How often do you game?

How often do you game?

  • Less than once a month

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • Once every 2 weeks

    Votes: 16 28.6%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 21 37.5%
  • Twice a week

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • More than twice a week

    Votes: 3 5.4%

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Less often than I would like.

At the moment, I'm managing about once every two weeks - I have a D&D 5e/Eberron game that meets once a month and also a Firefly "open tabletop" game that meets once a month. One of these takes a break in the latter half of December, but my group also have a tradition of getting together for a special "Christmas Game" one afternoon during the holiday, so that's a wash.

My preference would be to play a little more often than that. In fact, the ideal would be to add three more longer afternoon games (necessarily on a weekend), effectively giving us one a quarter. But organising such games doesn't quite seem to be possible. :(


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Roughly once a week, a little less but more than once every two weeks. Probably 40 sessions a year. One group is every two weeks with rare exceptions, and the other works out to about once every three weeks. Even that is hard to manage with 4 kids!


41st lv DM
Generally 3 times/week.
Sunday: PF & 5e, alternating weeks with different groups.
Tue.: 1e - the Sunday 5e game grew out of this one.
Fri.: 5e - as the DM


David Jose
Whilst in college:

All Week Long - Assassin
Sunday Afternoon and Evening - Floating RPG
Monday Evening - Battletech
Tuesday Evening - D&D
Wednesday Evening - Rifts
Thursday Evening - Magic
Friday Evening - Vampire
All Day Saturday - Gaming Club

Settlers of Catan, and Magic the Gathering pretty much spackled every other available nook, cranny, or crevice.

[EDIT] Maybe I should go back to college?

[2ND EDIT] It's a shame that we can't do a multi topic poll that plots to a scatter graph. I'd be interested to see how this graph correlates to age.
Last edited:

Isn't that always the case...

For my part, I game wice a month, preferably like clockwork. Sometimes someone else will run something as well, and there are cons now and then, but the core campaign is every two weeks.

I used to try to accommodate everyone’s schedules, but that was such a pain and we’d sometimes skip months for gaming. Now we game with whoever shows up. I’m certainly happier, as I hated the scheduling part of things.

Less often than I would like.


David Jose
I used to try to accommodate everyone’s schedules, but that was such a pain and we’d sometimes skip months for gaming. Now we game with whoever shows up. I’m certainly happier, as I hated the scheduling part of things.

Yeah, we used to play "D&D once a week, but we'll play board games instead if we don't have everyone" and that just turned into longer and longer stretches where we never had a full table. We're also a bunch of storytime gamers who tend to shy away from characters who either randomly disappear for long stretches or fly too often on autopilot.

We've also tried two or three play by post or play by wiki games, and they all start off strong, but then one person has adult stuff to do for a week, and they come back to a 3 digit email thread and never have the time or energy to catch back up.

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