• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

How big is your RPG collection?

How big is your RPG collection?

  • Colossal - 1,000+ products....yes, people like me really do exist

    Votes: 57 22.6%
  • Gargantuan - 500-1,000....I need a room (and might have one)

    Votes: 44 17.5%
  • Huge - 300-500....I'm your garden-variety pseudo-collector

    Votes: 33 13.1%
  • Large - 100-300....I guess this isn't just a passing phase?

    Votes: 44 17.5%
  • Medium - 20-100....a solid, playable, collection

    Votes: 51 20.2%
  • Small - 5-20 - i'm a minimalist

    Votes: 19 7.5%
  • Tiny - <5 - just the basics

    Votes: 4 1.6%
  • None - Who am I and why am I here?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

Mark Hope

Colossal. Ouch. Somewhere in the 900s of gaming books and adventures, around 350 magazines (mainly Dragon, Dungeon and White Dwarf) and then a bunch of peripherals like battlemats, minis, decks of cards etc. Managed to have it all out on shelves once a few years back. Usually it's in a variety of boxes.

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Roughly 35 of D&D 3.5, Rules Cyclopedia and 3-4 AD&D ones (in past times, most books we played with were not mine).

3 pathfinder, growing.

Ycore Rixle

First Post
I put Huge, although that is a conservative estimate. I don't have time to count, but going by years subscribed I must have at least 200 Dragon and half or more that many Dungeon. Then I figure 100-200 other printed books. Don't plan to sell anything; I enjoy re-discovering old stuff while procrastinating cleaning the closet, etc.


I voted Gargantuan, but have not actually counted. I own pretty much everything ever produced voor BECMI and 1st Ed and huge amounts of 2E (all hardcovers, most softcovers, all planescape, spelljammer, ravenloft and dragonlance stuff) pretty much all 3E Wotc books and adventures as well as many 3rd party products for 3E. about 200 dragon and dungeon mags. I prolly get close to 1,000 but doubt I actually go over it...


First Post
I voted withour looking and came up with medium. Truth is, it's a lot more than that, I'm thinking.

I just counted and got around 150 without taking magazines (I have several Paizoe Dungeon and Dragon magazines as well as about seven White Dwarf issues). I'd say about 200 total objects, the majority of it being D&D related. Second largest system would be Old World of Darkness, thanks to a big garage sale lot I picked up during the summer. Otherwise, it would be Star Wars.


I voted Colossal and that might be pushing it but not by much. I do have a room, which my wife is NEVER getting back, with a total of nine six foot bookshelves, with four of them or so gaming. Not counting minis, which I have a lot of those as well (metal and plastic), I figured I am in the 900s with my magazine collections as well. Further, I have printed off some PDFs and have lots of extras, such as campaign coins, fantasy money, item decks from Paizo and other RPG accessories. Then, add in the two dozen or so board games I have, most RPG related some not, and I'm sure I'm still over a thousand.

This is after three major purges of 200 books each time. Although, maybe I can't call them major anymore, at least as a percentage of the whole I had.

Further, this is not counting any books that I use for gaming but aren't gaming books, such as gun reference books or history books on the Inca or Mayan for my Dark Sun campaign. That gets me more as well. Further, I also have some other handout type things, such as beads for gems. So, counting physical items, even not individually, the coins and other items add up.

Most of it is DND or related, in terms of setting books but I only kept 3E rule books and a few other rules books here and there, such as Rules Cyclopedia.

After that, it's White Wolf and it might be close between WoD that I kept (mostly Dark Ages) and nWoD and Exalted to the DND stuff.

I also have some misc stuff, like Star Wars Saga and various other d20 or other game systems. I have tried to pare it down to WW and DND as those are the systems I play the most but I did keep my Alternity stuff as well.

I can't use a lot of it at once, unfortunately, but I have used most of it and am glad I do have it when I run those games!


I have well over 1,000 books and boxed sets (after 30+ years of gaming). And this was before I switched to buying PDFs only. B-)


I voted for the 500-1000 and then started to sweat up, clammy hands, skin reddening, there's something I've forgotten...

Oh yeah, the 2500+ Wizards minis I own which I've had to store in labelled packing cases in the loft because I've outgrown my 'room', damn!

That would be colossal then.

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