Hunted: Enemies of the Empire


As your group makes their way down to the atrium of the apartment complex, you can see that there is already increased activity. Clearly news of the Imperial visitors has already begun to disperse among the populace. Bureaucrats move to and fro frantically trying to finish last minute business while less important residents try to avoid the frenzy. The Senator draws his hood over, saying, It would be probably be best for me to keep a low profile. Mithos, if you are seen with me, people might suspect something. We should separate into two groups and meet up elsewhere. How about the Meridian Star Pub? It's not far from the space docks and I doubt anyone will be looking for us there.

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Yes, but it has the advantage of being the last place anyone would expect to find a Senator and a bureacrat. I doubt anyone would even recognize me in that hole.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"(Long roaring and growling sentence)"* The wookiee growls and moves next to the senator.

[sblock=*]I was hired to keep the senator alive until we're off planet. I go with him.[/sblock]


First Post
Nyub remains on station outside the building, keeping an eye out for anyone who might be staking out the building as well. Basically trying to spot any opposition before they spot him.

perception roll (1d20+6=21)

ooc: don't forget I'm out here. Someone might want to let Nyub know what's going on.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Trangle (Male Ithorian Jedi); HP 30/30 (12)

Trangle moves towards the door to ready to leave. While waiting for the group to leave he Search his Feeling for not leading the force use away from the group as we leave - if it will end up in bad things.

The Ithorian speaks quietly into the commlink to Nyub "Nyub, we are on our way down.".

Trangle reassuringly pats the area where his lightsaber is.

[OOC: Search Feelings for not leading the Force User away. (1d20+13=32) ]
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First Post
FreeXenon said:
The Ithorian speaks quietly into the commlink to Nyub "Nyub, we are on our way down.".

"Sounds good. Everything looks fine right now," Nyub replies. He will continue to stay in the background once everyone has exited the building.

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