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Help Us Kill Morrus - Just updated 23/03/05

I see lots of good ideas here so I think that you'll do fine. I have a few wild ideas that I'll throw in. First who has the best bluff score? I know someone casually mentioned it but you may be involved in a real battle for the throne. The Slaad might have hired you to take the queen out. Play that up. In the epic handbook it has for an example "Devis fast talks a lich into giving up her phylactery ". If you can play it right they'll fight each other. He seems prepared for this. If I remember right there are only Slaad guards right? She's at his mercy. The other thing that I will recommend if things go horribly wrong is if you have a portable hole, throw your back of holding into it. You'll cause a rip and hopefully they'll all be sucked in. :D You could die too, but your heroes. Roll the dice, take a chance.

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Breaks Games
Jdvn1 said:
Hm, I think using the Summon spells off the bat is the best idea. Create things with a lot of hp or a bunch of smaller things. Anything to buy you time. Even if they can't hit, they could Aid Another to lower the ACs and open up Power Attacks. And have some on the queen, too, so she can't cast. When your guys are low on hp, start throwing in the damage-dealing area-of-effect spells. In between, get off some Walls or something -- buffs, de-buffs, Heals, whatever. Spell Resistance, Telekinesis, Recitation, Greater Dispel...

Then again, if she has Magic Circle Against Good, this falls apart.

I think a lot of people are looking for quick kills. I don't think that's going to happen here. No one spell or quick combination is going to cut it.

I think that last line there sums it up! Quick kills are unlikely.

The summoning idea is good, I've been finding my summons very weak lately. Need to pick up Summon 8 next level... go Pseudonatural Triceratops! :) I guess I could go for the D4+1 lower level summons and use them to aid another - which I hadn't thought of. If nothing else, they might distract and absorb a power/hit or two.

evilhalfling said:
This I liked, slaadi are meatgrinders normally stay away from the improved versions.

The Sladdi king looks like a meelemunkin as others have said, but he prolly depends on magical supernatural abilities. If you leave a gap he may counterattack with magic, If he gets through forcecage his ass and stay out of the way of the chain.

Sounds like some very solid advice. Those guys are definitely going to be nasty up close. Forcecage sounds like a good solution for him! Don't have my stuff with me, but does he get a save against it? If so, it might not work for us - sure he'll have stratospheric save values.... Wonder how good his touch AC is going to be?

If not, then wall of force herding might help. Hopefully keep his goons busy too.

And you're quite right about the queen, we need to lock her down or keep her busy. 10 rounds of pummeling and we'd be atomised :)

Think the Bluff/Quick summon is sounding like our best option... got to be worth a try!


Breaks Games
Dareoon Dalandrove said:
I see lots of good ideas here so I think that you'll do fine. I have a few wild ideas that I'll throw in. First who has the best bluff score? I know someone casually mentioned it but you may be involved in a real battle for the throne. The Slaad might have hired you to take the queen out. Play that up. In the epic handbook it has for an example "Devis fast talks a lich into giving up her phylactery ". If you can play it right they'll fight each other. He seems prepared for this. If I remember right there are only Slaad guards right? She's at his mercy. The other thing that I will recommend if things go horribly wrong is if you have a portable hole, throw your back of holding into it. You'll cause a rip and hopefully they'll all be sucked in. :D You could die too, but your heroes. Roll the dice, take a chance.

I'll give the bluff a go... as long as her sense motive isn't too high, then we might be in with a chance! Guess it partially depends on how funny the GM finds the idea ;)

She has her own guards with her as well. Nasty little blighters, the lot of them. But that'd be even better, if they all start hacking away at each other.

Portable hole/bag of holding... Hmm. Guess it'll be Hewards Handy Haversack and a Bag of Holding. That'll have to do... Leastways the cleric might be able to plane shift out of there!


I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
Inconsequenti-AL said:
I'll give the bluff a go... as long as her sense motive isn't too high, then we might be in with a chance! Guess it partially depends on how funny the GM finds the idea ;)

I could always try sweet-talkin' her Al; there's never been a problem in the past with that!!!


Darkness said:
I agree with the tactic, but Outsiders have all saves at 'Good' - including Will. Blue and red slaadi have Wis 6, but other types...

Well, we just don't know with these, so it could be either good or bad. But even if it evens out to 50/50, that leaves at least half of the Slaad being confused. And if at least half of the Slaad are confused, that's a good thing, because they'll either do nothing for some given number of rounds, or they'll attack each other, which is even better.

Oh, I pity Morrus for having to deal with things like negative levels on Slaad during the middle of a fast-paced combat situation. I can just see the number crunching already, and it ain't pretty.


Breaks Games
die_kluge said:
Well, we just don't know with these, so it could be either good or bad. But even if it evens out to 50/50, that leaves at least half of the Slaad being confused. And if at least half of the Slaad are confused, that's a good thing, because they'll either do nothing for some given number of rounds, or they'll attack each other, which is even better.

Oh, I pity Morrus for having to deal with things like negative levels on Slaad during the middle of a fast-paced combat situation. I can just see the number crunching already, and it ain't pretty.

I love confusion!

Think I might start with that as an opener. If nothing else and I can catch all of them, that's 7 chances for someone to roll a 1. :)

Would like to let the mooks advance a bit before trying to bluff the king and queen.

I hadn't thought of that. Guess the bookeeping could be a nightmare.


Breaks Games
die_kluge said:
Yes, but don't worry your pretty little head about that. That's Morrus' nightmare to deal with. :)

It almost makes me regret dumping that Evards Tentacle Spam spell. Few of those would 'help' no end! :)

I don't envy him the task. 8 major NPCs and complicated terrain. Ouch!

I ought to bring some Paracetamol along to the session. Do you reckon I could sell them for extra lives?


Inconsequenti-AL said:
It almost makes me regret dumping that Evards Tentacle Spam spell. Few of those would 'help' no end! :)

You get Evard's Tentacles spam? That's so cool! All I get is bankers writing me from Nigeria and offers to grow parts of my anatomy, including parts I don't even possess :(

Voidrunner's Codex

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