How do you spend your gold?


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It's sort of like having millions of dollars in the real world. My players buy everything they want. Though I admit it does tend to be all about buying their way through an adventure sometimes. But that makes sense to me. They get a pretty good return depending on who they are taking down.

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A Hero with money, is like a mule with a spinning wheel, no one knows how he got it, and I'll be damned if he know how to use it...

My names Langly, Lyle Langly and I've got a idea, nah, its not for you... Its more of an Eberron kind of idea...

Airship, or other type of floating battle platform. Why buy a stronghold, when you can have one that goes wherever you need?


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Mr. Wilson said:
Taxes and Tithes.

If serious amounts of cash are making you uncomfortable and your players aren't buying new things to help ease your burden, have the friendly neighborhood tax man catch wind of "his" charges new wealth. He wouldn't be doing his job for King and Country if he didn't make sure some of it ended up in his hands (or the Kings, whatever).

Same thing goes for Churches, especially if you have a divine character in your party.

The goal is not to just make the money disappear, its to make it disappear in a manner which is interesting enough to make the characters want to go out and grab more.

I don't know about your group, but if some level 3 aristocrat walks up and tells the party that out of their combined wealth of 150k gold he deserves 145k because the king said so, my party A) is going to leave the room and quit the game for a time at least or B) refuse to have their characters adventure. Why should they risk their lives when some noble automatically gets a 95% cut for no reason? And donations to the church are dandy, and make sense, but not 45K in donation. Thats enough to start funding another church, if not completely finish it.


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0bsolete said:
The goal is not to just make the money disappear, its to make it disappear in a manner which is interesting enough to make the characters want to go out and grab more.

I don't know about your group, but if some level 3 aristocrat walks up and tells the party that out of their combined wealth of 150k gold he deserves 145k because the king said so, my party A) is going to leave the room and quit the game for a time at least or B) refuse to have their characters adventure. Why should they risk their lives when some noble automatically gets a 95% cut for no reason? And donations to the church are dandy, and make sense, but not 45K in donation. Thats enough to start funding another church, if not completely finish it.

I think having the 'tax man' show up is an interesting adventure hook. Perhaps the king cuts a deal with the PCs, sending them on an adventure. Or perhaps this motivates the PCs to forge their own kingdom? 200k gold would certainly levy a large mercenary army.

I enjoy the idea that the simple tax man will pose a challenge to such mighty heroes. Its certainly more interesting than rehashing the usual good vs. evil dungeon romp.


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DrunkonDuty said:
How does one make a Shocker Lizard breed?

A Really Really good Handle Animal check and a bard playing bow-chickie-wow-wow music ;) !

They've got them in a "Faraday" Cage, with a little hidey-spot and food and water and all the things lizards the size of a cat need. Basically they're adhering to the "put them together and let nature take its course" angle.

Of course, having a bunch of baby shocker lizards running around their house is going to be fun. (The cage might hold the parents in but not the babies!). Muwahahahaaa :D

But to the OP's point. Maybe one of them could get an interest in having an exotic mount thats very expensive, or buy a shield guardian or something. Or even the "breeding pair of magical beast X" angle. My players were instantly interested when they were at ye locale magic shoppee and the shopkeep mentioned them. I think they pooled all the $$ and went nearly broke to get them, IIRC.

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