Yes... I came in here expecting a MUCH different topic.
I think I get the gist of the OP. If everything is unique and special, then nothing is unique and special.
In the original Everquest MMORPG, there were restrictions as to what races could be which classes. Only Humans and Iksar(The race of Evil ((So evil that other evil races hated them)) Lizardfolk) could be Monks for instance. There was a Web Comic called WTF Comics based on the game, and one of the minor antagonists were a squad of Gnome Monks. It was funny, and weird, and cool because it was abnormal.
In EQ2 they removed the race/class restrictions.. So now Gnomes, Ogres, Elves, or any other race could be Monks. Introducing a Gnome Monk antagonist would lack the lack the shock factor that came in that original comic run.
Ultimately I think this is a change for the better. Being able to play what you want is a good thing. This is a game about playing pretend right? Why have limits on your imagination?
I will say that I do think there is another downside, aside from the Gnome Monk thing. The fact that there are so many of these "Unique" options available, have made the standard fare, stereotypical ones seem even more standard fare and stereotypical. Tiefling Warlocks? Elf Rangers? I can't possibly play one of those can I? They're so expected.