Klaus First Post Apr 5, 2013 #1 So, when you playtest D&DNext, how many players are usually in the party (if it's variable, please use the most common attendance). For me: I have 3 players at the moment.
So, when you playtest D&DNext, how many players are usually in the party (if it's variable, please use the most common attendance). For me: I have 3 players at the moment.
Jester David Hero Apr 5, 2013 #2 I tend to playtest when my regular homegame is down a player or two, so typically 3.
Nikosandros Golden Procrastinator Apr 6, 2013 #5 Assuming that you mean besides the DM, I currently have 4 players. Last Fall I participated in a playtest with my other group, but I wasn't the DM; that group was composed of 5 players + DM.
Assuming that you mean besides the DM, I currently have 4 players. Last Fall I participated in a playtest with my other group, but I wasn't the DM; that group was composed of 5 players + DM.
S stoloc First Post Apr 6, 2013 #6 Morrus said: Zero. Click to expand... None of the folks in my group are willing to try it again after seeing how bad it was.
Morrus said: Zero. Click to expand... None of the folks in my group are willing to try it again after seeing how bad it was.
Dice4Hire First Post Apr 6, 2013 #8 5 including me. If you count those who have disappeared from the face of the earth, several more.
MortalPlague Adventurer Apr 6, 2013 #9 My group was mostly 4, though it swelled briefly up to 5 for a few sessions. The separate group I'm running for next week is also 4 players.
My group was mostly 4, though it swelled briefly up to 5 for a few sessions. The separate group I'm running for next week is also 4 players.
U UngeheuerLich Legend Apr 6, 2013 #10 4 players + me as DM. a fifth would play with us after hearing how much fun we have... but sadly she hasn´t enough free time at our regular weekly playtest campaign.
4 players + me as DM. a fifth would play with us after hearing how much fun we have... but sadly she hasn´t enough free time at our regular weekly playtest campaign.