D&D 5E Homebrew: Limiting spell slot recovery when suffering from exhaustion levels?


I'm trying to find/construct a reasonable and reasonably easy mechanic to limit spell slot recovery after long rest, if the spell caster is suffering from exhaustion levels before said long rest (in addition to the normal exhaustion effects).

Firstly, RAW, I don't think there is anything limiting spellcaster spell recovery when having the exhaustion condition, correct? I have tried to find stuff online, but most discussions revolve around "overcasting", i.e. enabling casters to cast spells after having spent all slots in exchange for exhaustion levels.

Now in my case, the caster finds him/herself in a desert, unable to get access to water, gaining exhaustion levels simply from thirst... I find it reasonable that under such circumstances I should have a homebrew rule limiting spell slot recovery... ideally more sever with every level of exhaustion.

So what does the community think about the following easy mechanic:
Loss of the top 2 available spell levels plus loss of 5 spell slots

In practice, it will be exceedingly rare for a character to gain more than 1-2 exhaustion levels, so I think this is reasonable?

Obviously pretty bad at low levels, but still manageable at higher levels, unless you gain 3 or more exhaustion levels, at which point your casting abilities will be severely compromised...?

What does the community think? Happy to listen to any other mechanics that are easily explainable...

PS: As a potential corollary I could also imagine introducing an overcasting homebrew rule, as per above, although the "logic" does not necessarily call for one. I.e. 1 level of exhaustion per 2 levels of spell level cast up to level 6 and 1 level of exhaustion after that, so that i.e. casting level 6 spell = 3 levels of exhaustion, and casting level 9 = 6 levels of exhaustion = death.

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Exhaustion (when used sufficiently) IME is penalizing enough, especially when with each added level you are one step closer to death.

In a fashion similar to @overgeeked and with @Helldritch's concern for balance, perhaps a simple rule would be:

You cannot recover features equal to your maximum class level(s) less your levels of exhaustion. (wording needs work).

For example, you are a 5th level caster with 2 levels of exhaustion. You can only recover spells slots or other class features as 3rd level (5th level - 2 for the levels of exhaustion). So, you could not recover your 3rd level spell slots, but you could recover 1st and 2nd level spell slots. Such a Wizard using Arcane Recovery would not recover as a...
Likely easier to go with one level of exhaustion is one level of spells gone, starting at the top. You get up to five exhaustion before dying. Even with five levels gone, you’re still only dealing with level 1-4 spells on a 20th-level caster. Seems neutered enough. It’s always the top level that’s most disruptive anyway, no matter what level it is.

Will you gimp fighter ability recovery too?
No more second wind at 1st level of exhaustion.
At two level of exhaustion then no more action surge?

And the rogue? No more expertise? Then no more sneak?
Why would you want to gimp a caster in such a way? The penalties for exhaustion are simply hard enough as is.

If you really want to go this way, make a rule that will affect everyone equally. Such as:

"When in you have an exhaustion level, you get no recovery of short or long rest abilities if you are still in exhaustion at the end of your rest." Easy to remember and easy to implement. You could even go this way.
Level of exhaustion at the end of long rest:
1) No more HP recovered.
2) No more short rest ability recovered.
3) No more long rest ability recovered.
This way all classes are affected equally. All classes will fear exhaustion.

Exhaustion (when used sufficiently) IME is penalizing enough, especially when with each added level you are one step closer to death.

In a fashion similar to @overgeeked and with @Helldritch's concern for balance, perhaps a simple rule would be:

You cannot recover features equal to your maximum class level(s) less your levels of exhaustion. (wording needs work).

For example, you are a 5th level caster with 2 levels of exhaustion. You can only recover spells slots or other class features as 3rd level (5th level - 2 for the levels of exhaustion). So, you could not recover your 3rd level spell slots, but you could recover 1st and 2nd level spell slots. Such a Wizard using Arcane Recovery would not recover as a 5th level wizard, but as a 3rd level wizard while suffering these two levels of exhaustion. However, the Arcane Recovery feature, itself, could be recovered once used since it is a 2nd level feature.

If you were a 3rd level fighter with 2 levels of exhaustion, you could only recover features as a 1st level fighter (again, 3rd level - 2 for the levels of exhaustion). Such a character could recover Second Wind, but not Action Surge. Once 1 level of exhaustion is recovered, not this fighter can recovery Action Surge.

This way all classes are potentially restricted by the rule.

Likely easier to go with one level of exhaustion is one level of spells gone, starting at the top. You get up to five exhaustion before dying. Even with five levels gone, you’re still only dealing with level 1-4 spells on a 20th-level caster. Seems neutered enough. It’s always the top level that’s most disruptive anyway, no matter what level it is.
Thank you - yeah, it's sure easier this way, and I thought about this also but found that not limiting the amount of slots is perhaps a loophole, especially, if it's only one exhaustion point that the character suffers... anyway, it's a slightly different flavour but the same recipe. Thank you B-)

Will you gimp fighter ability recovery too?
No more second wind at 1st level of exhaustion.
At two level of exhaustion then no more action surge?

And the rogue? No more expertise? Then no more sneak?
Why would you want to gimp a caster in such a way? The penalties for exhaustion are simply hard enough as is.

If you really want to go this way, make a rule that will affect everyone equally. Such as:

"When in you have an exhaustion level, you get no recovery of short or long rest abilities if you are still in exhaustion at the end of your rest." Easy to remember and easy to implement. You could even go this way.
Level of exhaustion at the end of long rest:
1) No more HP recovered.
2) No more short rest ability recovered.
3) No more long rest ability recovered.
This way all classes are affected equally. All classes will fear exhaustion.
very good points... that said, the current restrictions due to exhaustion are mostly physical in nature, and therefore will tend to disadvantage non-casters more than casters, who can stay out of battles more easily while still being effective through their spells... that's why initially I was only thinking about spell casting abilities...

Exhaustion (when used sufficiently) IME is penalizing enough, especially when with each added level you are one step closer to death.

In a fashion similar to @overgeeked and with @Helldritch's concern for balance, perhaps a simple rule would be:

You cannot recover features equal to your maximum class level(s) less your levels of exhaustion. (wording needs work).

For example, you are a 5th level caster with 2 levels of exhaustion. You can only recover spells slots or other class features as 3rd level (5th level - 2 for the levels of exhaustion). So, you could not recover your 3rd level spell slots, but you could recover 1st and 2nd level spell slots. Such a Wizard using Arcane Recovery would not recover as a 5th level wizard, but as a 3rd level wizard while suffering these two levels of exhaustion. However, the Arcane Recovery feature, itself, could be recovered once used since it is a 2nd level feature.

If you were a 3rd level fighter with 2 levels of exhaustion, you could only recover features as a 1st level fighter (again, 3rd level - 2 for the levels of exhaustion). Such a character could recover Second Wind, but not Action Surge. Once 1 level of exhaustion is recovered, not this fighter can recovery Action Surge.

This way all classes are potentially restricted by the rule.
This is an excellent way, thank you, taking the previous replies further with good logic... I can't wait for the howlings in protest at my table... ;-)

This is an excellent way, thank you, taking the previous replies further with good logic... I can't wait for the howlings in protest at my table... ;-)
it's even better the more I think about it, it harks back to the good old "lose one level" dreaded feature of the D&D rules of old... it was the most hated and nasty danger back then... :eek:

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