D&D 5E How about 5d20?

I just generally called games by their name. If publishers want to denote that it's a 5e system, then they will just keep doing that. It's not like D&D is stopping being 5e.
The point is to have a name for a system of games that use the 5e SRD, but are not WotC D&D. I personally find it useful to talk about a type of game (like OSR) that is based on 5e (and not D&D) and not have to reference every game system under that umbrella.

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I would argue the name is about more than just the games themselves. As the threads cited in the OP demonstrate, many people are approaching 5E with the attitude that the game belongs to us, and that we are not beholden to any one company to play the game we love.

So I would propose "Alternative 5E" (Alt5E). It would suggest that these games are an alternative to Hasbro-5E, but also the attitude of the community that we have alternatives to what Hasbro is serving up.

I would argue the name is about more than just the games themselves. As the threads cited in the OP demonstrate, many people are approaching 5E with the attitude that the game belongs to us, and that we are not beholden to any one company to play the game we love.

So I would propose "Alternative 5E" (Alt5E). It would suggest that these games are an alternative to Hasbro-5E, but also the attitude of the community that we have alternatives to what Hasbro is serving up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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