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Humbling defeats


My players once got their butts handed to them (no pun intended) by a giant goat. One in particular suffered a critical hit from a goat bite; and as we were using crit charts at the time it essentially bit a good chunk of his head off ('cause that's what I rolled on the chart). I thought it was priceless but the players seemed a bit miffed at being mauled by a goat.

Anything similar to share?

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You have "goat." (with the dot), "butt" and "hand" in the same sentence. Thats seriously creepy. ;)

Edit: Removed wikipedia link.
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Nah, just your run-of-the-mill giant goat. Especially funny since it was a Planescape game and they were meeting all sorts of bizarre creatures.


Sage of the Scarred Lands

Then that's just lame.

Giant goat size not withstanding...I'd label that "I got my butt handed to me by a goat and all I got was this lousy bite mark!* t-shirt.


I inflicted some serious damage on the spellsword in our group with an animated chest of drawers.

He was alone in the room fighting a whole menagerie of furniture by himself (unsuccessfully) and by the time I'd taken him to half hit points, help had arrived. Most everyone else was laughing too hard to care. (they were in the room across the hall and could hear him screaming)

Ao the Overkitty

First Post
I know they've got quite a reputation among the gaming community, but I still feel getting beaten up by kittens was the most humiliating defeat for one of my characters.

Goats can be mighty. Ever seen a guy kicked in the groin by one? It isn't pretty.

Wild Gazebo

I'm not sure if this is in the nature of the thread, but: Long time ago, a sauve halfling thief was meandering through a delightfully posh galla when he desided to dust off some off his pickpocketing skills. Now, the thief was around 9th or 10th level, very wealthy, very respected in the city, and had a bit of a reputation as a ladies' man. Making a quick glance around the room he darted his hand into the satchel of a wealthy merchant and pulled out a few coins..no more than a few...leaving the bulk. He was just oiling the old skills. Just as he places the coins into his hidden pockets, a bellow erupts from behind him. The Commander of the local paladin order, red faced with anger, bustles through the throng of people and grabs the halfing with both hands, yelling "THIEF!"

The halfling tries desperately to get away from the strong old paladins grip to no avail. The paladin lifts the kicking halfling off of the ground and walks over to a coatrack. Still struggling, the halfing manages to get a hand on a dagger. The paladin disarms the halfling, hangs him on the coatrack, whips down the halfling's pants and spanks him in front of the city's most influencial people. The halfling goes into a rage.

After a few minutes of corporal punishment, the thief manages to burst free and flee from the scene...as only a 9th lvl halfling thief may.

Now, in all of my years of gaming (25), I have never seen a player's face get so close to the shade of red that I feel his character's should be. He was so angry...and the character didn't lose a single hip point. The character wound up catching the next ship out of town and never coming back. The player made up a new character...a paladin. :)

To this day he still gets ribbed...behind his back...and a little in front. This was the ONLY occasion that I have seen this player get angry over a game...we were only 17 or 18...mmm...17 or 18...I could do that again.


First Post
While most of my old group was out of town, my friend and I took turns running each other through AEG Adventure modules. In one of the scenarios(I forget which) the other guy's ranger/wizard got trounced by a stack of flying books in a dead wizard's library. He dejectedly had to retreat to the parlour and close the door. To pour salt in the wound, he later put on robes of stupidity and was carted back to a Temple by his appentice. Good times.

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