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Home Brewed Stats for FR Characters...

Magus Darkholme

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Here are some home brewed stats for some of the characters from the Forgotten Realms Campaig Setting. Some I've converted from 2E, while others appeared in 3E material and I just re-wrote them.

Artemis Entreri: Male Human Ftr14/Rog5/Rgr1/Asn1; CR 21; Medium-size humanoid; HD 14d10+28, 5d6+10, 1d6+2; hp 138; Init +9; Spd 30 ft.; AC 22; Atk +22/+17/+12/+7 melee (2d8+7/18-20*3 Charon’s Claw) +23/+18 melee (1d4+8+life stealing/17-20*2 +4 defending dagger of life stealing); SA, death attack (fort DC 14), sneak attack +4d6, fight with two weapons; SQ, bonus feats, evasion, uncanny dodge (can’t be flanked), track, favored enemy (humans+1), locate traps, poison use; AL LE; SV Fort +16, Ref +17, Will +10; Str 14, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 13.

Skills and Feats: Balance+14, bluff+5, climb+12, decipher script+6, diplomacy+5, disable device+5, disguise+9, escape artist+8, forgery+6, gather information+6, handle animal+6, hide+15, intimidate+10, intuit direction+6, jump+12, knowledge (sword coast local)+8, listen+10, move silently+15, open lock+10, pick pocket+13, read lips+6, ride (horse)+13, search+12, sense motive+14, spot+10, swim+8, tumble+15, use magic device+9, use rope+12, wilderness lore+10/ blind-fight, combat reflexes, dodge, expertise, improved critical (dagger), improved critical (longsword), improved initiative, improved 2 weapon fighting, 2 weapon fighting, mobility, quick draw, spring attack, track, weapon focus (dagger), weapon focus (longsword), weapon specialization (dagger), weapon specialization (longsword), ambidexterity.

Special Qualities: Sneak Attack (Ex): Any time that Entreri’s target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when he flanks the target, his attack deals extra damage. Should he score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Evasion (Ex): If exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, Entreri takes no damage with a successful saving throw. Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Entreri retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker or if he is flanked. Death Attack: If Entreri studies a target for 3 or more rounds and then makes a sneak attack against them that successfully deals damage (the sneak attack must be made within 3 rounds after he is done studying the victim), the attack can also either paralyze or kill his opponent (Entreri’s choice). Paralysis lasts for 1d6+1 rounds. Poison Use: Artemis is trained in the use of poison, and never risks poisoning himself when applying poison to a blade. Favored Enemy: Entreri gets a +1 bonus on all bluff, listen, sense motive, spot and wilderness lore checks against humans. He also gets a +1 bonus to damage versus humans.

Spells Prepared: (1) 1st Level – detect poison.

Possessions: Charon’s Claw (minor artifact: +5 keen longsword/ At will, the wielder can make the sword radiate as a Blacklight spell cast by a 15th level sorcerer, with a radius of 20ft / At will, the sword can loose a trail of ash from the blade that provides concealment for the wielder, ¼ cover. This ability counts as a partial action. Each ash trail hangs in the air and lasts for 15 rounds before dissipating. / If a person touches the sword without wearing the protective gauntlet, he must immediately make a will save (DC 23) or be disintegrated, as the spell cast by a 15th level sorcerer. / On a successful critical hit, the victim must make a fortitude save (DC 23) or be disintegrated as the spell cast by a 15th level sorcerer), Magic Gauntlet (automatically absorbs all spells and powers that are only directed at the wielder.), +4 defending dagger of life stealing, , ring of protection +3, ring of protection +4, periapt of health, greater piwafwi (fire resistance 5, acts as a cloak of elvenkind and resistance+2).

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Magus Darkholme

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Drizzt Do’Urden: Male elf (drow); Ftr15/Bbn1/Rgr5 of Mielikki; CR 23; Medium-size humanoid; HD 15d10+30, 5d10+10; hp 150; Init +9; Spd 50 ft.; AC 23; Atk +26/+15/+10 melee (1d6+7+1d6 cold/18-20*2 Icingdeath), +25/+14 melee (1d6+5/18-20*2 twinkle), +26/+15/+10 ranged (1d8/*3 longbow); SQ, track, favored enemy (goblins+2, magical beasts+1), rage 1/day, fast movement; AL CG; SV Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +9; Str 14, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: climb+8, handle animal+9, hide+18, intuit direction+6, jump+9, knowledge (nature)+7, listen+20, move silently+22, ride (horse)+7, search+13, spot+18, use rope+7, wilderness lore+8/ ambidexterity, blind-fight, combat reflexes, dodge, improved initiative, improved 2 weapon fighting, mobility, quick draw, track, twin sword style, 2 weapon fighting, weapon focus (scimitar), weapon specialization (scimitar), improved critical (scimitar), expertise.

Special Qualities: Drow Traits (Ex): +2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities, darkvision 120 ft. Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds drow for 1 round. In addition, they suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and checks while operating in bright light. Rage: Drizzt can fly into a rage once per day. In this rage, he temporarily gains a +4 to str, +4 to con, +2 morale bonus on will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. The con increase raises Drizzt’s hp 2 per level, but these hp go away at the end of the rage. While raging, he cannot use skills or abilities that require concentration or patience. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + his newly improved con modifier. At the end of a rage, Drizzt is fatigued, for the duration of the encounter. Drizzt can only fly into a rage once per encounter. This ability is a free action. Fast Movement: Drizzt has a speed faster then normal for his race at +10 when wearing no armor, light armor or medium armor and when not carrying a heavy load. Spell-like Abilities: 1/day – dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 20th level sorcerer.

Spells Prepared: (1: base save =14) 1st Level – detect animals and plants.

Possessions: +4 mithral chainmail, Icingdeath (+3 frost scimitar), Twinkle (+2 defending scimitar), figurine of wondrous power: onyx panther (name Guenhwyvar), anklets of speed (+10 bonus to base speed).

Magus Darkholme

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Catti-brie: Female Human Ftr10; CR 10; Medium-sized humanoid HD 10d10+20; hp75; Init +8; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21; Atk +16/+11 melee (1d8+6/17-20*2 Kahzid’hea), +17/+12 ranged (1d8+5+1d6/17-20*4 Taulmaril) SQ, bonus feats; AL CG; SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +6; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 17.

Skills and Feats: Spot+8, listen+8, hide+7, move silently+7, search+6, diplomacy+5, tumble+5, ride (horse)+5, knowledge (Savage Frontier)+5/ exotic weapon proficiency (composite longbow), point blank shot, precise shot, far shot, rapid shot, dodge, mobility, shot on the run, mounted combat, improved initiative, mounted archery.

Possessions: Kahzid’hea (+4 keen longsword), Taulmaril the Heartseeker (+3 composite longbow +3), quiver of Anarial (endless supply of magical silver arrows +1d6 damage), circlet of starlight vision (darkvision 60ft), +3 mithril chain shirt.

Magus Darkholme

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Regis: Male Halfling Rog7; CR 7; Small humanoid HD 7d6+7; hp32; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16; Atk +7 melee (1d6+3/*2 +1 light mace); SQ, sneak attack +4d6, evasion, uncanny dodge (dex bonus to AC, can’t be flanked); AL CG; SV Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16.

Skills and Feats: Hide+10, move silently+10, listen+10, spot+10, pick pocket+10, bluff+10, gather information+5, diplomacy+5, search+10, sense motive+5, disable device+5, perform+5, open lock+5/ dodge, alertness, combat reflexes, improved initiative.

Special Qualities: Sneak Attack (Ex): Any time that Regis’ target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when he flanks the target, his attack deals extra damage. Should he score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Evasion (Ex): If exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, Regis takes no damage with a successful saving throw. Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Regis retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker or if he is flanked. Regis can also not be flanked; he can react to opponents on either side of him as easily as he could react to a single attacker.

Possessions: Ruby Pendant (all those who look at it must make a will save (DC 20) or be affected as though by a charm spell cast by a 15th level sorcerer. There is no limit to the number of times this ability can be used per day.), +1 light mace, boots of move silently (+4 bonus on move silently checks).

Magus Darkholme

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Wulfgar: Male Human Ftr10/Bbn2; CR 12; Medium-size humanoid HD 2d12+10 plus 10d10+50; hp 122; Init +6; Spd 40 ft.; AC 15; Atk melee +24/+17 (3d8+12 /19–20*3, Aegis Fang); SQ, Rage 1/day, Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge (dex bonus), Bonus Feats; AL CG; SV Fort +15, Ref +5, Will +5; Str 24, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 16.

Skills and Feats: Climb+10, Craft (weaponsmithing)+5, Jump+8, Ride (horse)+5, Intimidate+12, Listen+5, Wilderness Lore+5, Spot+5, Diplomacy+5, Swim+5; Weapon Proficiency (warhammer), Weapon Focus (warhammer), Weapon Specialization (warhammer), Improved Initiative, Quick Draw, Dodge, Mobility, Expertise, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Power Attack, Endurance, Combat Reflexes.

Special Qualities: Human Traits: 1 extra feat at first level, 4 extra skill points at first level and one extra skill point at each additional level. Rage: Wulfgar can fly into a screaming blood rage once per day. In this rage, he temporarily gains a +4 to str, +4 to con, +2 morale bonus on will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. The con increase raises Wulfgar’s hp 2 per level, but these hps go away at the end of the rage. While raging, he cannot use skills or abilities that require concentration or patience. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + his newly improved con modifier. At the end of a rage, Wulfgar is fatigued, for the duration of the encounter. Wulfgar can only fly into a rage once per encounter. This ability is a free action. Uncanny Dodge: Wulfgar retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker or if he is flanked. Fast Movement: Wulfgar has a speed faster then normal for his race at +10 when wearing no armor, light armor or medium armor and when not carrying a heavy load. Bonus Feats: At first level for the fighter class, Wulfgar gains a bonus feat. He gains an additional bonus feat at second level and at every 2 levels thereafter. These bonus feats must be drawn from the list on page 37 of the Player’s Handbook.

Possessions: Aegis Fang (+5 Warhammer of Calling; also using a full attack action, Wulfgar can throw Aegis Fang using his main att bonus with a range of 40ft.).

Magus Darkholme

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Sammaster: male human lich Wiz20/Acm5/Epic5; CR 32; Medium-size undead; HD 20d12; hp 130; Init +9; Spd 30 ft.; AC 30; Atk +15 melee (Touch 1d8+3+paralysis (Fort DC 27)+Despair (Will DC 27) melee), +15/+8 melee (1d6/1d6+5-*2 Staff of Power); SA fear aura, paralyzing touch, despair, grasp of death, command undead; SQ undead traits, damage reduction 15/+1, SR 28, turn resistance+4, darkvision 60ft, immunities, archmage high arcana; AL NE; SV Fort +12, Ref +17, Will +24; Str 16, Dex 20, Con --, Int 30, Wis 22, Cha 20.

Skills and Feats: Concentration+30, spellcraft+30, knowledge (arcane)+30, knowledge (necrology and netherworld)+30, knowledge (history)+30, knowledge (local)+30, alchemy+15, hide+18, move silently+22, spot+28, listen+28, sense motive+28, bluff+15, diplomacy+15, scry+30/ scribe scroll, craft wondrous item, forge ring, craft staff, spell penetration, quicken spell, maximize spell, improved counterspell, silent spell, still spell, eschew materials, combat casting, improved initiative.

Special Abilities: Fear Aura: Sammaster is shrouded in an aura of death and evil. Creatures less than 5HD in a 60ft radius that look upon him must make a will save (DC 27) or be affected as though by fear cast by a 20th level sorcerer. Paralyzing Touch: Any living creature Sammaster touches must make a fort save (DC 27) or become permanently paralyzed. Despair: In addition to the damage and paralysis, Sammaster’s touch also has the effect of an emotion (despair) spell (will DC 27). Grasp of Death: Once per day, Sammaster can shroud his hand in a nimbus of black flame that remains until he touches someone. A character touched must make a fort save (DC 27) or die instantly. Command Undead: Sammaster can command undead as an 20th level evil cleric. Undead Traits: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain or death from massive damage. Immunities: Being a lich, Sammaster is immune to cold, electricity, polymorph and mind-affecting attacks. Archmage High Arcana: arcane reach, mastery of counterspelling, mastery of elements, mastery of shaping, spell power+1. Epic Level Benefits: Bonus spell level *5.

Wizard Spells Prepared: (4/7/7/6/6/5/5/3/4/5/1/1/1/1/1) save DC = 20 + spell level. Sammaster has a wide variety of attack, defensive, and utility spells, included quickened teleport without error, quickened meteor swarm, and quickened time stop. All of Sammaster’s spells are prepared with the Eschew Material feat if necessary and possible, and many are prepared with the maximize, silent and still spell feats.
Sammaster’s Spellbook: Sammaster is probably one of the most powerful liches on the face of Faerun, and as such, has spellbooks that contain all arcane spells listed in the Player’s Handbook, the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Magic of Faerun, and any other source the DM deems appropriate.

Possessions: Bracers of natural armor+6, ring of dragons, headband of intellect+2, belt of proof against detection and location (as amulet), cloak of resistance+4, staff of power, pearl of power (recall one eighth level spell), potion of evil dragon control (3doses), boots of flying (four hours per day), wand of dominate monster (20charges), wand of chain lightning (20charges), ring of three wishes, wand of delayed blast fireball (20charges), wand of create greater undead (15charges), gloves of freedom of movement. Ioun Stones: light orange rhomboid (etherealness 1hour per day), dark purple triangle (as ring of wizardry 3), dark purple octagon (as ring of wizardry 4), blood red spheroid (+4 luck bonus to AC).

Magus Darkholme

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Jalynfein, “The Spider Mage”: Male Elf (drow) Wiz20/Acm5/Epic2; CR 28; Medium-size humanoid; HD 20d4+40; hp 90; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 26; Atk melee +17/+10 melee (1d4+2+poison/19-20*2 +2 dagger of venom); SA spell-like abilities; SQ drow traits, epic level benefits, archmage high arcana; AL CN; SV Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +20; Str 15, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 10.

Skills and Feats: spot+19, listen+19, hide+20, move silently+20, concentration+25, knowledge (arcana)+25, knowledge (Menzoberranzan local)+20, knowledge (nobility and royalty)+20, knowledge (religion)+20, spellcraft+25, alchemy+20, search+15, diplomacy+10, bluff+10/ skill focus (spellcraft), spell focus (evocation), spell focus (illusion), spell penetration, greater spell penetration, dodge, combat casting, combat reflexes, scribe scroll, craft wondrous item, quicken spell, silent spell, still spell.

Special Qualities: Drow Traits: +2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities/ darkvision 120 ft. Light Blindness: Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds drow for 1 round. In addition, they suffer a –1 circumstance penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and checks while operating in bright light. Archmage High Arcana: arcane reach, mastery of counterspelling, mastery of elements, mastery of shaping, spell power+1. Epic Level Benefits: Bonus spell level *2.
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day – dancing lights, faerie fire, and darkness.
Also, once a day, Jalynfein can perform a summon swarm spell (spiders only). For the duration of the spell, Jalynfein’s disfigured face, which is normally concealed behind a featureless gray cloth mask, is transformed into a writhing mass of long spidery legs, and is lit by a flickering purple and orange faerie fire radiance.
Also, do to a magical experiment, if Jalynfein breaks one of his fingers and utters the command word, the finger is consumed, but it unleashes a burst of 24 magic missiles.

Spells Known: (4/6/5/9/5/4/3/2/3/4/1/1) Save DC = 16 + spell level. Being a master of Sorcere, and the most powerful mage in Menzoberranzan, The Spider Mage has access to all the spells listed in the Player’s Handbook, Magic of Faerun, and any other source the DM deems apt.
Jalynfein has a good mix of attack, defense, and illusion spells memorized. He usually has a quickened delayed blast fireball and a silent mislead spell ready in case he is up against a large group of foes or has to retreat.

Possessions: +2 dagger of venom (1/day – inflicts a poison spell (DC 15) on a creature struck.) +2 elven chain shirt, ring of protection+2, amulet of natural armor+4 (as bracers), wand of lightning bolt (6d6 – 20charges), wand of summon monster 5 (15charges), ring of freedom of movement, potion of cure critical wounds (2doses), headband of mind shielding (as ring), belt of wizardry 3 (as ring), greater piwafwi, boots of elvenkind.
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