Pathfinder 2E How is Pathfinder doing?

I mean, given the lack of updates to Roll20's features and UI, I feel like they are good maintaining the course and collecting what they can. But I mean, it also feels like this is kind of contradicted by point 4.

I'd say because both 5E and CoC don't benefit from the higher-level integration that Foundry offers for PF2.
Hey, this past year, Roll20 had the biggest enhancement I've seen in the last 7 years.

They added 'dark mode'.

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Thomas Shey

Fair point, I was more mentioning that there is a portion of the player base that never even touches them at all. I've never played PF 1 or 2 using a VTT

Well, I'd started using Maptool back when we were all playing FTF, because it was simply more manageable than a physical map given our layout. Even before everyone had a laptop, I could put the map up on the big screen TV in the room.


From the GenCon thread
I'd be surprised if they move the top layer, honestly.
By this point, I'd think that everyone has got what they want of books that have been out for 3 years, considering FLGS, Amazon, Archives of Nethys, Paizo's own webstore, Barnes & Noble, etc.
And, I hate to admit it, the books are the worst format for me. They get errata'ed almost instantly, changes in different print runs, not searchable, can't share around the online table, more expensive, not linked to VTT content, etc.


I'd be surprised if they move the top layer, honestly.
If the #2 TTRPG on the market couldn't sell a dozen books over a 3 day convention there wouldn't even be enough of a non-5e playing market to justify holding GenCon in the first place. Do you really think Pathfinder is so dead in the water that their showing at GenCon is a big waste of time, they won't even sell 1% of what they bring? That notion is laughable.


I crit!
I'd be surprised if they move the top layer, honestly.
By this point, I'd think that everyone has got what they want of books that have been out for 3 years, considering FLGS, Amazon, Archives of Nethys, Paizo's own webstore, Barnes & Noble, etc.
And, I hate to admit it, the books are the worst format for me. They get errata'ed almost instantly, changes in different print runs, not searchable, can't share around the online table, more expensive, not linked to VTT content, etc.
We shall see. I think those books are the two new release. Standard and pocket and special edition.


By this point, I'd think that everyone has got what they want of books that have been out for 3 years
You are aware they have continued publishing both core; Adventure, AP and Lost Omens books since the line launch in 19, right? They didn’t publish three books and stop. Dark Archives just came out LAST WEEK, and there will be a lot of players at GenCon who haven’t had a chance to purchase that book yet.

And, I hate to admit it, the books are the worst format for me. They get errata'ed almost instantly, changes in different print runs, not searchable, can't share around the online table, more expensive, not linked to VTT content, etc.

Something being the worst format FOR YOU holds no bearing on its appeal for other players.

Voidrunner's Codex

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