D&D 5E House Rules Feedback


  • Monk Four Elements - at level 3 gets 2 extra Elemental Discplines (i.e. 3 + Elemental Attunement); may substitute elemental cantrips as 0 ki Elemental Disciplines: control flames, create bonfire, dancing lights, fire bolt, frostbite, gust, magic stone, mold earth, produce flame, ray of frost, sacred flame, shape water, thunderclap, and word of radiance
I would not include non-elemental cantrips: dancing lights, sacred flame, or word of radiance.

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I say go for it. This looks like an interesting remastering of 5e, and I like most of the changes you made.
Be ready to make some adjustments during actual play, though. There’s no substitute to actual playtesting.

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