Hope Never Dies - Part 1 : On the threshold of dawn


Kur watches the hawk land on the chimney suspiciously, that is not normal hawk activity. Could be an Alsindee majicker who turns himself into a hawk, or one of their scouts. Kur fingers his shiv and readies for a fight but upon hearing the friendly old voice he relaxes, breakfast it is then! And he didn't even have to sneak in to steal it.

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Saxon watches the hawk spiral down onto the chimney.

A hunting hawk... or a familiar, maybe?

Lichtenhart said:
"Wayfarers? Oh then we must invite them for breakfast. Please come forth, strangers, bless this old man with some company, there is surely food for all of you."

"Good morning!" Saxon replies to the source of the voice, "It's good to finally hear a friendly voice."

He makes his way around to the far side of the house.


Peregrine watches the hawk with interest, but his eyes are drawn down to the house as the voice emenates. He steps forward with the others.

"Thank you for your kind welcome."


George watches the hawk with interest as it descends down the chimney and responds to the kind voice.

"Greetings and thank you, for your hospitality."


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You walk around the house to find yourself in the the farmyard. In the middle you see a small table, about two feet high, with a little chair and three stools around it. The fourth stool is slowly making his way from the house floating in mid air. On the table there's brown bread still steaming, butter, two jars of honey, a basket of hazelnuts and two jugs of milk fresh from the cow.
You see the oven on your right, and from there a gnome comes forward with a tray of eggs and bacon. He's the oldest gnome you've ever seen, his hair and beard are completely white and so is his robe, his thousands wrinkles draw a smile on his face. He must be blind, cause he wears a golden blindfold over his eyes. Nonetheless he makes it to the table without tripping or swaying, looks briefly for the chair with his hands and sits on it.
"Welcome travellers, please join the old Fides for breakfast, it's been quite some time since I've had company other than Pisti." he makes a gesture towards the hawk, who shrieks in answer.
"You travel quite light, my friends. Where did your journey begin? Where will it take you?"


Kur thinks about all the stories of the magical little people who steal away those who they trick into eating their food. "Hah!" Kur thinks to himself, let'em try to hold us in, we broke out of Hopeless Island, what could a little old guy do to compare even if he was a majicker.

Kur reaches out and rips off a hunk of bread, dipping it into the honey and eating with relish.

"Hoi! Findes eh? I am Kur Blackfang, this is good bread and hits the spot, thanks! We come from across the sea and through the woods. For the future, eh fate and the spirits are fickle, we shall see. We are seeking our fortune here and now." Kur looks at the table seeking out meat "got any ham?"


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"Oh, my bad" he makes a gesture towards the house, and soon a wild boar ham seemingly flies towards Kur.
"So you're in search of adventure, aren't you? Heh when these old bones weren't so frail I had my fair share of adventures too. Sadly, I have no quests for you, but if you would help me painting my house, I think I still have some trinkets that my old companions discarded. They haven't seen action in quite some time, but they'd be better off with you than lying in the dust with this old goat, ehhhhh. So could you delay your jouney a bit to help me?"


Peregrine looks up from buttering his slice of bread (which he plans to eat without relish. . . I can't stand relish.) and nods towards the old man, as futile as that may be.

"I think it is the least we could do in return for your hospitality. Perhaps once we have painted your house you could also give us directions to the nearest settlement?"


Kur digs in to the ham. And considers asking for bootyful women. When you are being hosted by a genie, why not?

Kur eyes the aparently blind gnome and thinks "He wants us to paint his house?"


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Saxon quietly nibbles at his share of bread and honey, impressed at the aging gnome's observation.

A familiar indeed, Fides acquired no small wealth of experience during his adventures. No small wealth of gold either, I'd wager. With that in mind I suspect his opinion of a trinket is a little different from ours. Though with such a keen head on his shoulders it won't take Fides long to determine where we're from, if he hasn't already.

"I'd be glad to help," he says, and smiles.

Voidrunner's Codex

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