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I am back. Greetings to my friends. :)

I would admit I'd like to see the WotC boards with that topic started on it... would be like it got hit with a nuke when certain people start reading that haha.

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Hey edena good to have you back once more :)

no long comments from me other then converting edena is probably not as hard as you might think :p

William Ronald

Hello, Phasmus:

I rather liked what you did with the Illithid in the previous IRs, and made a point in a few of my posts in the 3rd IR to mention the Neo-Illithid. The first time I read the original IR, I was more than a little surprised. Interesting move on your part.

Edena, take whatever time you need. Regardless of your decision, you have brought a lot of fun to these boards. As well as brought many people together as friends.

Three cheers for Edena!!!


First Post
Okay, before enjoying that long post at the top 2 things!

1: Welcome back edena!
2: Timothy slaps himself uo the head for not noticing this thread sooner. As an excuse, I wasn't online during the whole of easter and didn't check Talking the Talk.

Now I'm off to reading.


First Post
Okay I just read your post, ENTIRELY, and I feel like I've just been to half of Jordan's wheel of time! (Which I just started in BTW, I finally got the nerve to do it)

I think I'm gonna find bugbear to hand me over the 1st IR written down.

I liked the whole character Edena story and I think I'll get that Lumin guy into one of my campaigns, he sounds like an interesting chap. (maybe use him to anoy my players in A Game of Gods, wouldn't that be fun, janos?)

About the 4th IR and the possible 5th.
While it is about everyone having fun, you should not try to make it so that everybody is happy. While I wouldn't have likes ti to have Zakahria taken away from me, the fun of the IR's would still continue. For me the best part of the IR was thinking of new ideas in the light of the everchanging events. Likewise, while having magic cancelled could be desastrous for some players, but good things can come from having little resources and the fun of the IR in general goes on and on.

I think you should try to make an interesting IR and not try to make it fun for everybody. That will happen anyways. And if somebody gets upset because you take away his resources he shouldn't be pleying, for he should remember it is only a game.

IF you start a new IR I'll be in, regardingless of what I'm busy with. but I think that we have to set rules. While a freeform IR maybe is more fun, it certainly is much more chaotic an more demanding from you. I think your health takes priority over everything else in the IR.

What I also really liked of the IR was the territories that you had, because I could really see every move I made on my giants realms map I still have hanging in my PC room.

Okay, for me this a very long post, and since it is almost 1 oçlock at night here, I urge you to forget any grammar or spelling mistakes, maybe I'll re-read this thing tomorrow.

Goodnight, and again.

Welcome back Edena.


First Post
posted by Edena of Neith:
I am back.
I have obtained a new hard drive, and the information from the defective one has been transferred.
If I may comment, large hard drives are problematic - you save years of work on them, because they are so big, and then it can all be lost when the disk crashes.

Welcome back Edena. I can relate to this as I just went through a systems crash of my own. Seems to be a lot of it going arround as of late.

To be simple and to the point: when some of you decided it had to be a magic-rich scenario, or no scenario, you guaranteed the Red Death won, because the Red Death fed on magic, and only abstention from magic could save you.
If the Red Death won, you all lost. And if you lost, I lost. I wanted, and want, a legacy of good memories, not a legacy of a poor DM.

Also, understand that many of you were already well entrenched in the territories in which you possessed.
You may believe I speak only of you, Serpenteye, but in fact many of you had well established territories.
I knew that very shortly, based on my knowledge of what was coming, that the entire board was about to be scrambled (think of RISK, where 2 or 3 guys sweep the board with 50 armies each.)
In other words, you probably were going to lose the territories you had, in return for gaining new territory.
I thought this might offend people, since you had worked so hard to establish not only territories but also distinct cultures, governments, and etiquette for your lands.

Yes, the Pressence of the Red Death (And of the dommination books) make the victory of good (and neutrals) almost impossible.

If it were me, I would reopen the next IR after the events of #4. set it about, oh say, six months to a year after the events of IR4.

  • Serpenteye and the other Evil Powers have gained control over most of earth, but in doing so lost much power in faerun.
  • The Red Death has been driven back (I was about to unleash the anti-magic Spell on my next post, which was why I ordered all my forces off earth and back to dauntless terretory) and the magic of the domination books has been defeated (The Domination books IMO were the most unballencing thing in the game. they gave the evil powers to much power and the good powers could not use them and remain good).
  • The athasians have consolidated there hold on a area of Faerun and are now seeking to expand thier terretories.
  • When the Anti Magic Spell shut down all magic on Toril, the Silver Cabal were trapped on that world. This helps to counterballance the badguys domination of earth, by giving the good guys access to at least some basic tech.
  • When the 5th IR begins, Magic is just starting to return to Toril, which means that gates and portals can now be opened between Earth and Toril. Krynn and Oreth should be left out of the picture unless someone opens a gate to one of those worlds. Most likely Krynn would have an area of earth under it's thumb, but they have been out of touch with the World of Krynn for some time and are effectivly indipendant.

That's what I would do, not neccesarly what you, Edena, would do.

I most likely won't be able to be an active participant in the IR, what ever form it takes. To much going on right now. Eh, but who knows.


First Post
Hi Edena, and you IR-community guys, cheers to you :). How are you doing?

Serpenteye and the other Evil Powers have gained control over most of earth, but in doing so lost much power in faerun.

I'm not sure that would be plausible. I was quite powerful even with the original PL-rating of the nations of Faerun, and after all that has happened in the IR so far I would have a far greater PL than that.

My population is probably the most educated, loyal and productive in the world, it is also by far the largest, especially considering all the tens (or hundreds) of millions of Chinese I was bringing in.
No faction has been as thoroughly indoctrinated and educated with the Magic Books as mine, all the technologies of Earth and all but the most secret magics of Toril is at the disposal of virtually our entire population (and I could aid Timothy, and anyone else who would ally with us, in reaching a similar level).
The mind control drug would make sure that the Meritocracy remained stabile even while the weave was destroyed and since such a large part of my population is from Earth (and resistant to earth diseases) our society would not be as hard hit as the other players from the plagues.
Many societies would be terribly disrupted by the diseases as panic breaks out when magic can no longer provide comfort and control over the populations, that would be a non-issue for the Meritocracy. We would have some difficulties with communications and transportations between my far-flung territories and I might well lose some minor peripheral areas but that is a problem all players would face to some degree, our rule is sufficiently decentralized to adapt rather easily to those new circumstances.

On Earth, I think the Dauntless with friends have better chances. They pretty much controlled Europe and North America, by far the most powerful continents of Earth at that time. Mina was very strong in the third world but faces nearly insurmountable problems in maintaining control and modernizing those primitive countries within the given time-frame. Timothy and me were strong in East Asia and the mind control drugs would give me an important edge in modernizing China and expanding abroad, but even with a cooperative population such things take time we might not have. The western powers have good chances of retaking their lost colonies and reestablishing their dominance on Earth, the value of their educated populations and their financial, industrial and military infrastructure has been vastly underestimated in the IR so far.

Of course, that's just my analysis of the situation. I believe it's logical but I might be mistaken.

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