D&D (2024) (+) Hopes for The Monk

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I like the idea of a monk being able to spend an action to regain ki equal to their wisdom modifier. Call it centering themselves. Giving up an action is a big deal, so the payoff has to be significant.

Example: "I use my movement to sprint as far as I can away from the troll. For my action, I am going to center myself [regains 4 ki]."
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I like the idea of a monk being able to spend an action to regain ki equal to their wisdom modifier. Call it centering themselves. Giving up an action is a big deal, so the payoff has to be significant.

Example: "I use my movement to sprint as far as I can away from the troll. For my action, I am going to center myself [regains 4 ki]."

Center Ki

Beginning at 8th level, you can take a Magic action to center yourself and spend one or more Hit Dice, up to your monk’s level. For each Hit Die spent in this way, you roll the die and add your Wisdom modifier. You regain Ki equal to the total. You can decide to spend an additional Hit Die after each roll.


I like that, but I would make "centre yourself: as an action, regain ki = to your wisdom modifier" a baseline feature and then add an extra effect at level 8...like being able to also spend hit dice for healing, or gain a resistance, or something.


It can even add a little drama. Maybe they get a defense bonus while using the action, but if they get damaged while using it it's not quite as effective, so it makes sense for them to slip back behind a tank with their mobility for maximum gain. "Hold them off while I power up!"

Edit: A concentration check might work.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
I like that, but I would make "centre yourself: as an action, regain ki = to your wisdom modifier" a baseline feature and then add an extra effect at level 8...like being able to also spend hit dice for healing, or gain a resistance, or something.
I think I mentioned this Feat in this thread (but if not), this is from Kobold Press:

Boundless Reserves
Prerequisite: Wisdom 13 or higher and the Ki class feature.

You have learned to harness your inner vitality to replenish your ki. You gain the following benefits:

Increase Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

When you start your turn and have no ki points remaining, you can use a reaction to spend a hit die. Roll the die and add your Constitution modifier to it. You regain expended ki points equal to half the total (minimum of 1). You can never have more ki points than the maximum for your level.


if they get damaged while using it it's not quite as effective
Fun idea, but I don't think combat last long enough for something like that.

Also, you can always use patient defense. So it could be something like.

Action: regain 3 ki
Bonus action: regain 1 ki and give everyone advantage to hit you.
Bonus action: spent 1 ki to dodge, disengage, or dash.

Mix it up as you see fit.


I like that, but I would make "centre yourself: as an action, regain ki = to your wisdom modifier" a baseline feature and then add an extra effect at level 8...like being able to also spend hit dice for healing, or gain a resistance, or something.
Gaining Ki without spending a resource mean you can't design cool stuff to use your ki.

IF Monks regain all Ki on short rest, then regaining Ki between rest has to cost a resource, And the only other resources monks have are HP and HD.

I an 300% against monks getting a 2nd core class resource.

In response to all the "use an action to regain ki" and similar proposals, I have to reiterate my prior stance that ki should just be dropped for all the things a monk does on an average turn. At the point where a limited resource is freely regenerating it is no longer meaningfully a limited resource, and as an unlimited resource it makes the more special abilities running off of it too available.

The level 2 bonus action ki abilities just shouldn't use ki. The amount of ki you get should be balanced accordingly.

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