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How Would You Defend A Mountain Fortress? (Volume II)


SHARK said:

Black Rain Spells? Eh...nice thought, but why couldn't they come up with the same thing then?

Perhaps because such a powerful magical effect takes days to prepare and the land that is to be effected needs to be prepared with the correct spell components. Rituals performed night after night until enough magical energy is built up and ready to be realeased.

Thus the spell/ritual is really only useful to a defending force, that has given up ground it has prepared ready for the enemy to advance into, not for an attacking army which can't prepare the land it has yet to claim.

It's a bit like mine-fields absolutely useless as an attacking weapon but useful for defense.

Seems resonable to me.
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While we are on the topic of defense measures as its your land and you can control who teleports where.

One method would be to 'mine-field' the terrain the Vallorians must advance over with small pebbles (or some such) that when stepped on teleport the person to prepared locations where you attack them, with the advantage of numbers and being prepared. A spell sort of like Refuge only with an unwilling victim.

Or alternatively, just into a lava pit. Another option would be to enchant arrow heads to the same effect. You're hit by an arrow and you reapper over a fire pit. This also has the advantage that the arrow is no-longer a normal missile so Protection from Normal Missiles has no effect.

[Note: I don't have access to any Epic level information so I'm just going by PHB, DMG, etc. Feel free to pick holes in my ideas]

Jürgen Hubert

First Post
Put a Nexus Tower on top of the fortress, and shelling any invaders into submission shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Of course, this means that there needs to be a significant number of people in the fortress for a lengthy period of time...


First Post
The defenders can easily maximize their combat srength with a few simple pieces of wondrous architecture from the stronghold builder's guide.

Circles of healing are incredible for well organized defenders. Strategically place them near choke points so they are constantly healed.

There's also a wondrous architecture item that effectively acts as a permanent haste to anyone in the room. Fire giants and other missile troops with lots of ammo can lay waste to any defenders before the attackers can heal themselves.


Penguin Herder
I haven't seen this before, but what about "trigger mines". Some sort of a Delay Blast Fire/Ice/Sonic/Acid/Lightning Ball, but with a trigger of "Detect Good 5' Radius" instead of a timer.

Evil spells ought to be able to substitute the blood / body parts / lives of innocents for their material components.

-- Nifft


First Post
Why not start raising a few legonairs. And throwing those mines on them. Moving mines. give some a gentle repost. And when they get close then klabam. You could even mass teleport them into a likely place of an infirmary of the good guys. And off course raise the dragon as a dracolich. hehehe BTW Shark how many legionairs are still alive?


Jürgen Hubert

First Post
My setting has the following spell that will deal nicely with all those pesky infantry units:

Mass Conflagration [Nexus]
Evocation [Fire]
Spellcraft DC: 16
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 4,800 ft.
Area: 320-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 144,000 gp; 3 days; 5,760 XP. Seed: energy (DC 19). Factors: area +1,500% (+60 DC), range +1,500% (+30 DC). Mitigating factors: burn 1,000 XP (-10 DC), two additional nexus towers contributing epic spell slots (-38 DC), five additional casters contributing 5th-level spell slots (-45 DC).

As fireball, but with increased range and area.
Spells like mass conflagration are largely responsible for the fact that mass battles with large numbers of troops in tight formations are a thing of the past in the world of Urbis, especially in the vincity of nexus towers. Such spells can reduce whole armies to ashes, as few troops are able to withstand the intense heat.

Of course, you will want to have the above-mentioned Nexus Towers to go with it... but hey, they are worth it!


First Post
Hello All

Well, I also play in SHARK'S campaign. It's good to see Laird Ruari has updated everyone on the opening battle for the fortress. Of course, in typical Vallorean style, he tells the story leaving out all the contributions made by someone other than himself and his troops.:D

Ruari joined the fun in time for this excursion. He was given command of a small detachment of recruits by his temple. Ruari fought well and contributed to the sucess of the fight against the Dragon and went on to lead an attack against the gathering horde of Beastmen.

Other members of the group contributed sigificantly to the defeat of the Dragon. Several powerful wizards and clerics were launching chain lightning, cone of cold, flame strike and Otiluke's Freezing Sphere spells at the Dragon. At least 15 other Paladins and Fighters were a sigificant part of the fighting. More than a few of the party members and numerous cohorts died in this combat alone.

I believe that we surprised SHARK by landing our forces on the uppermost tier of the fortress. Instead of starting off with the weaker defenders, we went straight to the top to hit the big players first.

Almost immediately upon landing, gates opened and a dozen Tyrannosaurus Rexs came through to wreak havoc. Thank you if you suggested this. I was able to cast Dominate Monster on one and now am considering casting Awaken on it. Just imagine the looks on the towns folk's faces when I bring this bad boy home! I can just picture him with specticles, reading a book and talking philosophy.:D

After a very hard, intense fight we have a toe hold on the upper tier of the fortress. With luck we will not lose our grip and are beginning to make assaults against the rest of the defenders on the upper tier. In game time, our attack is less than 24 hours old so I know much more fun awaits us.:p

Rhiannon is the daughter of a half Elf/Vallorean and an Elf. She was not raised within the Vallorean Empire and has a number of conflicting ideas and beliefs. I began to play Rhiannon when she was a teen and still in training (about 6 years ago in real time). She was raised on the outskirts of an Elven Kingdom and the only Vallorean that she knew was her father. She and He had numerous heated conflicts and at different times he locked her in a tower, locked her in her room, made her clean out the stables, serve him like a servant and tied her out in the courtyard to be whipped by the Captain of the Guard. Needless to say there was not much love lost for Vallorea or Valloreans by Rhiannon. Rhiannon is most often the character that starts debates with the Valloreans just to get under their skin. Fanatical, patriarchal, strict Puritannical Valloreans and their crones (namely Dwarves) sent Rhiannon to the moon. It is difficult for her to pass up opportunities to pick at them. So not everyone in SHARK'S campaign is a Vallorean sycophant. :D

The really ironic thing is that Rhiannon married a Vallorean and not just any Vallorean, she married a Vallorean Prince! Now she can no longer complain about how Vallorea is trying to take over the world and import their culture and beliefs to the older and more developed cultures, she must participate in it. So now she is leading legions in a back water all in the name of the glory of Vallorea!

Well, I know that SHARK will keep you posted on the happenings in the battle for the wilderness. Ruari will no doubt stop by to relive moments of Vallorean glory. Perhaps I can come by to tell you how the rest of us helped. :D

Thanks for reading this and if you have any suggestions of how to attack a mountain fortress, I'm all ears!



First Post
Rhianon, welcome as well!

Sorry, but NO we will not assist you in attacking our fortress!
There are some tricks up our sleeves. And we will send really good new suggestions by mail iso posting them here :) ( we now know your reading this)

The campaign sounds like great fun. Its a shame you guys live on the other side of the planet!


First Post
I respecfully beg your pardon my lady

Evidently my attempts at brevity in describing the battle has "gotten under your skin"!!

I should like to point out that I only claimed to be "One of the slayers of the Great Wyrm", and that I gave you the full credit that you were due as my future Queen ie. "Lady Rhiannon vexed the vile beast with her powerful magiks". And finally, in describing the final demise of the evil beast I summarized the battle by stating "The heroes of Vallorea were victorious" of which yourself and I were but a few.

Being but a Captain in Vallorea's mighty legions I was with my troops during the planning of the attack and was not privy to the higher details of the assault. I called it as I experienced it amongst the fury of the fighting.

I find it hard to understand my Lady's distaste of all that is Vallorea. I suppose it is just the Quirky Elven side of her. I have many of the same problems with my own wife. Can you believe it my Lords and Ladies?? Elves actually believe that they are greater than the Empire?? It is Vallorea that has absorbed all that is good from their culture, mixed it with all that is good from other peoples that we have brought under our guidance in the purpose of bringing civilization to a barbaric world. Soon all will know the "sweetness" of Vallorean life and experience the true peace that is Vallorea!!!:p Furthermore, as my Lady has pointed out, it is her that is now the instrument of guidance!


Hail Vallorea the mightiest of the mighty and blessings upon blessings from Ulrich our patron God of War!! May she reign supreme and all know the "peace that is Vallorea"!!:D

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