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Homebrew Campaign - Rebirth of Time officially started!

Arctic Wolf

First Post
Hello all, hope everyone is having a nice day. Since I finally started my campaign I feel like it would be an interesting read, so I decided to post it here. Hope you enjoy it :)

A few of the characters weren't there but I decided to start anyways. So our campaign begins with the PCs, who are lvl 12, finally completing their six year training and are having a good rest before they start their first mission. They're basically a special ops force that was scouted by the head general of the Kingdom. Their queen is on a diplomatic mission with the neighboring Harmonian Kingdom since there are some border disputs. Since she is one of the most powerful people there, and few people would dare launch an assult, especially with General Nihail there. But their general is currently out inspecting the naval base a few kilometers away, so their capital in vurnerable to attack.

The PCs are as follows: Hemlock- Male Pixie Assassin (executioner)
Dogwood- Male Pixie Ranger
Sparrowhawk- Male Pixie Wizard (arcanist)
Runak- Female Half-Orc Storm sorceress
Avonmora- Female Hamadryad Wizard (Sha'ir)
Nalla- Female Goliath Warden
Relic Walle- Warforged Fighter (Slayer)

:):):):) hits the fan when one of the guardsmen runs inside the barracks and informs them that they are under attack by the green dragon brood they supposedly made a treaty with a few years back. This treaty was made because their territory is located in one of the Kingdom's provinces and they wanted to avoid bloodshed. After he tells them of the attack and runs back out because Dogwood finds a chance to hit on him, they devise a plan to make it to the outer castle walls since the inner ones' portals don't link up with them, and to make sure the arcane cannons are still working.

Luckily, the whole city was prepared for battle since they knew that both the queen and the general were going to be gone at the same time. The squad's leader, Hemlock, tells Avonmora, Sparrowhawk, Dogwood, and Runak to each go to a tower and then meet up at the south gate since that is where they heard that they are being hit the most and could make them the most vurnerable to Harmonia if they can't make a treaty.

As Hemlock leaves the base to get to the south gate asap, he runs into a young green dragon and manages to finish it off with a dagger to the throat. This made him a bit supicious since normally, dragons are a pain in the ass to kill. Since he couldn't get in contract with any of his squard mates, he decides to put this thought off until they all get to the south gate.

Avonmora makes her way to the northeast tower but gets pinned down in the Arms District by four of the dragons that are trying to ambush her. She manages to take out two of them by using her ray of frost and hitting one as it peeks around the corner of a building and the one of top of an adjacent building by bouncing it off a window. After her attack, Avonmora gets charged by one and gets sent flying backwards and that is when the other one strikes, but thanks to a poor roll, he ends up swallowing his own breath weapon and killing himself. After she finishes off the one that charged her, she proceeds to the tower.

Runak towards the southwest tower when she sees 5 dragons harrassing civilians who are trying to make their way to the underground bunkers. In the city they have magically sealed spiral stair-cases on every street corner and they open up when the city is being attacked. She uses her lightning strike and takes out two of them but recieves an attack from one of the nearby ones and knocks her down. She manages to dispatch him but just as the other two are closing in, the inner tower takes them out and saves her. The guards help her up and tell her that she is needed in the farmlands just outside the city.

Dogwood goes for the southeast tower and manages to stop the inner tower on that side from being destroyed by sharpshooting 4 dragons out of the sky. At the same time Sparrowhawk who is making his way to the northwest tower is attacked by three dragons. He manages to send his owlbear to deal with one and focuses on the other two. He gets hit by a flyby dragon breath but responds with a flame pillar that he manages to arch to hit both of them in the air. Just as he is about to leave, an adult dragon attempts to take him out, but is pierced by a black necrotic energy spear and dies instantly. He looks up and see that Nihail is back from his naval inspection, and is pretty pissed that the dragons have decided to turn on their treaty. He then casts an incantation to allow Sparrowhawl's owlbear fly and casts another one that allows the squad to telepathically talk to each other. He tells him to get to the south gate asap while he takes care of the dragons that are in the inner city.

Sparrowhawk and Hemlock meet up in the farmlands and manage to take down fifteen dragons with Sparrowhawk's flame scythe to get their attention and Hemlock's hidden blade to finish them off. Hemlock manages to stab one in the breast where the stomach meets as it is about to use its breath weapon and has it hit one of it's own kind and killing it. The one that was left flies away after Hemlock intimidates it.

After they inform each other of what is going on, everyone except Avonmora goes to the south gate since they are leaving the west one alone. Avonmora finally gets to the northeast tower to find out that the main cannon needs to be repaired. She takes about 10 minutes to repair but during this time the rest of the squad meet up with a artilary unit and position them to take down an elder green dragon. Hemlock manages to sneak behind it and strikes it to get its attention and the artiliary opens fire along with Dogwood, Sparrohawk, and Runak, and uterly destroying the dragon. The Brigadier General informs them that the artillary devision has finally arrived from the west gate and will mop up whats left. Then, after Avonmora senses a really powerful arcane presence coming, she tells them to go to the east gate.

When they get to the east gate, they see that it is in shambles and part of the wall has collapsed. The wizards aren't even able to get close to fix it because of the dragons. So they devise another plan and manage to clear the wall and as they do that, some of the heavier cannons arrive early and take out three of the five elder dragons there. Avonmora responds again about the arcane presence.....it is an ancient green dragon, and it is just casually walking towards the capital just to mock them with his power. So Hemlock wants to try his previous strategy he used on that elder dragon again and they set to work on pulling it off after Avonmora gets to the gate they are at. Before Hemlock gets into position, they witness the ancient dragon use his breath weapon and watch as hundreds of their men die. Hemlock uses the corpses as cover to sneak toward the dragon and goes in for the kill. As Hemlock goes to strike the ancient dragon he gets disrupted because it has noticed him and beat him back by flapping his wings! The cannons and rest of the squard open fire but it is to no avail because the dragon uses the sound pressure of its roar to dispurse the attack. It then uses a different frequency to break their leg bones and immolize all of them.

In a mocking tone, the brood father introduces himself as Fel and tells them that they will all die for taking the land of his kin. As he finishes and prepares for another breath weapon attack, a blast of necrotic energy consumes half of the dragon and severely injures him. Nihail has joined the main battle and has used one of his artifacts given to him by the Raven Queen, Devoro. It is basically a halbred but the entire blade is made up from magically energy focused into it by the user. He tells the dragons to get the hell out of there, otherwise he will be forced to commit genocide on them for breaking their treaty and in his mind he knows that the brood father could destroy the walls before he could kill him. As the green dragons retreat, Nihail gets a medic to take them to the hospital to treat their injuries. After they awaken from their treatment, Nihail tells them that what they did was commendable and that their mission will be pushed back until they have fully recovered. They ask him what will they do about the green dragons since they have betrayed them and laid seige to their capital, but Nihail tells them not to worry and that it has been taken care of. He notes that they wouldn't dare attack again unless they seek to die, at least for awhile, since he has gravely injured their brood father.

He explains that their mission will be to find out what happened to the townsfolk of a new town they were trying to repopulate. The funny thing about this town was that 300 yeard ago it was cleared out by some brash adventurers since all the citizens were under a simple curse (who were our old characters from a previous campaign). They sent in some people to see what was going on three weeks ago but haven't heard from them in two weeks. He also says that they have heard rumors of the group called the 5 Terrors that are said to be in the area and to take care of it, but if they have to retreat, come back because they can't afford to lose their elite troops since it takes so long to train new ones.

As you can see I didn't use real dragon stats otherwise it would of taken forever to complete. I just wanted them to have a bit of fun since it is the prologue. Hopefully we will have a session next week and we shall start the mission. :)

Session 2

Sorry all, I have been a bit lazy in wanting to write everything down and a lot has happened in rl too xD. I know this one is a bit shorter but we ended up starting a bit later, anyways here is the break down of session 2.

Finally after the team has recovered from there wounds from the green dragons, they are sent to Shrine of Fallen Heroes, which is a small monastery that honor the people who gave up their lives in the past few wars, to use as a base of operations and talk to the local monk there for information. Thanks to a transport that was heading in that general direction, it took them two days to reach it. As they got inside, Sparrowhawk and Dogwood felt a bit uneasy about the place and the monk but strugged it off as the usual stuff that happens at a buriel site. The monk whose name was Moran, told them about the sightings he has seen close to the outskirts of the abondaned town. He mentioned seeing a weird tenticled man, a small boy, a fire-user, and a Yuan-ti knight who Hemlock recognized as one of the guards his foster father had while he was raising him. Also, he told everyone that this yuan-ti had a connection to Zehir and can use some of his divine posion to destroy his enemies.

Before they could get on to futher details, Moran seemed to have a weird convulsion and hit the floor. He told them that these convulsions have recently started and he is not sure why. Moran then sends them off to retrieve the medicine he has been taking at the bottom of the crpyt. Everyone was supicious after this esepcially Dogwood who noticed his eyes glowing for a bit while he was telling them about the medicine. Once they got down to the first basement floor by a secret staircase they found out that they had to solve four riddles to get to the bottom. I used skill checks at level 1 since I don't have much experience with them and it worked well. After Hemlock, Sparrowhawk, Runak, and Avonmora solved the riddles they got to the basement floor. Iratus, a dragonborn blackguard who joined them on the way there, tried to kill a rat that was descrating a grave at the bottom but missed horribly because he used his Death Angel spell and didn't notice the wards that were inscribed all over the place to prevent anything that infects the dead.

After that shenangian, they had to get past one final ward and managed to do it easily. Once it went down they came upon a room with scrolls of cleric and wizard spells everywhere. Then they were attacked by what appeared to be a scroll monster and the people who were upstairs watching the monk came down, but this is what the monk wanted because as they turned around they saw the monk on the already on the second basement level floor. After some religion checking, they found out that he was being possed by a very powerful spirit in the crypt and that it was trying to permenantly take over his body and that the parchment creature was his construct. They tried to find his grave to stop the ritual but ended up failing because it was under the pile of scrolls. The spirit was finally free and told them that he was going to take revenage on the Harmonian Kingdom for what they did to him but was cut off when they tried to attack him. He deflected all their blows, except one from Dogwood. He knocked him out and then ran away and left the PCs in wonder on what happened.
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Arctic Wolf said:
The PCs are as follows: Hemlock- Male Pixie Assassin (executioner)
Dogwood- Male Pixie Ranger
Sparrowhawk- Male Pixie Wizard (arcanist)
Runak- Female Half-Orc Storm sorceress
Avonmora- Female Hamadryad Wizard (Sha'ir)
Nalla- Female Goliath Warden
Relic Walle- Warforged Fighter (Slayer)

Good to see your campaign has kicked off! But...3 pixies?!? I am so sorry.

Arctic Wolf

First Post
Good to see your campaign has kicked off! But...3 pixies?!? I am so sorry.
Thanks and yeah, I am sorry too xD. Kinda makes things a bit...more interesting but I will make it work out. I should have never showed them the heroes of the feywild book lol :p. It sucks though that the warforged might not be coming back since when we have the campaign he is in a different county xD

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