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Help With A Pirates Campaign


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Wow! I didn't expect such a big response. Thanks everyone!

Update, my world map is nearly complete. The only deficit right now is of inland adventures. I need two more ideas for encounters the party can face off the ship. One preferably around level 7 the other around level 13.

Otherwise I may redraw part of the map so there's less landmass and possibly more islands.

Any suggestions welcome!

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Staff member
I need two more ideas for encounters the party can face off the ship. One preferably around level 7 the other around level 13.

Slaver-Pirates raiding from another dimension. (I had a lot if fun with this one.)

Ferrying a passenger through dangerous waters...and whomever that person fears is in hot pursuit.

Ship attacked by aquatic race like Sahaugin, Locathah or Sea Elves.

Zombie attack while stuck in a sargasso quagmire.

Temporary shipwreck (due to storm damage) on a dangerous island populated with giant crabs and hostile natives.

A powerful being decides to wreck the ship on its island in order to play with or experiment on the crew & passengers.


As the intrepid adventurers go ashore for provisions, they are likely to encounter:

Crabman Tunnels: massive tunnels in the sand made by humanoid crustaceans, these winding passages lead further and further away from the tideline. Granted, when the tide comes rolling in, you’ll be hoping for a a back door.

Sulphur Mines: (see Kawah Ijen by night - The Big Picture - Boston.com ) In the heart of a volcano, the party finds an elemental being of eldritch fire.

Mangrove Swamp: (see Mangrove - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) The party will have to abandon the safety of their ship and board weathered canoes, to make their way through the twisted passages leading towards a forgotten city.

Crabs!: (watch Fooled by Nature: Christmas Island Crab Migration : Video : Animal Planet ) The migration of red crabs across Christmas Island is a sight to behold.

Land-Locked Lake: (watch [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXV1D13f0Ko]YouTube - Jellyfish Lake[/ame] ) Filled with jellyfish that seem menacing yet are completely harmless, the lake holds treasure which is plainly seen in the depths below.

Empty Graveyard: A staple of island adventures, a long-forgotten graveyard is marked by overgrown tombstones and shallow empty graves. Perhaps a Deathmaster lives in the cave atop the mountain, or perhaps a gathering of zombies comes shambling out of the sea at high tide.

Nature Reclaims the Temple: ( see Cambodia Photos - National Geographic ) I’ve always liked that photo! The movie “The Ruins” might have been devoid of value, but the premise is worth exploring.


First Post
Going with the nature reclaimed temple for the lower level adventure. Remapped an area for the higher level adventure, going to be a set of shifting mechanical isles inhabited by constructs and some other surprises.

One piece of work I always have trouble with while writing campaigns is name creation. I've found some great name generators for characters but I'm still at a loss for what to call them realm itself. Any witty suggestions that have something to do with aquatics, sailing or piracy?

Note about the campaign: as a way to keep the players to the content I've created and a plot devise, the entire realm around the sea this campaign is taking place in is enclosed in a magical barrier. This magical barrier is slowly creeping in on the lands and the relic is said to be able to stop this encroachment.... If that stirs up any creativity for the name of the realm.

You guys have been a great help! Thanks!

I'll post the map when it's finalized.


Staff member
Any witty suggestions that have something to do with aquatics, sailing or piracy?

Do NOT use "Pirates of Celiba Sea."

Other than that?

Corsairs of the Azure Tropics

Reef-Raiders of the Southern Seas

Against the Sea-Reavers


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Thanks for pimping my Serpent's Skull ap guys, running tonight and shamelessly stealing (pirating?) from this thread. I had a good idea for the second mate of the ill-fated Jenivere, a yurian (Clam-Folk) named Ivar who was the only one who didn't eat the poisoned chowder (c'mon, I gotta use some of the wacky from the fiend folio...)


...a yurian (Clam-Folk) named Ivar who was the only one who didn't eat the poisoned chowder

I thought Yurian (FF) was described as being more crustacean than mollusk. That being said, there is a prior precedent for your idea:

Perhaps you could name them after movie stars... Clamela Anderson and Jean Claude Van Clamme. ::ducks::

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