I really don't think it should be called the "ORC license"


I get it. It's a bit of a pun. It's cute. And they needed to announce something quickly as things were rapidly in motion.

But I think ORC is probably the worst name for any kind of banner to unite medium and small RPG content creators under.

Some people really don't care about it. Other people are offended that others are feeling offended by it. But orcs are perhaps the most controversial and divisive topic in RPGs in recent years. All the arguments for or against orcs being a dog whistle promotion for thinking in hateful stereotypes really don't matter here right now. But the thing is, we have seen that plenty of people having very strong opinions on orcs as toxic stereotypes that they just won't touch.

I don't even consider myself as having a particularly strong opinion on this, but I certainly would not want to release anything that makes it an "ORC license" product. I have some stuff in the works for OSE, and I actually worry that it might chance to ORC, because that might actually make me cancel my plans. And surely I am not the only one in a position like this. I've not been following anything done by Paizo or Kobold Press for at least 10 years, and I have no idea about what channels one might reach them through that don't end up as spam mail. But I think this is a real problem and that whatever the license is going to look like, it really needs a different name before people start releasing material under it.

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You know, I thought there is something off with naming it ORC. Thank you for putting into words.

Another example of the game community being "cute" with potentially negative ramifications.


What, people are calling it orc, like the monster and not O-R-C, like the O-G-L.. Is this the same people calling WOTC "Whotsee" and not just Wizards. Seems a bit silly to be arguing over it.


I think you're overthinking this in a big way. If anything the more progressive stance is to not position orcs as blindly evil villains, and treat them more as a cool player option that people are excited to reframe and rehabilitate.
"You are overthinking it" was always the "Well, I don't see an issue" argument.

I'm really not asking for much. Name it anything. Just not orc. It's not even an established product name yet. It's still only a plan for something that is meant to bring lots of people together in a shared space. It won't cost anyone anything. Nobody even needs to make a statement.

Just let people use license content without having them make their stuff "ORC license products".


#1 Enworld Jerk™
I get it. It's a bit of a pun. It's cute. And they needed to announce something quickly as things were rapidly in motion.

But I think ORC is probably the worst name for any kind of banner to unite medium and small RPG content creators under.

Some people really don't care about it. Other people are offended that others are feeling offended by it. But orcs are perhaps the most controversial and divisive topic in RPGs in recent years. All the arguments for or against orcs being a dog whistle promotion for thinking in hateful stereotypes really don't matter here right now. But the thing is, we have seen that plenty of people having very strong opinions on orcs as toxic stereotypes that they just won't touch.

I don't even consider myself as having a particularly strong opinion on this, but I certainly would not want to release anything that makes it an "ORC license" product. I have some stuff in the works for OSE, and I actually worry that it might chance to ORC, because that might actually make me cancel my plans. And surely I am not the only one in a position like this. I've not been following anything done by Paizo or Kobold Press for at least 10 years, and I have no idea about what channels one might reach them through that don't end up as spam mail. But I think this is a real problem and that whatever the license is going to look like, it really needs a different name before people start releasing material under it.
Isn't the problem with orcs in TTRPGs that they are treated by evil as default?

Right, like, them simply existing isn't the offensive part.

If anything the ORC license is an unambiguous good in this context. So, I don't see how its problematic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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