How Would you Fix Broken Power: Beguiling Strands


If this is an example of a "broken" power, then;
A) 4e is just a Poo game to start with,
B) your specific game is poo.
Possibly both, but definitely at least one of those.

I'll assume you think it's broken because of it being a great way to sweep away those 1/low hp minions?
So, if your players are taking powers like this for that reason, then the DM needs to get the message.
And that message is....
Stop wasting your players time with low hp minions. No one feels heroic when all it takes to kill the monsters is a single point or two of damage.
So try improving the game your running instead of nerfing powers like this & making dealing with minions even more of a pointless slog than it already is.

You are contradicting yourself. These monsters die in 1 hit. How is that a slog? Your heros are so powerful they can wipe out these foes with 1 blow. How is that not heroic?

Anyway, I don't think the power is broken. It's just that most of the other at-will options for wizards are not exactly up to snuff at all. Not to mention they have so many of them to choose from.

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Tony Vargas

Would it work just made as an encounter?
As an Encounter it could afford to roll some damage.

A change that would make this more Wizardly would be to remove the affects enemies and change it to effects creatures.
Being able to move your allies around for the price of a little damage wouldn't be so bad, really. Could even make it more useful. But, I agree, I like Wizard spells erring on the side of effects creatures over enemies-only.

Taking the area down to Blast 3 would help.

Or you could completely re-imagine it as conjuring the 'strands' that then move away from you, affecting creatures they move through - so a 'line' (Wall) effect?


Arcadian Knight
Anyway, I don't think the power is broken. It's just that most of the other at-will options for wizards are not exactly up to snuff at all. Not to mention they have so many of them to choose from.

That is an interesting take...

I have also heard

Beguiling Strands aka Thunderwave++
Freezing Burst aka Scorching Burst++

Tony Vargas

That is an interesting take...

I have also heard

Beguiling Strands aka Thunderwave++
Freezing Burst aka Scorching Burst++
And don't forget the illusory sprite swarm one from Magic o/t Feywild.

There was pronounced power-inflation with the Essentials+ Wizard.
...even though so much of the Wizard's role-support was baked into powers (rather than through class features) that it already had above-standard powers prettymuch across the board, to begin with.


I'd be more concerned btw to be specific if Wizard were known for great immediate attack powers. But they're not, so again, it isn't a big deal. Simply because most encounter powers are better than even top tier at-wills and you only have so many standard actions.


Arcadian Knight
There's really no tracking. Most of the time, die instantly. Rarely, basically bloodied.

Yes how do you intimidate minions into fleeing the battle when RAW they cannot be bloodied. (would declaring minions always bloodied for most powers cause problems? I do it anyway)
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Tony Vargas

Yes how do you intimidate minions into fleeing the battle when RAW they cannot be bloodied.
Reduce them to 0 and narrate it that way? You just need a power that can hit them that fluffs well to just being intimidating. Any Martial Close power will probably do...

... though Beguiling Strands will probably do it better. ;P


Arcadian Knight
Reduce them to 0 and narrate it that way? You just need a power that can hit them that fluffs well to just being intimidating. Any Martial Close power will probably do...

Well sure zero hp from psychic or some untyped and "run away run away" works.

But I was specifically referring to the ability granted by the Intimidate skill... which was limited to bloodied enemies.
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Arcadian Knight
Assuming this

I'd be more concerned btw to be specific if Wizard were known for great immediate attack powers. But they're not, so again, it isn't a big deal. Simply because most encounter powers are better than even top tier at-wills and you only have so many standard actions.

is in response to this.

It's just that most of the other at-will options for wizards are not exactly up to snuff at all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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