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Help me kill Darmanicus & Friends!


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Have the PCs ever encountered soulknives in your campaign? If not, you could just say that they form their blades (and armor) out of psionic crystal.

In my current campaign, I changed the soulknife up a bit to make it a sword-channeller, due to the campaign's flavor. He lost some stealth but gained damage in return, because his attacks dealt mindblade and sword damage.

Meanwhile, I've spread a little misinformation in the other thread, reminding them that black slaad are in the Epic Level Handbook... :]

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According to Morrus though, the players should be expecting that few of the creatures are exactly by the book. He said that if he used by the book critters, his players would recognize them too quickly. :)


First Post
......I know full well what Morrus said. And I say, Psychic Warriors can do more things to psionically buff themselves and enhance their attacks than a stupid, scrawny Soulknife who's more appropriate for shadow-work. If a Soulknife could still use their Mindblade against the PCs, then the Psychic Warrior can sure as hell buff himself up ten ways to Tuesday without the PCs doing a damned thing about it. Here, let me dig up that link to the WotC boards that shows a few examples of how wicked a Psychic Warrior can buff himself....

Morrus, I suggest you use perhaps a few things from this thread I linked to, just for ideas, but for the mercy you bear your players, do not send the real deal against them. :^D A few feats and psionic powers from that thread may do well enough.

Rystil Arden

First Post
I didn't look at that thread, but if it involved dumping all stats into Strength with Psychofeedback and Strength of My Enemy striking your own allies to build up 50+ Strength, and then using that on a Psionic Lion's Charge with maxed out Offensive Precognition and Prescience + Metaphysical Weapon, then it is particularly cruel. The Soulknives will be threatening without being overwhelming, but three properly buffed psychic warriors might be too much, I dunno. I think that's why Morrus is disallowing anyone except the Queen to manifest psionic powers?

Now that's the Ticket!

jhartaine said:
Instead of trying to out power in some cases, a little finesse might make things more interesting....invisible Slaad or Githzerai roaming around the battle ...that have silence cast on them...a bunch of useful things affected by a SHRINK ITEM spell...several pits in the room hidden by illusions...simply grapple the main fighter-types once in close combat and keep them in place...Just some thought from a lurker... :cool:


I think Jhartaine makes a very good point in the way he is approaching the problem. The problem with giving the NPCs tons of really good equipment is that the players will have access to them when the fight is over. Apply sparingly.

First, Morrus needs to take the witch-queen out back and smack the &^$& out of her. Here, we have a near-immortal, genius-level intellect with nearly unlimited resources who has decided to let the group just waltz up into her inner sanctum for a little toe-to-toe. Put yourself in her place and try to see how you would realistically deal with this. I assume she is at least an 18th level manifester.


1. Mission What is the Queen trying to accomplish? If the objective is to kill the players, she should be doing it in a manner that exposes herself to as little risk as possible. She is now sitting in a large sanctum with the players, much like fighting insects in a jar. Since we are stuck with this situation, try shifting her motives. One way to make her unkillable is to indicate to the players that she has information that they must have and killing her will not resolve.

Example I: She has captured some of the PC's friends/relatives/VIPs and had them imprisoned somewhere or in some way that her death will (Fate Link) kill them as well.

Example II: The players are not actually fighting the Queen, but a carefully crafted application of Fission that lets her "be in the action" with the real queen manifesting powers from a remote/safe location.

2. Enemy Identify each character's threat and neutralize them ASAP.
Example below assumes with a Telepathic Psion: [Ensure she has Greater Psychic Endowment for +2DC]

Round -3:
Schism before the players get there (two brains are better than one). 7pts, 18 rounds.

Round -2:
a. Energy Burst (Delayed) 7pts
b. Energy Burst (Delayed) 7pst
These are triggered to when someone strikes the queen.

Round -1
a. Energy Burst (Delayed) 7pts
b. Energy Burst (Delayed) 7pts
These are triggered to when someone strikes the queen.

Round 0: While queen is talking, the second brain is preparing the following:
Death Urge the Kensai. (Spend an extra 30 PPts to make the save DC 35, he won't save) It would be horribly appropriate for the dude to commit Hara-kari. Activate it on the first moment of combat as a held action, granting a surprise round.

Round 1: Two Powers/Round
Dominate the Archer. (Spend 36 extra PPts to make the save DC 35, he won't save) and order to kill the sorceror. The player should be moved to the rear of the party to take advantage of flanking and hold action until the sorceror tries to cast. If you want to be really mean, have the archer break his own bow.
Decerebate the Paladin (DC 23+) The magic circle will not help as you are not charming/compelling him the rest of this should be fun.

Round 2: 2nd Brain concentrates to make the Archer kill the sorceror.
Crisis of Life the Diviner (DC 21 + Spend 18 PPts to allow for up to 16 HD) Kill the head. This is a no-brainer. (Ha-Ha)

Round 3: 2nd Brain concentrates to make the Archer kill the sorceror.
If the queen has not been hit, 10d6 worth of energy bursts go off.
Telekinetic Maneuver to grapple any annoying remaining spellcasters. This should be a (d20 + 24 on your check).

Round 4: 2nd Brain concentrates to make the Archer kill the sorceror.
If the queen has still not been hit, another 10d6 worth of energy bursts go off.
Pin the annoying spellcaster.
Have your minions coup-de-grace the (now-pinned) remaining spellcaster.

Round 5: Accept the party's surrender. Have the archer break his bow.

3. Troops

First, ensure that each NPC has a mission. Match up their strengths against party weaknesses. Gang up on spellcasters.

King Sladd
The following feat selections for the Sladd King will be excellent -Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, Improved Trip, and Compat Brute. Pay attention to the effects of two handed use of his chain and focus on disarming/disabling the Paladin. The Paladin's sword is a one trick pony, remove it or break it. His secondary objective is to guard the queen. Ensure that the energy burst is keyed to something he is immune to.

Other Sladd
As for the minions, the idea of using an invisible foe is great, especially when they are carrying pikes. Have the Sladd turn invisible (magic item) and harrass/flank the party. With powerful reach weapons, they should be able to strike without exposing themselves to risk. Their target should be the Cleric. Kill him good.

Other Githzerai
All three gang up on the sorceror and beat the snot out of him. Nuff Said.

4. Terrain
Control the terrain. So far, this has not been done beyond the spinning pillars of death. To be fun, make them illusionary - but make the real danger the 20' deep, 8' wide pit trench underneath them. Cover that with an illusion as well.

Other measures:
Kill the lights, your folks have darkvision. You control the lighting in the room, have it simply turned off at the will of the queen. Or, if the party is "glowing" use Damning Darkness or UtterDark from the Book of Vile darkness. These are personal favorites of mine. If you want to be really cruel, have the Queen's throne contain a servitor Shadow Demon (Book of Vile Darkness)

5. Time
a. Plan ahead. Make yourself a matrix with each NPC monster in its own column. In each row (-4 rounds thru 20 rounds) indicate what actions each monster will do in a combat. The Pit Fiend Example in the Monster Manual is a great example. Never leave yourself guessing. Also, leave one alternative action should your inital plan be thwarted. These are really smart Monsters, they should know how to best use their powers.
b. Know your enemy. There is no reason that the Queen and her minions do not know all about the party by now. Use what you know. Designate a PC as a target for an NPC who's weakness can take advantage of it.
c. Prepare in advance. If your group is not "buffed up to the max" before round one, you are mistaken.

Long post, I know. But there is no reason that a well-prepared, coordinated force cannot win on the defensive like this. The party simply charged into the "dragon's lair" on this one, it is ok to kill the ^&%$& out of them.

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Foes, proposals

The following presents a few foes to be thrown at characters (through either Summon or similar spells):
- Elementals, of size Huge or better, Fire preferred
Recommendation: Three or Four such elementals, to grapple party spell casters. Size difference, automatic fire damage, a good measure of hitpoints and an unbeatable damage reduction.
- An Iron Golem (or Two)
Recommendation: To support Fire elementals. Have them stay close to elementals and join the grapple.

If you have Strange Tribes of Scarred lands:
- A swarm of wasps with Elemental (Fire) template

Fire walls.



First Post
Example I: She has captured some of the PC's friends/relatives/VIPs and had them imprisoned somewhere or in some way that her death will (Fate Link) kill them as well.

It would be an especially evil move if the queen had planted a mind seed in one (or more) of the PC's friends/relative/VIPs. Given their unfamiliarity with psionics they wouldn't be able to defend against it until it was too late. Plus it generates the next adventure - the PCs must deal with their friends who are now minions of the Queen.


Occhronustinrist said:
I think Jhartaine makes a very good point in the way he is approaching the problem. The problem with giving the NPCs tons of really good equipment is that the players will have access to them when the fight is over. Apply sparingly.

There are several ways to prevent the PCs from getting that eq. If I forgot to put it in (I did a lot yesterday) then make all of the weapons Negativally charged (so good characters gain negative levels from touching them) Remember in my post I even mentioned using this as grapple defence. The PCs are smart, they are linked by a telepathic bond (that we really arn't sure how it works, we just know we can't get rid of it.) So all of the ideas that Jhartaine uses are voided. Also smart PCs use things like True Seeing and Invisibulity purge very well BECAUSE they are imporntant.

"TRICKS" with invisibulity and illusions are great for the local high school troupe, but when you are DMing for an experienced group of high level characters they already know all of these tricks themselves. You arn't going to fool any of them like this. Morrus came in and said that he liked the way the Black Slaad were shaping up. I am sure he will like the Soulknives because they are unexpected AND good.

@Arkhandus Those builds you show are great IF the Psionic Warriors are going to be level 16+, but at the target level (11) the soulknives are MUCH better than the examples in that page. I think I COULD build a better psionic warrior, BUT as stated the soulknives offer something differant. They are unexpected and that MIGHT get the PCs off balance enough to scare them. Remember he wants this to be a scary fight more than a deadly fight.

Much like in the game I was in on saturaday 14 hobgoblins v. 6 level 4 PCs. We though we were screwed. I play a Warlock with 18 hps. They were throwing 4 were drawing javalins and charging into combat with short swords. 2 had short bows and short swords. 4 had long swords, and 4 had battle axes. We ALL thought it was flee time (and then I am wearing medium armor so I was one of the slowest.) We were all worried that we might not make it out of the fight alive. UNTIL the sorcerer cast her 1 second level spell. Pyrotechnics won the battle for us. We all made our saves, except for the Fighter with blind fight. And all but 2 hobgoblins failed. It was short work after that cleaning up.

So PC actions can swing a battle VERY quickly. In a situation like the one you describe 1 invusibluity purge ruins all your plans.


But Occhronustinrist the rest of your post is AWESOME. Maybe I don't understand psionics very well, but I thought you could only spend a limited ## of power points in a round though.

Mr Gone

First Post
High Lvl monks with Antimagic shell centered on them is a fine way to get around excessive buffs. High lvl Psionic Monks with antimagic shell centered on them, if magic and psionics are different, will just hurt you players feelings.

Voidrunner's Codex

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