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How are you filling the Yawning Void that is the WotC publishing schedule?


The yawning gap in the Wizards' production for me is the unfinished Character Builder. It used to be so easy to make a clear, customized, efficient character sheet. The new Builder is a travesty of the old one.

For now I use my old downloaded version or make hand-written sheets for Essentials classes.

A Wizards' representative talking on the Tome Show said simple things like customized portraits would "take months , not years" to implement. How about days? Since we had such portraits until this new beta stuff was forced upon us.

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In a previous post in this thread, I mentioned that I won't be buying anymore Pathfinder rpg titles after the present "Serpent's Skull" AP is finished.

Lately I've been reading the Pathfinder novels "Prince of Wolves" and "Winter Witch". So far they have kept my attention long enough, that I want to continue reading them. (In the past, I was never really into rpg game setting based fiction. The last time I tried to read any D&D novels, was back in the 1980's).

If I manage to finish reading these two Pathfinder novels, most likely I'll pick up the next few Pathfinder novels as they are released over 2011.

The only other rpg-related stuff I have on pre-order, is the next two issues of the D&D comic book by IDW. (The "Shadowplague" story arc ends in issue #5). I don't think I'm going to continue collecting this comic series. I feel the storyline has been going downhill very quickly. It sort of reads like somebody's D&D game sessions, with numerous one dimensional player character stereotypes and other generic D&D cliches.

This will probably be the extent of my buying habits for new rpg-related books released over 2011.


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Currently looking at Mutants and Masterminds, with the intent of using it to run all my fantasy games (D&D, Shadowrun, L5R, and the odd game of Marvel). I'll still get the tiles and would have continued to have bought the minis if they hadn't spiraled into oblivion by simultaneously raising the prices and lowering the quantity. WotC has until my subscription expires in march to wow me, but otherwise I'm letting it run out, and I have no desire to run 4e without the compendium, and no real desire to return to 3e either.

I thought they removed Limbo from the 4e cosmology.


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Saving up for other purchases. Honestly, probably won't even notice the gap, as so soon after Christmas I have plenty of rpg products and novels to keep me occupied for some time.

I don't think it will have much if any effect on my purchasing habits, as I have enough 4e material that I seldom run out to grab a book as soon as it comes out these days.

Hello Everyone,

I've found that my DDI subscription has been enough to keep my 4e appetite satiated so the publishing gaps don't affect me as much as bother me (in regards to the health of D&D). Paizo and EN World subscriptions have the rest of my gaming dollars and they are continuing to do a fine job in keeping them.

I think most of us here have been through that stage where we purchase RPG books as if we are purchasing the time to play them. Alas (and unfortunately), that supposed crack in the space-time continuum does not work.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


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Well since I'm now predominately into the new Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay what wizards does or does not publish is largely irrelevant to me. I can't see myself switching back anytime soon if at all - I like my new dice mechanic far too much to give it up.


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I don't. Well, I've been buying more board games than I used to, I guess. But I definitely don't spend as much money on 'gaming supplies' as I used to.


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As with most hobbies there are many different aspects to it, many avenues of enjoyment - and for many of us, buying books is one of them. Hey, that's how the hobby survives!
No. That is how the "industry" (snort) "survives" (lulz). For the most part.

I am a player (and DM), and I am not a collector. If I was collecting, I don't even know what it would be that I would collect. Something that is not produced by WotC, is about all I know for certain.

Which is just as well - for yet another reason - it would seem, if recent threads concerning their schedule are anything to go by (the ones I have at least skimmed, that is). :p

As for what I might buy this year? Again, no idea. Very few things, I suspect. If any. :hmm:

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