How many people subscribe to D&D stuff?


First Post
Of course they have! Emphasis on "a few" though - basically, the staff will all have them, there will be a couple of accounts for testing bits of the system, and so on.

But it will be a very small number - perhaps as many as ten 'fake' accounts. Out of 62,000.
That would be my bet too.
But... you never know.

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Shirokinukatsukami fan
That would be my bet too.
But... you never know.
I'm really struggling to see that there would be any benefit to WotC whatsoever in padding these numbers. The number is fairly meaningless as it is, given that it isn't even an indication of DDI subscribers, but merely the subset of DDI subscribers who are also registered on the forums.

And if you do think that it would somehow be beneficial for WotC to fake that total, it would make more sense to write a script that just increases the number displayed by a random amount every day, rather than going to all the trouble of adding new DDI subscribers and then also registering them on their own forums.

But even that sounds like an awful a lot of effort to go to in order to fake a number that only a few dozen people reading this thread care about.


First Post
I can see this working wel at a board meeting...

And now we have a report of how well the DDI is doing. As you can see in superFunk32's message board post he has a link to the number of people in the DDI group. See how big it is? Keep investing! Yay!

What? Why would you actually want a report from our accounting department?


First Post
I'm really struggling to see that there would be any benefit to WotC whatsoever in padding these numbers. The number is fairly meaningless as it is, given that it isn't even an indication of DDI subscribers, but merely the subset of DDI subscribers who are also registered on the forums.

And if you do think that it would somehow be beneficial for WotC to fake that total, it would make more sense to write a script that just increases the number displayed by a random amount every day, rather than going to all the trouble of adding new DDI subscribers and then also registering them on their own forums.

But even that sounds like an awful a lot of effort to go to in order to fake a number that only a few dozen people reading this thread care about.

Many fans across the various community forums use the DDI subscription numbers as an argument to indicate that 4e is a healthy and solid affair for Wotc.

Alas, since internet communities are important for the companies one could think that even edition wars (Pathfinder included as an edition) seems to be part of the business nowadays -I am talking about the companies here.Imagine if the subscriptions were around 10000 or even 20000 I would say. How would this cast 4e's image?
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Many fans across the various community forums use the DDI subscription numbers as an argument to indicate that 4e is a healthy and solid affair for Wotc.

Alas, since internet communities are important for the companies one could think that even edition wars (Pathfinder included as an edition) seems to be part of the business nowadays -I am talking about the companies here.Imagine if the subscriptions were around 10000 or even 20000 I would say. How would this cast 4e's image?

So despite you saying that you weren't suggesting WotC was cheating with the numbers (in your first post), it seems to me that it is exactly what you ar saying. I wonder, do you have similar view towards Pathfinder's 50k beta download claim, or is it just WotC that are subject to your theories?


First Post
So despite you saying that you weren't suggesting WotC was cheating with the numbers (in your first post), it seems to me that it is exactly what you ar saying. I wonder, do you have similar view towards Pathfinder's 50k beta download claim, or is it just WotC that are subject to your theories?
It was an hypothesis based on some logical possible cause.
Why is it more interesting to see my motives than think about the logic behind the argument. In fact, the first thing that you do here is to show that you would rather dare accusing people of trolling if they dare think of some idea or hypothesis that would cast in doubt what you want to defend. In your second post I am IDied as that troll enemy of the other side.
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