Book-Friend, he/him
Yeah, most likely one and done (or two and done, for FR). It will be interesting to see what they do, if they are keeping things in the 1490s DR or moving it a little forward to set a new baseline. Personally, I would rest everything to the Grey Box when the FR was the most interesting, but 8 doubt theybwill do that officially. But past thise books, references to those Settinfa will mostly be in Advenproducts saying "you can put this here on that map" which is for the best.I would expect both settings to remain pretty static in the 5e era, with no further development... but agreed, will be interesting to see! (I expect much the same of the Realms, once those 2024-5e guidebooks come out next year.)
I do reckon thst, sooner or latter, we will see the DL modules redone for 5E.
Yeah, separating out the idea that Salvatore or Weis/Hickman novels represent a part of some consistently maintained "metaplot" was no doubt a big part of why WotC put this out there.The current official stance that the novels are their own canon, not linked to 5e canon, is probably very welcome to Weis and Hickman, since they never seemed particularly happy factoring in lore developments or retcons from the RPG side. (Though they seemed cool with matching then-current metaplot developments in the Sovereign Press 3e products, so maybe that's changed over time.)