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Been trying to find the math to figure this i'm sure someone out there can find it.
You can fit in the two weeks of iron rations that I wrote down on a character sheet sometime in pre-history (OSR/1e) and have never bothered to update.
If all the bag is being used for is holding rations, I'd take it as a serious(ish) answer. So long as the party spends the "restock fee" whenever they get back in town, I'd just handle it as being effectively unlimited. There are, of course caveats like starting the campaign in some sort of wasteland or some such.That is completely unhelpful its a serious question. Just because most campaigns don't track them doesn't make it true for all.
The campaign is in a dessert wasteland. Its survival themed. The reason i asked however is a player wanted buy a smaller magical version of a bag of holding combined with cold magic. i was trying to find out how many fit to figure how much a bag cost relative to its size for pricing the smaller one that keeps meat cold. I used Jaelommiss's math to do it.