How many tabletop roleplaying games did you play in 2011?

How many ttrpgs did yo play in 2011?

  • Zero

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • One

    Votes: 15 14.9%
  • 2-5

    Votes: 67 66.3%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 11 10.9%
  • > 10

    Votes: 6 5.9%

I'm pretty sure it was only 3 this year:

D&D 3.5E - regular fortnightly campaign
D&D 4E - PbP campaign that lasted about 3 combats that took 3 months of real time to complete
Gamma World (new edition) - one shot

This year we pretty much focused on my 3.5E Shackled City AP. Last year that campaign was put on a 6 month hiatus after my second child was born. We I started playing again after that I ran several one shots of other systems before starting the 3.5E campaign up again.

Next year I imagine that I will play 5+ systems. The SCAP is almost finished (1-2 sessions to go), so we'll probably play some one-shots of several other systems before starting a new long-term campaign up again.

Olaf the Stout

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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I've run or played

Starguild OGL (twice)
Gamma world 4e (once)
Dread (once)
Call of Cthulhu (once)

So that is four systems - good :)
Five total games - bad :(

Oh, and my aim for next year is to play at least 1 session each of:

Year of the Zombie / All Flesh Must Be Eaten

Apart from Paranoia, which I have played a single one-shot of, I've not played any of these games but have been wanting to for some time now.

Olaf the Stout


A third edition Eberron game
Mutants & Masterminds 2nd
A DC Adventures/Mutants and Masterminds 3rd game

Still hoping for a WH40K game in 2012 tho.... :)


First Post
Only two this year, unfortunately (D&D4e & DSA). Still, like every year I bought a couple of new ones. I enjoy reading and collecting rpg systems that are odd, exotic or just interesting.


First Post
Not sure if I can remember all of them.

Basic D&D
AD&D 1e
Conan D20
Darwin's World

Damn, just one more to get in the >10 rank. I'm sure there's at least another that I can't remember.


We played an All Flesh must be Eaten one shot a while back.
Last edited:

Zero, nada, zilch, zip....

Still haven't found a group of players that I can get to commit to playing on a regular basis, so it's been card games, board games and computer games.

My dice are starting to get jealous. :eek:

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