Level Up (A5E) Herald Sermons Bonus Proficiency

Sorry - had a brief scan to see if there was a general queries thread.

Is there a general rule that allows you to replace a Bonus Skill Proficiency with an alternative if you already the Skill that you are gaining as a bonus - if yes, then the rest of the question is null and void.

The example I have in mind is the Herald Sermons Bonus Prof - the utility of another skill outweighs the ribbon's advantage, useful due to the restriction on its use, and given that the class has two of the provided skills in their base kit from level 1. If you don't get to replace a bonus skill with another, then I can either take a different skill at 1st and get the bonus skill+ribbon at 5th, but then that either penalizes me for roleplaying the skill I want proficiency in until 5th, or I take the same skill I take for the Sermon at level 5, and miss out on a bonus feat

If Heraldic Sermon didn't exist at 5th level, I would still take intimidation for my fire and brimstone inquisitor and not have any issue, but how it's currently presented seems like it's a negative mechanical aspect to roleplaying as I would like, simply to later get that benefit.

Potential fixes;
1. Level 5 Heraldic Sermon grants you Proficiency in [Sermon Skill] or another if you're already proficient;
2. Level 5 Heraldic Sermon is split in 2; a level 1 class feature giving you [Sermon Skill] and a level 5 feature granting you the ribbon advantage.
3. Level 5 Heraldic Sermon grants proficiency or Expertise in Sermon Skill if already proficient as well as the ribbon - I might be scary or persuasive especially when using my faith (advantage), but it also feeds back into my general demeanour.

Number 2 is my favourite alternative. We didn't realise until hitting level 5 the other day that taking Intimidation and then wanting to go for Fearmonger+Inquisitor resulted in a missed skill feat potentially so we just houseruled it to be #1.

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Usually (but I can't find the rule right now) if you get a skill (or tool) Proficiency that you already got you get an expertise die for that skill/tool


Usually (but I can't find the rule right now) if you get a skill (or tool) Proficiency that you already got you get an expertise die for that skill/tool
That's actually a specific except to the base rule, which is called out in abilities themselves, i.e. "Gain Proficiency in Stealth, or an expertise die on all Stealth checks if you already have it."

The general rule is listed somewhat awkwardly in the backgrounds section:
If your character would gain the same proficiency from multiple areas, such as a heritage or cultural trait or class feature, they may instead choose a new proficiency of the same type (skill or tool).
Meaning it is option 1 from above.

Voidrunner's Codex

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