their neighbors who are also in trouble. Cormyr is pretty much wiped out, the Silver Marches is a new country dealing with orc hordes, the Shades and other nasties, Waterdeep is trying to help with the Shade issue and not getting very far, the Dales are dealing with the drow, etc.

My feeling is that spending a lot of time rewriting the Realms is time that could be better spent using the "story" that already exists. Don't think of the Realms as a big module that has to be followed. Think of the Realms as a big map with some plot ideas thrown in to get you started.

Well, I'm stepping down from my soapbox now. This post ended up being longer than I wanted. I hope it makes some sense.


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When The Sky Falls!


Well, if you can pick up this supplement by Malhavoc Press, authored by Bruce R. Cordell, it's an excellent source book on how to integrate the fall of meteors to earth in the campaign world. In this instance, you could decide to have a huge, mile-wide meteor fall from the dark sky and strike the city of Waterdeep in the deep of the night.

The huge meteor would strike with the power of an enormous nuclear weapon, totally annihilating everything in the city, and having say a 75% chance of killing everything else within a 50-mile square radius of the city. Potentially, millions of people could be slaughtered!

Now, as a subsection of this, a smaller meteor storm could fall and strike most of the cities say two-five hundred miles north of Waterdeep, and two-five hundred miles south of Waterdeep. These meteors, being smaller, but more numerous, could slaughter say a base 50% of all living creatures in their respective areas of impact, plus a radius of 50 miles or so from each impact area.

That's just from the explosive force of the initial impact. Then, you could consider the toxic gasses emitted from the shattering of the meteors--these meteors come from deep space, and the dust is heavily contaminated with toxic bacteria. This could cover the areas under the impact with clouds of poisonous gasses that kill of even more people and creatures. Breathing this stuff in could cause people's lungs to explode into postules that burn and savage someone in a swift, but agonizing death that takes two to three days to run its course, before the subject dies in agony. Next, there could be strange, mutant fungus or plants that were growing on the deep-space meteorites, that, when impacting, didn't die, but instead, accellerated their growth, and mutated into airborne seedling spores that spread about in strange clouds of purplish-coloured mist, mutating and warping anything that comes into contact with it--whether by breathing it, or by skin contact. These horrific effects could have an immediate mutational effect--like giving anyone effected a random mutation of some kind, but also, more insideously, and deeper, it effects them on the genetic level, and all children born through them will have say 1d6 mutations, and develop an additional mutation 1/5 years as they mature. This strange biological bacteria, coming from the deeper space of an alien world, is resistant or immune to magic healing or magic effects in general. Don't let the players--or anyone really--find a way to "erase" the effects. Tough! Let them deal with the harsh reality of a world gone to hell in a handbasket, and they are swallowed up for the ride too! In that sense, don't make it so that with merely a flick of a spell, they can somehow rise above these effects. Make them deal with growing mutations like a third eye, blue fur, and a three-foot long tongue. Whatever. Make it bigger than anything they have imagined, and make it so that it is bigger, more powerful, and alien than anything their knowledge or magic can comprehend.

Next, there might also be additional biological material on the meteorites that as the meteors strike the earth, they are blown sky-high into the air as the impact literally throws air, dust, dirt, and other debris miles into the air, even blocking out the sun, and so on. But these biological materials could be thrown high into the air, where they are caught by the regional jetstream, and taken to far parts of the region or world. These then could develop an entirely new alien landscape and flora, developing even new fauna. The very air could change as the alien bacteria changes plants, animal, soil, everything on a genetic level. Entirely new diseases could also be introduced through this manner, as well as new kinds of plants, animals, and monsters. The radiation effects from the impact in other areas could cause them accellerated growth and maturity as well, as they hatch from strange eggs or mutated spores of DNA. A strain of mutant animal from some other world is heated up by the explosion, and as the clouds disperse, a Dire Bear breathes in the strange air, and the alien animal DNA, merely a fragment of it, is still activated. The Dire Bear changes into some kind of mutated monstrosity, with horrendous effects on the local environment. Meanwhile, new, devastating diseases that are heavily resistant to magic healing or curing, sweep through local populations. Some of these new diseases can be highly infectious, and even those who are not killed by the deadly viruses, carry the seeds of doom into new populations as they seek to flee and find safety. Of course, as more and more people die and millions more suffer the transition of being mutated, the people will lose faith in the gods, or at least become angry with the clerics and priests who will seem virtually powerless to stop anything, or help them in any significant manner. As people and crops are mutated and undergo sweeping changes, there is chaos and anarchy breaking out under the strain. Serfs and peasants rebel, or die and are unable to tend to the farms. This soon causes mass starvation to sweep through the region, and as more and more people die from these developments, basic services and cleanliness in the areas suffer, and more epidemics rise up. With all of this death and chaos going on, people will gather in a dozen cities and dozens of towns to riot and fight for basic food and resources. Alignment will devolve into a quaint thought as people struggle desperately for survival. New leaders will arise, as old leaders are strung up and hung or cut down in their palatial estates for being ineffective, or as the screaming mobs rose up and took advantage of the circumstances to extract their revenge for years of arrogance and oppression!

Now, with disease sweeping through whole regions, famine, rioting, rebellion, and so on, as well as mutant animals, plants, and even the air begins to change--war can break out, too. The states that haven't as yet been effected by the disaster marshal their armies, and seek to protect their boundaries, or invade and crush an old enemy who is suffering from the current disaster. Thus, there may be armies on the march, seeking to secure an unassailable position of strength over a neighbor or a rival while the weaker nation or kingdom is reeling from the disaster, swept with confusion and chaos. Now is the time to strike!

Next, in addition to all of this going on, the meteor impact could also unleash the magical force and energy to open up gates to entirely new realms and worlds. These gates can have huge openings--from the huge magical energies involved--say, they are several miles wide, or even dozens of miles wide, and high. These gates then attract minions and creatures from these other worlds to come throught he gates and explore this new world.

Next, the meteors themselves, many of them, or just the largest one, had a strange tower or fortress on it. This magical fortress survives the impact, and may be damaged or wholly intact, as you see fit. None the less, the inhabitants of this strange, alien fortress survive the impact. They emerge from their special vaults that they entered before landfall. These beings could be several dozen, or several hundred. Make them horrific, alien humanoids the size of ogres, with purple skin, a huge maw of teeth, six luminous eyes, and four arms. Three toes on their feet, and an alien biology of course. They then proceed to repair or build a new fortress, and secure and strengthen their area. They build huge towers of alien synthetic glass and some kind of strange fibrous material. The towers pulse with magical energy, and the alien humanoids begin to dominate the areas they have set themselves up in, and they grow stronger as they subjugate local populations and enslave them and experiment on them, molding whole populations to suit their needs. Or, alternatively, maybe the meteor held some kind of colossal, epic Force Dragon, or a Infernal that has been locked away for thousands of years; now, he is set free. Forget about a 40-Hit Dice Infernal. Make him a 72-Hit Dice horror, or make him a 50-Hit Dice one, with the addition of 30 levels of Wizard. That should do nicely. Imagine when he marches into the shattered ruins of Waterdeep, and summons minions, demons, elementals, enslaves others, and begins to build his new fortress? Elminster would be thrashed nine ways to Sunday! The beginnings of a whole new order begin to take shape as an unbelievable holocaust of epic proportions sweeps through the world of Faerun!

All kinds of possibilities there!:)

Semper Fidelis,


Voidrunner's Codex

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