How many people subscribe to D&D stuff?


Golden Procrastinator
There were 7972 DDI members also registered on the WotC forums on 2009-09-06. To get to 62396 today would require roughly an 8.6% increase per month, but that's slightly misleading, since the number doubled to 14392 between 2009-09-06 and 2009-10-06.

I'd estimate the average monthly growth rate at about 6-7% per month over the last two years, which does seem to be reasonably impressive.
Yes, it sure is an impressive number.

It's rather fascinating to see this numbers through the years, even though it's hard to make a direct comparisons between magazine Dragon and DDI. However, I must say that one thing has remained constant for me. Back then, I was the only one in my gaming group with a subscription to Dragon magazine and, nowadays, I'm the only one with a DDI subscription... :p

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Just a question. Is it reasonable, for Wotc to have created a few accounts themselves? I am not saying it is happening, I am just asking if it could be a possibility to consider or if we should rather to exclude it.

Exclude it. Only rabid anti-WotC trolls would even consider that they (WotC) would engage in such cheating - and for what?


Yeah, I gotta go with Jack99 on this one. What would be the point? It's not like they're making a whole lot of advertising revenue that's dependent on their subscription numbers (cough TSR cough).

You'd have to create thousands of accounts to make any significant change and I really can't see anyone paying someone to do that.


First Post
Why? We have seen it before, publishers employing dishonest tactics to improve the public image of the performance of their products. It ain't something unheard of.

Major -big business- cigarette companies have been accused of clandestine product sales.

In general, companies are not genuine to be certain of. If they find out a way to help their case that costs less than what it gives they would rather go at it, wouldn't they?


Does anyone know the turnaround time that it takes to be removed from the group once you are no longer a subscriber?


I think I've seen it done on other threads that it's pretty much 24 hours or less. Basically, as soon as they process the end of your sub, you're removed automatically.


Just a question. Is it reasonable, for Wotc to have created a few accounts themselves?

Of course they have! Emphasis on "a few" though - basically, the staff will all have them, there will be a couple of accounts for testing bits of the system, and so on.

But it will be a very small number - perhaps as many as ten 'fake' accounts. Out of 62,000.


First Post
Why? We have seen it before, publishers employing dishonest tactics to improve the public image of the performance of their products. It ain't something unheard of.

Major -big business- cigarette companies have been accused of clandestine product sales.

In general, companies are not genuine to be certain of. If they find out a way to help their case that costs less than what it gives they would rather go at it, wouldn't they?

Take your tin foil hat off :)
In this case there is no public image massaging - in this case the only people looking at these numbers and extrapolating the health of a product are people in this thread - WoTC are not using the numbers in a press release or anything.
And as has been said, the numbers are only a rough indicator. 3 people who subscribe in my group, none of whom are registered with the community.


First Post
Take your tin foil hat off :)
In this case there is no public image massaging - in this case the only people looking at these numbers and extrapolating the health of a product are people in this thread - WoTC are not using the numbers in a press release or anything.
And as has been said, the numbers are only a rough indicator. 3 people who subscribe in my group, none of whom are registered with the community.

I agree I think that about 1/4 of the people I play with that have DDi actually also have a WotC forums account.

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