I’ve been frustrated with the Monk… basically forever. So I decided to make a monk that is SAD rather than MAD.
The flavor is very cool and I understand that a lot of people have had a lot of fun playing Monks… some have even claimed that Monks are OP. With respect, that’s factually untrue. They were underpowered in AD&D, D&D 3.5, OG Pathfinder and they’re underpowered in 5e. As a matter of pure indisputable math, monks in D&D have always been underpowered in almost every way. There is not a single thing that the monk is better at than anyone else, except for (in some cases) movement speed, so – as the old joke goes – they can be useless all over the battlefield.
If you feel differently, that’s cool. I’ll just point you to this video instead of arguing with you.
I ran the math, and the current UA playtest Monk is somewhat DPR balanced, but still suffers from MAD and still shoehorns players into the same DEX/WIS/CON twink build if they want to be halfway viable. It also is a complete dud when you run out of ki. If anyone wants, I can share the DPR math. There were a few good ideas in there that I stole to make my SAD monk.
The Pathfinder Unchained Monk is also actually pretty cool and I took some inspiration from there too. I can’t say much about DPR etc., but it offers a lot of really cool options.
So here’s what I wanted to achieve:
Link to Google Doc with latest edits.
The flavor is very cool and I understand that a lot of people have had a lot of fun playing Monks… some have even claimed that Monks are OP. With respect, that’s factually untrue. They were underpowered in AD&D, D&D 3.5, OG Pathfinder and they’re underpowered in 5e. As a matter of pure indisputable math, monks in D&D have always been underpowered in almost every way. There is not a single thing that the monk is better at than anyone else, except for (in some cases) movement speed, so – as the old joke goes – they can be useless all over the battlefield.
If you feel differently, that’s cool. I’ll just point you to this video instead of arguing with you.
I ran the math, and the current UA playtest Monk is somewhat DPR balanced, but still suffers from MAD and still shoehorns players into the same DEX/WIS/CON twink build if they want to be halfway viable. It also is a complete dud when you run out of ki. If anyone wants, I can share the DPR math. There were a few good ideas in there that I stole to make my SAD monk.
The Pathfinder Unchained Monk is also actually pretty cool and I took some inspiration from there too. I can’t say much about DPR etc., but it offers a lot of really cool options.
So here’s what I wanted to achieve:
- Fix the MADness. That means you can make a functional build with one primary attribute – probably Wisdom – and one secondary attribute that you can wait until higher levels to boost. With my SAD monk, there are 7 optimal combinations.
- Allow diversity of builds. Fantasy storytelling of Eastern mysticism, wuxia, and kenjutsu/ninjitsu have an incredible diversity in the way they portray martial arts practitioners. I wanted a way to play Monks that are beefy, devious, intimidating or strong in addition to the standard DEX/WIS twink we usually have in D&D.
- Make it rewarding to multiclass, but not TOO rewarding too early. I tried to make the Monk workable from the get-go, but not so front-loaded in power that everyone would be tempted to take a 2-level dip.
- Bring the DPR up in line with other classes. I succeeded in making the baseline Monk – with no ki expenditure – slightly above Treantmonk’s baseline and roughly on par with a PAM halberd Fighter. I built a lot of flexibility in so, for instance, an optimized high-level Monk can be just slightly less than DPR-competitive with an optimized Fighter if you sacrifice defense.
- Keep it balanced overall. Meaning that, when possible, I gave the Monk abilities that match word-for word those given to other classes at the same level and otherwise tried to keep class features in line with them.
- A capstone that fits with the theme. I might have overturned this one a tad, but does it really matter at 20th level? I think it’s reasonably balanced given what we have to work with. It's tied to concentration, so one good bump in combat and it goes bye-bye.
Link to Google Doc with latest edits.
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