D&D 5E How Dark is Your D&D Preference?


Generally D&D is a ideal neo ye olde medieval England/France with an infusion of modern Democratic ideals and norms. I base mine more on things like the old Warcraft 2 universe and Warhammer where some races do not like each other and society norms are more based around medieval Europe and the classical world. Democracy does not exist the closest thing you find to it might be a plutocratic republic of some sort. Slavery is legal in most places, there is an inquisition, torture and capital punishment is part of the legal norm in most part of the word although most parts do not have a defined legal code either, more society norms.

Over the years some of the details have changed (names, pantheons etc) but since the 90's its usually something like this. I use real world locations to give you a rough idea of how things fit togather.

The Elven Empire has fallen replaced with a loose coalition of Elven houses. Elves tend to be True Neutral/Unaligned tending towards evil. They are decadent, arrogant, and are outnumbered 100-1 in their own lands and tend to be matriarchial although its not a strict requirement like the Drow more of a tendency (they have had a handful of Emperors vs Empress). Not all of the houses are evil and favour new relations with their servants. They are roughly based off the Elvenbane novel by Mercedes Lackey and the Tsurani from the Riftwar War saga. House Jerith Kor and Kueryll are the most prominent of the houses (CE sneaky types, NE militaristic imperialists). There are more half elves than Elves in their own lands who tend to be things like administrators, humans tend to be slaves and serfs. The core of their lands would be the Caribbean Islands (minus Cuba).

Humans are an important race but the power of the elves despite the fall of the empire is still a lot. A few free cities exist but the Knights of Vanya and their inquisition are trying to consolidate their ruleover the human lands from their fortress city of Kriegsburg. They tend to be LN types with a LE inquisition but they are popular as slavery is illegal. The inquisition has genocidal tendencies towards non humans and is intolerant of other religions, temples to other faiths are illegal in their core lands. Their Empire would based out of Cuba on a world map. Otherwise the free cities are roughly equivalent to the 13 colonies.

Mountain Dwarves are rare alhtough there are a few hill Dwarves floating around. Dwarven homelands are far away and are ringholds carved into the ground. Similar to the tinker Gnomes of Krynn the Dwarves have technology and have muskets, gunpowder and cannons. A key difference is Dwarven technology works. Magitech if it exists is likely in the Dwarven realms. Their realms are roughly in eastern Canada. Dwarven lands are"nice": but basically closed to outsiders.

Halflings are more or less a cross between the Darksun and Eberron ones. If this was the Americas they would live in Texas and the mid west. They have pet raptors instead of horses and make excellent bow archers.

The Empire of steel exists and it is the Hobgoblin realm. They are roughly in Mexico and have replaced the Aztecs.

They are marauders and live near the Rockies. Elves often use them as mercenary fodder. Half Orcs are rare and are usually created in the 1E A&D assumptions. Theres lots of them but they tend to get chopped to pieces by the Halflings.

Yuan Ti
South of the Empire of Steel and in"Brazil" the jungles are full of YuanTi.House Jerith Kor trades slaves to them and had a hand in their creation via slave breeding programs with ancient serpent men.

Ancient defunct realm, this is basically egypt. Former location in Texas. Was obliterated in Dragonfire millenia before by.....

The Ancients.
Not much is known about the Ancients and very few records exist and they are mostly unknown to the world at large. The Elves served them, and duplicated their empire on a lesser scale once they disappeared. They went down i a war of mutual extinction with the Nithian Pantheon. Former area continental.

Fantasy Rome, Thyatis is a long way from the core areas but once managed to get to east coast area. The remains of their Empire are in California and their empire is in decline

Other races tend to be minor, Gnomes exist along with Half Orcs and Elves, Tieflings do but would probably get killed on sight in most places, Drow are very rare and follow the ways of the ancients (demon worship, elemental cults, no Lolth). Dragonborn basically don't exist. You can play a Hobgoblin, Orc or Yuan Ti from Volos guide but monster races would probably face slavery or death.
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I play other games for grim dark experience. Usually, WFRP or CoC is our choice.

D&D is more light/high/medium fantasy for us. A lot more black and white - law and chaos - good and evil - than almost any other RPG I run. Not to say we do not have any tougher moral dilemmas or difficulties, but the game certainly does not revolve around those issues. Usually a lot more modern sensibilities too - equality is good, oppression is bad, etc.

Not sure why. Just how it works out for my groups.

I play other games for grim dark experience. Usually, WFRP or CoC is our choice.

D&D is more light/high/medium fantasy for us. A lot more black and white - law and chaos - good and evil - than almost any other RPG I run. Not to say we do not have any tougher moral dilemmas or difficulties, but the game certainly does not revolve around those issues. Usually a lot more modern sensibilities too - equality is good, oppression is bad, etc.

Not sure why. Just how it works out for my groups.

We don't go full on grimdark there are nice places. It's more make the world a better place. PCs used to raise armies and carve out domains.

My current GH campaign is loosely reflecting 30 years war RL Situation. As such it is not in the "Dark Ages" but can be very dark. The opponents are of Course Iuz and his orc armies bolstered by demons and members of his cult vs the free world, which is in no way united to be an army of good against this threat.The orcs i use are not your typical chaotic Horde but like Landsknechte, a well organized army. I use quasi renaisance tech enhanced with a bit of steampunk, means automatons, but they can be powered from various sources, soem are good some are evil and the Forces of Iuz try to get every Advantage for their Goal. Elves are few and remote, dwarves are few and mostly underground, most halflings are depressed, playable races are humans, gnomes, halfelves, halforcs and tieflings of hellish descendance. So it is a post middle ages/Standard Fantasy settings kind of feel, their are e.g. clockworks and telescopes and the like, but the mood is very dark from time to time.
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When me and my dad sat down to play my first session as a genuine GM, I read the following text to him.

Once, the world was beautiful and green; water was so plentiful as to be taken for granted.
But that was eons ago. For untold ages, the world has been a near-endless desert of rubble, abrasive sand, and lingering dust. The crumbling ruins of once-glorious cities dot the landscape, their names and histories long since forgotten by the winds of time.
The oceans are gone, having either evaporated altogether or else shrunk down to the size of lakes. The forests are few and far between.
Rain comes only a handful of times each year, and is often little more than a humid mist.

Millennia of senseless squandering, constant warfare, and dark magic have robbed the world of things plentiful elsewhere.
Most armor and weaponry are now made from some combination or another of bone, chitin, leather, stone, or wood. Iron is so rare that weapons made from it are considered magic.

Eons ago, the gods abandoned the world, forever turning their attention to other, more prosperous worlds. With the absence of the truly divine powers, other forces now hold sway, chief among them the elemental spirits of air, earth, fire, and water.

What remains of human civilization is dominated by the five great city-states.
Sadly, urban life is no less harsh than the wilderness; laws are draconian, slavery widespread, and each city is dominated by a brutal Mage-King (or Queen) of immense power . . .

I'll let you decide how "dark" my homebrew setting is.

My current GH campaign is loosely reflecting 30 years war RL Situation. As such it is not in the "Dark Ages" but can be very dark. The opponents are of Course Iuz and his orc armies bolstered by demons and members of his cult vs the free world, which is in no way united to be an army of good against this threat.The orcs i use are not your typical chaotic Horde but like Landsknechte, a well organized army. I use quasi renaisance tech enhanced with a bit of steampunk, means automatons, but they can be powered from various sources, soem are good some are evil and the Forces of Iuz try to get every Advantage for their Goal. Elves are few and remote, dwarves are few and mostly underground, most halflings are depressed, playable races are humans, gnomes, halfelves, halforcs and tieflings of hellish descendance. So it is a post middle ages/Standard Fantasy settings kind of feel, their are e.g. clockworks and telescopes and the like, but the mood is very dark from time to time.

Orcs were LE up to 3.0 IIRC. My Hobgoblins are like Landsknecht/Tercio as I give them pikes and mix in bowmen instead of muskets.

When me and my dad sat down to play my first session as a genuine GM, I read the following text to him.

I'll let you decide how "dark" my homebrew setting is.

Doesn't sound very homebrew lol although I did do a Darksun lite game using a similar idea to it. .

Depends - currently we have 3-4 'worlds', each designed around a few core themes - 'revenge, fire and faith', 'madness, cold and honour', 'prejudice, flying and education' and 'fear, nature and family'.

Happy endings are subjective and the meaning of existence is what folks make of it. Things die, do horrible things and have horrible things done to them, live, love and make merry, each day follows the next, until it doesn't - pretty much like real life.

Ye i do it similar, would have given them muscets but since one of my Players did not want firearms they stick to crossbows. That is technically more appropriate vs all sorts of plate armor which make bows pretty useless. I also got a orcs riding manticores "air force"- But since Iuz = CE my orcs are still CE, their discipline comes from fear of punishment.

Btw. any News on your DS conversion [MENTION=6716779]Zardnaar[/MENTION] ? I liked especially your conversion of the Monsters to 5e .

[MENTION=6846794]Gardens & Goblins[/MENTION] 3-4 worlds, could you pls Elaborate a bit on this? Are These different campaigns or one campaign many (prime-) worlds or one Setting (many DMS?)

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