You are making a new PC for a D&D game. How do you generate ability scores for the character? Why do it that way? Is it your choice, or the GM's? If you are the GM, how do you require players "roll up" scores? Why?
In either case, does it change based on campaign or edition, or does your table(s) do it the same way no matter what?
I gave players a choice recently...we had a lot take the Old School options...
Standard Array: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8
Standard Roll: 4d6 drop lowest
Two by Two by Two: Roll two strong (6d6 keep 3), two good (4d6 keep 3), two weak (3d6)
Three Up, Three Down: Roll three up (10+d6, 10+d8, 8+d10), and three down (15-d6, 15-d8, 17-d10)
Character Wheel: Roll 3d6 eighteen times, arrayed in the
character wheel, select a set of 6 contiguous stats
Old School: Roll 3d6 physical dice six times, with a witness, in this order: Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha. Discuss a boon with the GM to offset the risk of lower stats – an extra uncommon magic item, a bonus feat, more spells in your spellbook, a few extra regional or backstory variant human traits, etc.
Rolled Point Buy: Roll 8d6 – the total is how many points you have for making your character point buy
Standard Point Buy: 27 points