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My character was given a choice, game was halted at the current spot. He has been given a chance go receive an artifact, the character's father forged it, made from the blood and bones of his father (a powerful demon that kept his human body after turning into a fiend in the Spawn Pits[the demon re-birth place; homebrew world] and has the power to match half-gods and immortals) and mythril.

The item is a ring that can create storms of fire, lightning, sonic, negative energy, acid and poisonis rain once a month and also acts as a universal ring of immunity. It also can cause reality to alter somewhat, limited wish twice a day.

The only drawback is that I would have to kill the party wizard, who is level 27. My character is CN and is sor12/wiz3/rog4 with a +6 LA advancement template. Should I take the ring or kill the team-mate, who cant be brought back to life.

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Do you feel like this is being presented as a genuine choice, or is there a hint that you're "suposed" to do one thing or the other?

Also, how do you think the player of the wizard character will react? Will he appreciate your in-character behavior even if it means the destruction of his character?


Wow. Tough choice.

A) How have you been playing your character? He is CN but has he been the quintessential team player up to this point?

B) Will the wizard's player be upset if he is killed? If so, is it worth upsetting him? Will it cause out-of-game tension?

C) Have you gone over every posibility on how to bring the wizard back if you do kill him? Can you use the Limited Wish? Or can you use a Wish spell, seeing as your high enough level to buy it or pay someone to cast it for you?

D) Do you, the player, want to do it?

Lord Foul

First Post
I would talk to your DM and figure a way without killing the wizard. All I can see coming from this is a bunch of hate and discontent. Remember what goes around comes around.


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Let's see. Murder your friend to gain great power. Or refuse this temptation and remain good, or at least non-evil given the CN alignment. Was this "choice" presented by the devil, by chance? :eek:

Vonlok The Bold

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Bryon_Soulweaver said:
My character was given a choice, game was halted at the current spot. He has been given a chance go receive an artifact, the character's father forged it, made from the blood and bones of his father (a powerful demon that kept his human body after turning into a fiend in the Spawn Pits[the demon re-birth place; homebrew world] and has the power to match half-gods and immortals) and mythril.

The item is a ring that can create storms of fire, lightning, sonic, negative energy, acid and poisonis rain once a month and also acts as a universal ring of immunity. It also can cause reality to alter somewhat, limited wish twice a day.
Why does everyone always play Paladins?;)

Bryon_Soulweaver said:
The only drawback is that I would have to kill the party wizard, who is level 27. My character is CN and is sor12/wiz3/rog4 with a +6 LA advancement template. Should I take the ring or kill the team-mate, who cant be brought back to life.
I was just kidding about the Paladin thing. There is no way I would try and murder another PC. That item would be tempting, but I would feel bad wearing it. I would decline the ring, and then hold your decision of not murdering the Wizard over his head as much as possible.


I don't think I would do it, but it really depends on the personality of your character. But even given if I was playing a character with your alignment I doubt I would do it. I guess it comes down to the paramount choice between good and evil. The good to pass up the ring and not kill your fellow wizard. The evil, falling to greed and killing even those in your party to get what you want.

What would the other party members think? Wouldn't they be apt to keep you from doing harm to the wizard? After you kill the party wizard do you get the ring immediately? If not good chance the party will make sure you don't get the ring anyways. Or maybe the DM is setting it up for you to become the BBEG...


First Post
Does your PC have WIS 4+? If so, he knows that this is an evil offer from an evil being, requiring murder of a friend, and that no good can ever come of it...

My question is, why would you ever even consider this "offer"?!?


First Post
just a personal opinion, but to me it looks like one of two things.

a - this is a test of your loyalty to your friend and party members, and if you take the ring, it will probably turn out bad in the end.

b - Your DM is a cad and you need to find another. Setting up situation where one player can have fun by making it less fun for another player is not a good way to run a game. Not even a average way to run. It is a BAD game.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Why would you have to kill the Wizard? There might be another option. Could you get the artifact at another time?

Voidrunner's Codex

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