Pathfinder 1E High-level Pathfinder Planar Game: The Lich-Queen's Beloved

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The Joker

First Post
Iv been thinking about it for a while now, and i believe that i will indeed play my saint idea but swapping out my planned levels of cleric for paladin.

I will start right away, on crafting St. Razial Augestiene. The son of the sun.


Queen of Everything
Shay, what do you need from me? I think I can work on spells tomorrow if you give me a general idea of how many to choose :)


First Post
Lots of things here...this sheet isn't remotely done yet but it's as good a time as any for you to take a look and make suggestions or ask for changes.

Female Human Oracle 18
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 18
Languages: Common, ?, ?


Str: 11 (+0) 1
Dex: 22 (+6) 10
Con: 14 (+2) 5
Int: 10 (+0) 0
Wis: 12 (+1) 2
Cha: 30 (+10) 10

Hit Points: 130
Armor Class: 32 (10 + 6 dex + 9 armor + 7 shield)
Initiative: +6
BAB: +13/+8/+3
CMB: +13
CMD: 16
Speed: 30'

Fort: +13
Reflex: +17
Will: +17


Racial Abilities
+2 Charisma
Medium, normal speed
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skills

Class Abilities
Mystery - Joy
Oracle's Curse - Haunted (retrieving gear is std action or longer, dropped items land 10' away)
Mystery Spells
- Heartening Presence (Allies within 100' gain +2 to attacks, skills, saves for Chamod rounds as std action, 3/day)
- Instant Friends (1 creature who can understand your speech makes will save or is charmed, up to 18 min/day)
- Perseverence (Gain Endurance, Diehard and Heroic Defiance as bonus feats)
- Shout of Ecstacy (9d6 sonic dmg and deafen 1d4 rnds, fort save for 1/2 dmg and no deafen, 15' cone, 3/day)
- Uplifting Joy (Fly 90/perfect, 18 min/day)

Skills 90 +18 favored?
Knowledge History
Knowledge Planes
Knowledge Religion
Sense Motive

Oracle CL 18, Base DC 16+lvl
1 - 6/6, 2 - 6/6, 3 - 6/6, 4 - 6/6, 5 - 6/6, 6 - 6/6, 7 - 6/6, 8 - 5/5, 9 - 3/3

0 - 9, Create Water, Purify Food, Detect Magic, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidence, Light, Mending, Spark, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound
1 - 5, Bless, Tap Inner Beauty, Sanctuary, Command, Moment of Greatness, Divine Favor, Cure Light Wounds
2 - 5, Admonishing Ray, Align Weapon, Early Judgement, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon, Levitate, Minor Image, Hideous Laughter,

Cure Moderate Wounds
3 - 4, Good Hope, Archon's Aura, Magic Circle vs Evil, Prayer, Protection vs Energy, Cure Serious Wounds
4 - 4, Death Ward, Cure Critical Wounds, Divination, Blessing of Fervor, Freedom of Movement, Restoration
5 - 4, Telekinesis, Dance of 100 Cuts, Cleanse, Commune, ?, ?
6 - 3, Joyful Rapture, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal, ?
7 - 3, Reverse Gravity, Waves of Ecstacy, Greater Restoration, Holy Word, Resurrection
8 - 2, Euphoric Tranquility, Greater Angelic Aspect, Greater Spell Immunity
9 - 1, Overwhelming Presence, Summon Monster IX

Cash: 0

Something, 65k

Mithril Chain Mail Shirt +5, +9 AC, ACP 0, 10lbs
Mithril Large Shield +5, +7 AC, ACP 0, 5lbs

+2 Charisma Book, 54k
Eyes of the Dragon, 110k
Belt +6 Dex, Con, 90k
Headband +6 Cha, Wis, 90k
Ring of Protection +5, 50k
Cloak of Resistance +5, 25k
Gauntlets of Skill at Arms, 30k
Drinking Horn of Bottomless Valor, 24k
Handy Haversack, 2k


I'm thinking of making her a dex/finesse melee fighter, who depends on self-buffs for some truly sick effects. LOTS of party support...this build can dish out bonuses on bonuses. A few clerical blasts, but not really focused on that. All the big heals.

And of course, if we need help, you can Summon an Astral freaking Deva or Trumpet Archon to lend a hand.

The Joker

First Post
I'm sorry if my jumping around is making anyone upset but i am going to make my rogue shadow dancer. Few more questions in that regard: Are we using traits? And if so, how many?

I would also like to know if the 3.5 book: Lords of madness is okay to use. specifically the feat: Dark stalker

Finally, the leadership thing. The main purpose if me taking and using the feat is basically so i can sink some money and feats into it to forge my own thieve guild. it wouldn't be a huge thing but i would use it like a network of contacts and informants as well as a sort of black market. i almost never use the feat for the sole purpose if a intent army to flood my opponents with conscripts.


Queen of Everything
Lots of things here...this sheet isn't remotely done yet but it's as good a time as any for you to take a look and make suggestions or ask for changes.

Female Human Oracle 18
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 18
Languages: Common, ?, ?


Str: 11 (+0) 1
Dex: 22 (+6) 10
Con: 14 (+2) 5
Int: 10 (+0) 0
Wis: 12 (+1) 2
Cha: 30 (+10) 10

Hit Points: 130
Armor Class: 32 (10 + 6 dex + 9 armor + 7 shield)
Initiative: +6
BAB: +13/+8/+3
CMB: +13
CMD: 16
Speed: 30'

Fort: +13
Reflex: +17
Will: +17


Racial Abilities
+2 Charisma
Medium, normal speed
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skills

Class Abilities
Mystery - Joy
Oracle's Curse - Haunted (retrieving gear is std action or longer, dropped items land 10' away)
Mystery Spells
- Heartening Presence (Allies within 100' gain +2 to attacks, skills, saves for Chamod rounds as std action, 3/day)
- Instant Friends (1 creature who can understand your speech makes will save or is charmed, up to 18 min/day)
- Perseverence (Gain Endurance, Diehard and Heroic Defiance as bonus feats)
- Shout of Ecstacy (9d6 sonic dmg and deafen 1d4 rnds, fort save for 1/2 dmg and no deafen, 15' cone, 3/day)
- Uplifting Joy (Fly 90/perfect, 18 min/day)

Skills 90 +18 favored?
Knowledge History
Knowledge Planes
Knowledge Religion
Sense Motive

Oracle CL 18, Base DC 16+lvl
1 - 6/6, 2 - 6/6, 3 - 6/6, 4 - 6/6, 5 - 6/6, 6 - 6/6, 7 - 6/6, 8 - 5/5, 9 - 3/3

0 - 9, Create Water, Purify Food, Detect Magic, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidence, Light, Mending, Spark, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound
1 - 5, Bless, Tap Inner Beauty, Sanctuary, Command, Moment of Greatness, Divine Favor, Cure Light Wounds
2 - 5, Admonishing Ray, Align Weapon, Early Judgement, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon, Levitate, Minor Image, Hideous Laughter,

Cure Moderate Wounds
3 - 4, Good Hope, Archon's Aura, Magic Circle vs Evil, Prayer, Protection vs Energy, Cure Serious Wounds
4 - 4, Death Ward, Cure Critical Wounds, Divination, Blessing of Fervor, Freedom of Movement, Restoration
5 - 4, Telekinesis, Dance of 100 Cuts, Cleanse, Commune, ?, ?
6 - 3, Joyful Rapture, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal, ?
7 - 3, Reverse Gravity, Waves of Ecstacy, Greater Restoration, Holy Word, Resurrection
8 - 2, Euphoric Tranquility, Greater Angelic Aspect, Greater Spell Immunity
9 - 1, Overwhelming Presence, Summon Monster IX

Cash: 0

Something, 65k

Mithril Chain Mail Shirt +5, +9 AC, ACP 0, 10lbs
Mithril Large Shield +5, +7 AC, ACP 0, 5lbs

+2 Charisma Book, 54k
Eyes of the Dragon, 110k
Belt +6 Dex, Con, 90k
Headband +6 Cha, Wis, 90k
Ring of Protection +5, 50k
Cloak of Resistance +5, 25k
Gauntlets of Skill at Arms, 30k
Drinking Horn of Bottomless Valor, 24k
Handy Haversack, 2k


I'm thinking of making her a dex/finesse melee fighter, who depends on self-buffs for some truly sick effects. LOTS of party support...this build can dish out bonuses on bonuses. A few clerical blasts, but not really focused on that. All the big heals.

And of course, if we need help, you can Summon an Astral freaking Deva or Trumpet Archon to lend a hand.

Wow, thanks! Hmm, I had only considered her being a healing and spell type and not as much a physical ... Fighter. Is she still a follower of Sune or did you change that? I will look it over tomorrow and get more into the mind set :)


First Post
That's for you to tell me. :)

But I think the Joy Mystery is pretty well suited for a follower of Sune.

Don't pay too much attention to the inventory. It's way out of whack. I also found an awesome feat for her!


Queen of Everything
SCBAMF. Love it. Make sure you find a hot chic as your image for the game, Queenie.

That's for you to tell me. :)

But I think the Joy Mystery is pretty well suited for a follower of Sune.

Don't pay too much attention to the inventory. It's way out of whack. I also found an awesome feat for her!

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] So, if we dropped the fighting, what would she really gain? The spells look awesome already but I may be skewed since I have only ever played one 18th level character and she was 3.5, so a LONG time ago.

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