How Mainstream is Dungeons and Dragons with 5e? Vox Mainstream.

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Tony Vargas

How Mainstream is Dungeons and Dragons with 5e?

D&D is the same kind of 'mainstream' it's always been: the only TTRPG with significant mainstream name recognition.
It's also moving units like it hasn't since the end of the 80s fad (OK, books aren't flying off the shelves as fast as they did then, but it's a different book-publishing world, out there).

This isn't a great factoid, but it's pieced together from credible enough glimpses, and rounded off to make it look good:

3.5 moved ~375k player's handbooks over its run and was counted a rousing success compared to 2e.
5e had moved 750k books by 2018.
TRS was moving 750k books per year at the height of the fad.

Observations: There was no streaming, on-line virtual table-tops, open-source d20, character-builders, or pdf piracy back then. There has been surge in boardgame popularity for years, starting not long before 5e came out. There actually /was/ a sort of edition war back then, in the years before the fad got into full swing, over 1e vs 0D&D, and the PF analog was a game called Arduin Grimoire, that TSR sued.

Speculation: WotC's D&D brand is probably making more money than TSR did back then, because, sure, inflation, but also because it's not being mis-managed.

Unfounded conclusion: D&D's never had it so good!

Is now the time for the coup to finally remove the hated Paladin class?
There will never be a better time.

Go on, have a look.
Maybe later.


I saw that earlier. In fact, it was the inspiration for me creating this thread earlier lol

I liked how they broke D&D down into 3 steps: describe, choose, and roll. However, I would have liked to see a 4th: interpret.

DM describes the scene
Players choose what to do
They roll (if applicable)
The DM interprets the die roll back and goes to step 1 again.


Earlier? That thread was three hours later!

Stop messing with my mind and using your time travel powers on me, Biff. Or, at least, tell me who is going to win the World Cup. :)

Earlier than I saw this thread and made my post. Behold my spin technique. I should be a white house spokesman ;) :D


Is now the time for the coup to finally remove the hated Paladin class?

Personally, i have always loved Paladins, and even more so now in 5e. I can understand the hatred of certain Players that are drawn to the Paladin class, but they are still more tolerable than anybody that would ever consider playing a Gnome.

Once a Paladin learns that Gnomes are the source of all EVIL, and are part of a global conspiracy to undermine whatever oaths the Paladin has sworn, then the can pursue the righteous Oath of Gnome-icide!

We just must avoid any time-travel shenanigans.

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