i hate people


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my neighbor moved away today.

that's not the part i hate.

she left her cat behind. :mad:

the poor guy's just crying, staring, and clawing at the door, like he thinks he'll ever be able to get back into that apartment and see his owner again.

i'm going to have to call the Humane Society in the morning to pick him up, and hope they don't euthanize unadoptable animals...

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That's cruel. They could have just brought it to wherever they deal with unwanted cats. This is the epitome of lazyness.

Good luck dealing with the cat.


First Post
This really ticks me off. If this were BFD at Nutkinland, I'd have a few things to say that Eric's Grandma would strongly disapprove of.

The humane society is better than the pound, but they still euthanize animals if nobody adopts them within a reasonable amount of time. It's harsh, but the centers can only maintain a certain number of animals at a time, and they want to give the new ones coming in a fair chance to get adopted... the only to do this is to make room by euthanizing the ones that have had their chance and nobody wanted.

Adult cats rarely get adopted. People always want cute fuzzy kittens instead.


First Post
MerakSpielman said:
Adult cats rarely get adopted. People always want cute fuzzy kittens instead.
that's sadly true. and this cat is already old, and mean -- he took a swipe at me when i left out food and water for him for the night.

on the other hand, i adopted my own two lovely cats when they were two years old, and they've been wonderful.

i checked online and there are several animal shelters in the area -- i'll call around until i can get one to promise me they don't euthanize... but i'm afraid i'm going to have to settle for "...in a reasonable amount of time."
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First Post
Now, I just remembered, there is an entire sub-culture of people who go around trapping stray cats and giving them a foster-home and vet care until they can find a good home for them. It becomes a kind of obsession for them. They're not official, so they're not in the phone book, but maybe you can find some people like that in your town?


World of Kulan DM
I got my last cat (named Tattenger) from the SPCA back in the late Eighties. He was a little over a year old. I wasn't sure I wanted an older cat at first but he kept rubbing his cheeks against the cage. I new if I hadn't adopted him he probably would have been euthanized.

Unfortunately, after I finished High School, my family decided to move into the city and the only way he could have come with us, to live in an apartment, is if we'd had him declawed.

I couldn't do that to him so he went to live with my Aunt in Rocky Mountain House. He had a good life there for about six months to a year before running off and getting runover.

Damn vehicles! :mad:

sigh :(

Here's a picture...


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Ao the Overkitty

First Post
If I could afford it, I would adopt all the stray kitties of the world.

Currently, I've rescued seven (well.. two, but one snuck in 5 more a week later when she had kittens).

Poor kitty.


World of Kulan DM
Ao the Overkitty said:
If I could afford it, I would adopt all the stray kitties of the world.

Currently, I've rescued seven (well.. two, but one snuck in 5 more a week later when she had kittens).

Poor kitty.

While I've never rescued any strays, I do have a very love-hate relationship with cats. I love 'em but my allergies hate 'em.

Thus, unless I am eventually able to afford to have allergy shots and live in a house or REALLY large apartment then I'm not likely to own any cats again anytime soon.

I go to visit my aunt for fuzzy-fur therapy once in a while. after Tatts died she had to get a cat of her own because her life felt empty without him. She adopted two cats: Sparky and then Lily after Sparky disappeared.

Here's sparky...


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