D&D 5E How to get a continuous advantage?

Now it's a question if it's better to lose your bonus action for advantage instead of a third attack from PAM feat. But it gives me an opportunity to exchange this feat for +2 to CHA. But it needs 3 lvls in Rogue. And it's still for first next attack no for all. :rolleyes:
3 levels of rogue gives +2d6 sneak attack damage. Does that help make up for the damage of the 3rd attack?

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Hi everyone,
I'm curious about how to get continous advantages on attacks.
I know just 4 ways:
  • raging barbarian
  • vow of enmity by Vengeance paladin
  • darkness and devil's sight or shadow sorcerer (but I'm not fighting alone and it need concentration)
  • fighting spirit by samurai fighter (but only for 3 turns)

but I need something for my Hexblade melee with PAM, GWM feats, and Spirit shrouds spell. It can deliver a huge amount of dmg, but need to hit. And elven accuracy and hexblade curse can help much, but it needs an advantage for 2 attacks from action and 1 attack from bonus action for few turns. And only dip I'll plan to do is start as a divine sorcerer for CON save and 2d4 bless when need it.
Help action is just for a first attack...
Bless from cleric is usefull, but ...
I don't think that, using RAW, a raging barbarian gets advantage on her/his attack rolls... IIRC the barbarian gets advantage on Strength Checks, but not on attack rolls... Maybe using the Reckless Attack Feature?

It is from Tasha's . You give up moving and use your bonus action, but you get to attack with advantage which lets you sneak attack a single foe.

Steady Aim

3rd-level rogue feature

As a bonus action, you give yourself advantage on your next attack roll on the current turn. You can use this bonus action only if you haven’t moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.
So is that an additional feature or does it replace one. If the former it seems too good to be true. My current rogue wouldn't always benefit as he attacks with Booming Blade but it would be nice option when moving away isn't practical.

Hi everyone,
I'm curious about how to get continous advantages on attacks.
I know just 4 ways:
  • raging barbarian
  • vow of enmity by Vengeance paladin
  • darkness and devil's sight or shadow sorcerer (but I'm not fighting alone and it need concentration)
  • fighting spirit by samurai fighter (but only for 3 turns)

but I need something for my Hexblade melee with PAM, GWM feats, and Spirit shrouds spell. It can deliver a huge amount of dmg, but need to hit. And elven accuracy and hexblade curse can help much, but it needs an advantage for 2 attacks from action and 1 attack from bonus action for few turns. And only dip I'll plan to do is start as a divine sorcerer for CON save and 2d4 bless when need it.
Help action is just for a first attack...
Bless from cleric is usefull, but ...
Help action from another PC or NPC (like a Familiar).

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