D&D 5E I guess Jon Schindehette out. Bad news for D&D NEXT?


I wish the guy the best of luck, but based on his work previous, and what he has been talking about in his column, IMO this is not a bad thing, as I do not jive with his ideas of the look of D&D.

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I wish the guy the best of luck, but based on his work previous, and what he has been talking about in his column, IMO this is not a bad thing, as I do not jive with his ideas of the look of D&D.

I always thought a position at a major game company meant a dream job with low pay. Sooner or later a man grows up and needs a grown man's income. How's salaries at Wizards'?


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
This has been the explanation of Monte and Stan! for why they left, and I would imagine Cordell's as well (although I do not remember hearing him say that specifically.) I imagine this must be a Hasbro-mandated rule when it comes to working there full-time... and it's a bitter pill to swallow if you are not willing to plunge head first into the "D&D all the time!" body of water.

Fortunately for WotC, there is no shortage of people who are probably willing to jump down that rabbit hole to work on D&D, and thus they can replace those folks with cheaper and more single-minded alternatives.

I guess that's the case, but it really seems to be costing them some experienced talent. I don't believe I've ever seen Monte offer this up as the explanation for why left - though ever since Stan! posted on his blog about it, I've suspected that's the case.

Ultimately, they're in an industry in which I think a policy like that is not good for retention of employees (though I'm not sure that's ever really been a significant concern for Hasbro-era WotC). They're creative people and there's lots of opportunity for free lancing and self-publishing. I suppose the suit mentality looks at that as a competitive threat for their employees' ideas, but lately it really seems to be a threat for their employees' overall employment.


When I used to work at DC Comics on staff as a Sales and Marketing person, you signed away any ability to freelance in any capacity. Even when I gave a 3 weeks notice to DC and work within the publishing industry, I was shown the door that day. Also the salaries shown are in line with publishing industry standards.


First Post
You almost get the feeling that Hasbro and to some extent WotC itself sees D&D the tabletop RPG as a cost of doing business rather than a source of revenue.


You almost get the feeling that Hasbro and to some extent WotC itself sees D&D the tabletop RPG as a cost of doing business rather than a source of revenue.

On the contrary... I suspect WotC knows that a new set of books are going to sell many copies regardless of the names on the cover.


I wish Jon the best of luck, but this is no big deal to me. I like my RPG books to have art in them, but I am not real picky about now it looks.

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