D&D General How do you schedule your D&D sessions?

How do you schedule your D&D sessions?

  • A set schedule (every Saturday, every other Sunday, third Friday of each month, etc)

    Votes: 60 72.3%
  • Week by Week/Month by Month, or however often you try to play

    Votes: 6 7.2%
  • At the end of each session we schedule the next one

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • Schedule? We just play whenever we can get enough people together.

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Something else?

    Votes: 2 2.4%


Moderator Emeritus
Yeah, while I like the system we have going right now because it does allow for the occasional additional session, some part of me would like to go back to what my former group did, which was the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month, with three weeks between for months with five saturdays - that way we could do our best to always know when it will be when we try to schedule other stuff. Of course, holidays can really mess with that regular schedule.

With my current group I might try something like every 3rd Saturday, with an additional session when there is a 5th Saturday in a month.

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Magic Wordsmith
My games with my regular johns are on Friday. We have 3 DMs and rotate what we're playing week to week. We have more players than seats for a given session, so it's first come first served on sign-ups with a quorum of four. As a result, we almost never miss a week. (When we do it's usually if a major holiday falls on a Friday.)

For pickup games, I just announce when I'm running in Discord and people sign up if they can make it. Again, because our player pool is big, that's normally not an issue.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
D&D 5e "Masks of the Imperium" game I run is every other Wednesday. Play down one, try to reschedule down two (but only if it will get everyone).

Masks: A New Generations (teen super team) "Shadows and Stars: Team Eclipse" game I run is worked out on a per game basis. There's no recurring time. But it's a weekend game, and trying to find common free time is harder.

D&D 5e "Theros: The Everliving" game I play in is every Friday. We play down one, cancel down two. No rescheduling.

1920s Pulp Call of Cthulhu "Masks of Nyarlathotep" game I play in is every other Monday. We play down one, skip down two. No rescheduling.


We play each week after Scouts barring any problems which tends to happen once every couple months. I think I would like to have another time/day where we could meet for a longer time even if it meant every other week.

My son has another group that meets Saturday nights but at random weeks and tends to be more like 1/month or more.

I like to have the set time so everyone can plan around. I'm also in a golf league that is every Friday afternoon. There are many things that happen in life that would cancel the golf if it was not set.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
D&D 5e "Masks of the Imperium" game I run is every other Wednesday. Play down one, try to reschedule down two (but only if it will get everyone).

Masks: A New Generations (teen super team) "Shadows and Stars: Team Eclipse" game I run is worked out on a per game basis. There's no recurring time. But it's a weekend game, and trying to find common free time is harder.

D&D 5e "Theros: The Everliving" game I play in is every Friday. We play down one, cancel down two. No rescheduling.

1920s Pulp Call of Cthulhu "Masks of Nyarlathotep" game I play in is every other Monday. We play down one, skip down two. No rescheduling.
... you have a thing for masks don't you? It's OK, there's a support group for that.

Set days in both of my groups. With the smaller group (four players) we just cancel if anyone can't make the regularly scheduled game. With my bigger group (six players) we will go forward if only one person can't make it, but cancel for two or more absences.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
... you have a thing for masks don't you? It's OK, there's a support group for that.
Hahahaha, you are right. grin

My "Masks of the Imperium" 5e game started about two years ago. It was the first of them, and was me playing with assumptions in my homebrew. The party each had individually awoken some of the semi-sentient mask artifacts of the Imperium, they usually sleep for generations and each awake when a compatible wearer is found. So the party were agents of the Imperium from the beginning - making them important and connected to movers & shakers before they were powerful. In addition they could requitision any mundane equipment - the paladin started with plate, when they needed horses they just got them from the Imperial Post, etc. And they had a magic item that would grow with them. So a lot of the normal "search for loot" wasn't really important. Started the whole campaign in a very different space then fetch quests and kill-the-goblins. Is a lot of fun.

At that point for the group playing Masks: A New Generation RPG I was running a different 5e game. They were up for trying something new, and as a PbtA game Masks RPG has a lot of different assumptions and play style changes from D&D. So yeah. And one character is has chosen the Janus playbook, which is even more than usual for supers focusing on who are you really and wearing your mask vs. when you aren't.

The CoC game started Nov 2020, but at that point we had no idea the GM was running us through the Masks of Nyarlathotep mega-adventure. So that was some unexpected Mask-age.

And as EXTRA BONUS MASKS, in the Theros campaign we are dealing a great deal with The Returned, which are the persona-less bodies of those who had died but them escaped the underworld. And their most recognizable feature is that they where these individualized golden funeral masks over blank faces.


Scheduling with my playgroup has sadly become very sporadic ever since I and another player each had our first kid.

But it’s only really sad because we aren’t the two causing the scheduling trouble as you’d expect. That offense goes to the bachelors who just can’t seem to summon the strength to respond to schedule request pings.

Oh well, that’s where the new set schedule campaign with us two and our wives comes in. At least we know they’ll answer us!

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