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Homemade Race Help


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A year ago or so, I posted here with a homemade race, and asked for help with it. I took in the criticisms, and remade the race below. What I need from you guys is your thoughts about the race- such as stuff I should keep, stuff I should change, or perhaps stuff I should simply trash, or if you thought it perfect (it never is), then feel free to say something as well.

Before I go into the fluff and statistics, I should mention that I made this race on the pretense of a few house rules, with the most important here being where I consider the Magical Sources to be coming from.

I scale some of the values differently, such that instead of (1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, etc.) its (1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.).

Also, I don't use Skill Ranks when it comes to skill specialization. When you become "trained" in a skill, you gain a +5 bonus to the skill, and all skills you are trained in, and can be used untrained, increase by +1 every 2 levels. To get better at those skills, you need the Skill Focus feat, and other feats to improve your skills, or perhaps get gear that improves them or something like that.

There is also Combat Maneuver Bonus/Defense, which is basically a reiteration of Opposed Strength checks when using moves like Sunder or Disarm.

Some more on "Magical" Sources: In my games, I took most sources of "magic" from the D&D 3.5 splatbooks, and came up with an origin for them.

Arcane Magic comes from the world itself, be the world a planet, a plane, a universe, its laws and/or chaos, or even directly from other beings.

Divine Magic comes from the essence of something, be it from a Deity, a source of power, a philosophy, a landscape, or even yourself (provided that worshiping yourself is even looked upon at all, but it doesn't stop some people from doing it).

Ki is the power of the Body, that is, it comes from the body of something. It could be a living person, a dead person, or even a landmass or galaxy if you prefer, so long as if it has a body. Ki is used a lot by Monks, Ninjas, and Samurai.

Psionics are the power of the Mind, that is, using one's mind to be directly tangible with the world around them. Anything can be psionic so long as it has a mind (or isn't cursed, but thats a whole other issue).

Incarnum is the power of the Soul, that is, it comes from the soul, or perhaps uses other's souls to manifest themselves into shapes and forms at the hands of a meldshaper. Anything with a soul, or anything that had a soul can learn to use Incarnum.

The last one is Transcendence. Transcendence is the power of overcoming all that is there to reality to do things that would otherwise not be physically impossible. Arcane Magic works with the world's power, while Transcendence bypasses the world's power to make your own power. Transcendence is used a lot by Swordsages, Warblades, and Crusaders (I'm not a fan of the term "Blade Magic", but to each their own).


With the above said, I think its about time to introduce my homemade race:

The Uhlure:

The Uhlure are a small sized race that are sensitive to all manner of extraphysical forces, be it Magic, Psionic, or even what is beyond those powers. Their communities are situated around fonts of such extraphysical power, such as for example, an ancient cathedral, or a tome enchanted with powerful magic, or even a significant amount of crystalized psionic power. The Uhlure gather around those sources like most living creatures gather around water sources.

Around their extraphysical power source, the Uhlure often become especially adept with the kind of power they gathered around as a community, but they also know better than to neglect all the other powers that exist around them.

As of such, no two Uhlure work with the exact same powers or the exact same sect of the same powers as their others.

Most often, the Uhlure see themselves as the watchers of powers, and if necessary, their guardians too. As of such, the Uhlure don't often leave home, but the few that do often do so to learn more of those powers, or to learn how to become a better watcher or guardian.

The Statistics, and a Forward: The primary reason I am bringing this race to you guys is because I'm making the racials in a way that I never have before. That is, picking your racial abilities from several lists of other powers. My main concern is in making sure that the racial system I'm making for it works.

  • -2 Strength, +2 Intelligence. Uhlure are highly intelligent, but their physical stature keeps them from being as physically strong as other races.
  • Small Humanoid
  • Speed: 20ft
  • Low-Light Vision
  • Strong in a Power: The Uhlure can choose 1 power type that they are especially strong with. This power type brings the Uhlure an additional bonus as detailed below.
    • Power of the World (Arcane Magic): Once per day, you can add +1d6 to any d20 roll in addition to all of that roll’s normal modifiers. You can add this bonus in addition to an Action Point if you use the Action Point system.
    • Power of Essence (Divine Magic): Once per Day, the Uhlure can, as a Standard Action, heal all allies within a 20ft radius of themselves for an amount of hitpoints equal to the Uhlure’s HD + Uhlure’s Constitution Modifier. The Uhlure using this ability does not get healed by it.
    • Power of the Body (Ki): Once per Day, the Uhlure can, as a Standard Action, heal themselves for an amount of hitpoints equal to ((2 x Uhlure’s HD) + Uhlure’s Constitution Modifier).
    • Power of the Mind (Psionics): Naturally Psionic: The Uhlure gains +2 Power Points, and can take up Psionic Feats.
    • Power of the Soul (Incarnum): The Uhlure gains +1 bonus Essentia.
    • Transcendence of Power: Once per day, you can reroll a failed d20 roll. You must keep the result of the reroll even if it is worse.
  • Presence of Power: The Uhlure can choose 2 additional power types that they did not choose for their Strong in a Power racial ability. The Uhlure gains 3 Racial Abilities between their 3 Power Sources (That is, the 1 power source chosen from Strong in Power, and the 2 additional power types that came from Presence of Power), but can only choose 1 Racial Ability per Power Source. The Uhlure can switch out their racial abilities, and redistribute them after 8 hours of consecutive rest.
    • Power of the World (Arcane Magic):
      • Arcane Infusion: All physical attacks the Uhlure makes are infused with elemental power. The Uhlure can choose 1 Elemental Damage type: Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Sonic, and Force. The Uhlure deals +2 additional damage per attack of that damage type if the Uhlure chooses Fire, Cold, Acid, or Electricity. But the Uhlure only deals +1 additional damage per attack if that damage type is Sonic or Force. The Uhlure can change damage types after 8 hours of rest. This ability does not function in an Anti-Magic field.
      • Arcane Understanding: The Uhlure can reroll any Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft check they make, but the result of the reroll must be taken even if it is worse.
      • Elemental Resilience: The Uhlure takes 2 damage less from any source that causes Fire, Cold, Electric, or Acid damage, but only 1 damage less from Sonic and Force damage sources.
      • Learned: The Uhlure gains a +2 Racial Bonus to all Knowledge checks. In addition, the Uhlure is treated as if trained in all Knowledge skills.
      • Magical Excess: The Uhlure is treated as if having +2 more Ability Score Points in a single ability score for the purposes of gaining bonus Arcane spells per day. This bonus does not apply to any other source of magic other than Arcane magic.
      • Magic Tricks: The Uhlure can use the following spells as Spell-Like Abilities once per day: Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, and Ghost Sound at a caster level equal to the Uhlure’s HD.
      • Temporal Celerity: The Uhlure moves at a speed that is +10ft more than the Uhlure’s speed. If the Uhlure were to carry a Medium or Heavy Load or wear Medium or Heavy Armor, then the Uhlure only gains +5ft more speed. This ability does not function in an Anti-Magic Field.
    • Power of Essence (Divine Magic):
      • Divine Excess: The Uhlure is treated as if having +2 more Ability Score Points in a single ability score for the purposes of gaining bonus Divine spells per day. This bonus does not apply to any other source of magic other than Divine magic.
      • Divine Understanding: The Uhlure can reroll any Knowledge (Religion) and Spellcraft check they make, but the result of the reroll must be taken even if it is worse.
      • Force of Personality: Gain a +3 Bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate Checks.
      • Instincts: The Uhlure gains a +3 bonus to all Perception and Survival checks.
      • Miracle Worker: The Uhlure gains the following spell-like abilities that can be used Once per Day: Cure Minor Wounds, Create Water, and Light. The caster level is equal to the Uhlure’s HD.
      • Natural Understanding: The Uhlure can reroll any Knowledge (Nature) and Spellcraft check they make, but the result of the reroll must be taken even if it is worse.
      • Sacred Aegis: The Uhlure reduces all physical damage they take by 2.
      • Spirited Casting: Whenever the Uhlure successfully casts a spell or manifests a power successfully, then the Uhlure becomes healed for a number of hitpoints equal to the spell’s or power’s level (always at least 1).
      • Spirited Combat: Whenever the Uhlure hits with a physical attack, the Uhlure becomes healed for 1 Hitpoint for every 5 above the target’s AC the Uhlure’s attack roll exceeds, but always at least 1 Hitpoint. This ability does not grant temporary hitpoints. This ability ceases to function in an anti-magic field.
    • Power of the Body (Ki):
      • Agile: The Uhlure gains a +3 Bonus to Acrobatics, and Sleight of Hand checks.
      • Athletic: The Uhlure gains a +2 Bonus to Climb, Jump, and Swim checks.
      • Bolstering Spells: Any friendly spell or power you cast on an ally also grants them a +1 Bonus to their AC in addition to other effects. This effect does not stack, and it goes away once the spell’s duration expires.
      • Nirvana: The Uhlure is treated as if having +2 more Ability Score Points in a single ability score for the purposes of gaining bonus Ki Points.
      • Piercing Attacks: Your physical attacks ignore up to a total of 2 DR of any kind on the target.
      • Stability: The Uhlure’s size is treated as being 1 size category larger than normal to resist Combat Maneuvers, such as Bull Rushing and Overrunning.
      • Stone Muscles: The Uhlure gains a Natural Armor Bonus of +1.
    • Power of the Mind (Psionics):
      • Controlled: The Uhlure gain a +3 bonus on Concentration and Autohypnosis checks.
      • Influencing: Any ability the Uhlure uses that grants a Morale bonus to an ally is amplified by +1 more than normal.
      • Mental Understanding: The Uhlure can reroll any Knowledge (Psionics) and Psicraft check it makes, but it must take the result of the reroll even if it is worse.
      • Mind Over Matter: The Uhlure’s spells ignore 2 SR on the enemy, and its powers ignore 2 PR on the enemy.
      • Psionic Expansion: The Uhlure is treated as if having +2 more Ability Score Points in a single ability score for the purposes of gaining bonus Power Points.
      • Psychic: The Uhlure gains a psi-like ability that can be used once per day: Empathy. Empathy’s power is as a manifester level equal to the Uhlure’s HD.
      • Wary: The Uhlure gains a +1 Racial Bonus to all of their Saving Throws.
    • Power of the Soul (Incarnum):
      • Aligned Spells: Any spell the Uhlure casts, and any power it manifests against a foe of an opposite alignment from theirs has its save DCs increased by +1 against them. True Neutral Uhlure that choose this ability gains a DC bonus against Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Evil, and Chaotic Evil foes.
      • Animal Empathy: Gain a +3 Bonus to Handle Animal and Ride checks.
      • Expressive: Gain a +2 Bonus to all types of Perform checks, and is considered Trained in all Perform skills.
      • Hardened Spirit: Gain +3 Hitpoints, +1 Hitpoint per HD of the Uhlure.
      • Improved Meldshaping: All soulmelds with Save DCs have their Save DCs increased by +1.
      • Overflowing Spirit: If you are affected by a beneficial Morale effect. That effect’s power is increased by +1 more than normal. Morale effects you put on yourself are not affected by Overflowing Spirit.
      • Strength of the Soul: The Uhlure can use their Constitution Modifier for their Melee and Ranged attack bonuses instead of their Strength and Dexterity Modifiers for them if they desire.
    • Transcendence of Power:
      • Ability Substitution: When the Uhlure has to roll an Ability check, they can substitute the ability being rolled with another ability of the Uhlure’s choosing once per day. For example, an Uhlure needs to make a Strength check to move a boulder, and this Uhlure has a poor strength score, but a good intelligence score. So, the Uhlure uses Ability Substitution, and turns the check from a Strength check to an Intelligence check to move that boulder.
      • Buy Time: Once per Day, the Uhlure can take an additional Move Equivalent Action in a single round.
      • Eyes and Ears: The Uhlure can reroll any Gather Information and Knowledge (local) check, but they must accept the result of the reroll even if it is worse.
      • Martial Defense: The Uhlure gains a +1 Racial Bonus to AC against all Martial Maneuvers.
      • Martial Offense: The Uhlure gains a +1 Racial Bonus to Attack Rolls for all Martial Maneuvers.
      • Save Substitution: When the Uhlure has to roll a Saving Throw, the Uhlure can choose to use a different Saving Throw bonus from the Saving Throw they have to roll once per day. The different saving throw bonus is treated as if it were the original saving throw being used for the purposes for abilities.
      • Skill Substitution: When the Uhlure has to roll a Skill check, they can substitute the skill being rolled with another skill they are trained in of their choice once per day. If the Uhlure is making a Skill check that requires trained use in the skill, and they go and substitute that skill with another, then the Uhlure takes a -5 penalty on the Skill check roll.

  • Automatic Languages: Common, Uhlure
  • LA: +0
  • Favored Class: Any that employs extraordinary power.

Let me know what you think. If something isn't clear, say something, and I'll see if I can't explain it.

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One of the things the designers have mentioned is that any race that grants a bonus to a mental stat should probably be at least a +1 LA, unless the setting is such that it's not too big of a problem such as with Grey Elves or if the lowered stat is Constitution such as with Spellscales from Races of the Dragon.

As far as the rest goes, if you had just left it with the Strong in a Power and not given the race any of the Presence of Power abilities, it'd probably work as a +0. Due to the complexity and flexibility of Presence of Power, however, it's definitely a +1 LA race and might even be +2 LA. Take a look at the Illumians from Races of Destiny to get an idea of what would be considered more acceptable for a "flexible" race like what you're going for, and keep in mind the Illumian feats as well. You could probably get away with having some (but not all) of the Presence of Power abilities be feats specifically for your race.


First Post
One of the things the designers have mentioned is that any race that grants a bonus to a mental stat should probably be at least a +1 LA, unless the setting is such that it's not too big of a problem such as with Grey Elves or if the lowered stat is Constitution such as with Spellscales from Races of the Dragon.

As far as the rest goes, if you had just left it with the Strong in a Power and not given the race any of the Presence of Power abilities, it'd probably work as a +0. Due to the complexity and flexibility of Presence of Power, however, it's definitely a +1 LA race and might even be +2 LA. Take a look at the Illumians from Races of Destiny to get an idea of what would be considered more acceptable for a "flexible" race like what you're going for, and keep in mind the Illumian feats as well. You could probably get away with having some (but not all) of the Presence of Power abilities be feats specifically for your race.
The Mental stat bonuses have never been a problem in my games, as I tend to DM the game such that both Mental and Physical stats have about the same clout, so it hasn't been a problem. Even though Intelligence also grants extra skills, and extra spells and power points, I found that those extra spells and power points end up being excess in any session- and so it ends up evening out.

And yeah, I originally had it so the Uhlure can pick 4 racials, but I felt that was too much, so I lowered it to 3.

I think making it at 2 would make the LA go back to +0, as there is the factor that these racials are more or less customizable.

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