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D&D General How Did You Learn to Play?

Musing Mage

Pondering D&D stuff
Like countless teens in the 80s, I started with the BECMI red box. That was where I cut my teeth and learned the basics.

Our group played the various Palladium games for a couple of years as well (TMNT and RIFTS were big with us) Then 2nd Ed AD&D, which we jumped in and out of between an ongoing RIFTS game, I finally decided to stick with D&D exclusively in the late 90s.

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Yeah, 80s, Red Box. But it all began with a hessian kid running my brother and I through a few sessions that barely had anything to do with D&D but were enough to get us instantly hooked. I started DMing for my brother and our friends, moving through BECM (we never got to "I," instead retiring the handful of characters that achieved immortality) and so my path was set.

Though, to be honest, I consider learning to play D&D a lifelong activity. I hope to still be learning and improving for decades to come.

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