D&D General How Have Eclipses Been Used in your D&D?

Have you been in a campaign where an eclipse happened?

  • No

    Votes: 11 40.7%
  • I don't Know / Maybe / I think so, but...

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Yes, and it was good

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • Yes, and it was useless / uneventful / uninteresting

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Yes, and it was just bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Poll closed .
Sitting here watching the eclipse on the news got me to thinking how powerful such an event would be to a society not aware of orbital mechanics etc. Now of course D&D doesn't always have worlds and suns as we know them, but has anybody used or played in a game when an eclipse happened? How was it portrayed? What part of the story did it impact? How did the DM present the commoners' reaction to it? Was it 'predicted' or 'prophesized'? Tell us how it worked out :)

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The twin moons formed a double eclipse that happen only every 1,000 years. In the shadow of the double eclipse a portal to hell opens and lets out, well demons. We were tasked to stop it from happening by placing a McGuffin in the location before the eclipse was full. There was several levels to learn about the prophesy and a few to learn about the location. Then there was an evil cult wanting it to happen that harassed us along the way with a big bad of the cult at the location as the eclipse started and tried to delay us.

The eclipse was just part of the story and not the main focus. It was not like we needed to stop it from happening.


Victoria Rules
Fairly sure I've neither played through an in-game eclipse nor run one; or if I have it was simply irrelevant background colour.


RQ1 - Night of the Walking Dead. The climax has an eclipse occur in the middle of the grand finale. Oddly, it's an eclipse of the moon, not the sun. It kinda freaked the players out...


Two of my gods are Eclipse gods.

One is Solar Eclipse, the son of the Sun and the (remaining) Moon.
One is Lunar Eclipse, the son of the Earth and (remaining) Moon.

Both of them are "Darkness" gods and their clerics hold the secret to "blocking out the Sun" ritual. Solar Eclipse isn't evil but his church often aid evil darkness races and their patron gods. He favors lycanthropes and favors so evil orcs and evil elves never kill shapeshifters outside of self defense.

So in one fight, some evil orcs kept having to halt their attacks to not harm the shifter rogue. The player kept jumping in front of their allies and causing the orcs to change topics.

As fo Lunar Eclipse, he is nuts. He blesses faithful who wear blindfolds in combat with invisibility and nondetection during the eclipse. Imagine a dual wielding madman charging at you blind then disappearing. Almost TPK.


Two of my gods are Eclipse gods.

One is Solar Eclipse, the son of the Sun and the (remaining) Moon.
One is Lunar Eclipse, the son of the Earth and (remaining) Moon.

Both of them are "Darkness" gods and their clerics hold the secret to "blocking out the Sun" ritual. Solar Eclipse isn't evil but his church often aid evil darkness races and their patron gods. He favors lycanthropes and favors so evil orcs and evil elves never kill shapeshifters outside of self defense.

So in one fight, some evil orcs kept having to halt their attacks to not harm the shifter rogue. The player kept jumping in front of their allies and causing the orcs to change topics.
Orc 1: "So we going to boil 'em or grill them?!?"
Shifter: Hop
Orc 2: "So, who we sending to the store for seasoning?"
Shifter: Hop
Orc 3: "Well, we're not sending Jim - he lost his last GP in that poker game when Mort cleared him out with an inside straight."

Voidrunner's Codex

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