Spelljammer I think Spelljammer will be more like Ravenloft then Strixhaven

The sphere itself is not part of the geography of the plane.

I beg to differ, in the original spelljammer, the sphere is actually the most solid part of the geography of the plane, it's an impenetrable boundary for the prime and all its linked planes. In the phlogiston, none of the other planes "exist".

The area in the Feywild close to your home might resemble the geography around your home, but as you move deeper into the Feywild the geography becomes increasing different. It helps if you try and stop thinking in only three dimensions.

This is not the take of 5e on the Feywild and the Shadowfell. They are echoes of the material plane, and although they might resemble it more or less, they are not like the ethereal, with a border ethereal and a deep ethereal. They are really parallel: "The Feywild and the Shadowfell are parallel dimensions occupying the same cosmological space, so they are often called echo planes or mirror planes to the Material Plane. The worlds and landscapes of these planes mirror the natural world of the Material Plane but reflect those features into different forms—more marvelous and magical in the Feywild, distorted and colorless in the Shadowfell. Where a volcano stands in the Material Plane, a mountain topped with skyscraper-sized crystals that glow with internal fire towers in the Feywild, and a jagged rock outcropping resembling a skull marks the spot on the Shadowfell."

You can have a look at the explanation in the FR, for example: "When Shar created the Shadowfell, the Demiplane of Dread fragmented and each Darklord's realm settled into a spot somewhere within the newly created plane, possibly attracted by the plane's sinister nature. Within the Shadowfell, these realms became known as the Domains of Dread. Despite Shar's dominance of the Shadowfell, the Dark Powers still had control over each of these Domains."

So basically, the Feywild and Shadowfell are parallel echoes, they can be widely different from the prime meaning that the part containing a "domain of dread", although probably somewhat sinister on the prime, is not necessarily linked to the domain, but it's not "deeper" and not in a kind of new dimension orthogonal to the existing ones.

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The feywild and shadow fell don’t follow the same rules though. (In fiction)

So there might or might not be “spheres”. And if there are they might not even be crystal spheres.

They might be mists.

If they ditch the stuff that made Spelljammer unique and cool (of course they will), I don’t see the point of them releasing it (besides nostalgia from us over 40s and a cash grab). But then they seem to do the opposite of what I want regularly, so it’ll be a generic mashup of Spelljammer and Planescape that covers both ideas, but doesn’t do either justice.
Putting them out would at least open them up to the DMs Guild.

The feywild and shadow fell don’t follow the same rules though. (In fiction)

So there might or might not be “spheres”. And if there are they might not even be crystal spheres.

They might be mists.

I personally liked the fact that all possibilities were open at the time of AD&D, we had spheres, we had mists, we had veils, we had color pools, etc.

And, in our campaign, we still have them.


...did I miss an announcement? I've been overwhelmed at work, and I haven't been able to keep up with RPG news very well. Did WotC announce a new campaign setting? Did they scuttle Dark Sun?

The feywild and shadow fell don’t follow the same rules though. (In fiction)

So there might or might not be “spheres”. And if there are they might not even be crystal spheres.

They might be mists.
Yeah, they are related to the Prime Material, but different.


...did I miss an announcement? I've been overwhelmed at work, and I haven't been able to keep up with RPG news very well. Did WotC announce a new campaign setting? Did they scuttle Dark Sun?
A few months ago, they did a UA with all Spelljammer options, and WotC have been dropping little hints at Spelljammer, su h as the Spelljammer ships on the Rules Expansion box. It seems to be one of the two Classic Settings coming this year, along with Drsgonlance.


A few months ago, they did a UA with all Spelljammer options, and WotC have been dropping little hints at Spelljammer, su h as the Spelljammer ships on the Rules Expansion box. It seems to be one of the two Classic Settings coming this year, along with Drsgonlance.

Ah, okay. Yeah, I remember the Spelljammer UA. The tone of the first few posts in this thread made it sound like something a little more concrete and certain was coming down the pike and I got really excited (for Dark Sun, not so much for Spelljammer.)

I beg to differ, in the original spelljammer, the sphere is actually the most solid part of the geography of the plane, it's an impenetrable boundary for the prime and all its linked planes. In the phlogiston, none of the other planes "exist".

This is not the take of 5e on the Feywild and the Shadowfell. They are echoes of the material plane, and although they might resemble it more or less, they are not like the ethereal, with a border ethereal and a deep ethereal. They are really parallel: "The Feywild and the Shadowfell are parallel dimensions occupying the same cosmological space, so they are often called echo planes or mirror planes to the Material Plane. The worlds and landscapes of these planes mirror the natural world of the Material Plane but reflect those features into different forms—more marvelous and magical in the Feywild, distorted and colorless in the Shadowfell. Where a volcano stands in the Material Plane, a mountain topped with skyscraper-sized crystals that glow with internal fire towers in the Feywild, and a jagged rock outcropping resembling a skull marks the spot on the Shadowfell."

You can have a look at the explanation in the FR, for example: "When Shar created the Shadowfell, the Demiplane of Dread fragmented and each Darklord's realm settled into a spot somewhere within the newly created plane, possibly attracted by the plane's sinister nature. Within the Shadowfell, these realms became known as the Domains of Dread. Despite Shar's dominance of the Shadowfell, the Dark Powers still had control over each of these Domains."

So basically, the Feywild and Shadowfell are parallel echoes, they can be widely different from the prime meaning that the part containing a "domain of dread", although probably somewhat sinister on the prime, is not necessarily linked to the domain, but it's not "deeper" and not in a kind of new dimension orthogonal to the existing ones.

Domains of Dread and Delight are demiplanes and so are planes within planes and so they don't count towards mirroring the Prime Material Plane anymore then Prime Material Plane Demiplanes get mirrored by the Shadowfell and Feywild.

Ah, okay. Yeah, I remember the Spelljammer UA. The tone of the first few posts in this thread made it sound like something a little more concrete and certain was coming down the pike and I got really excited (for Dark Sun, not so much for Spelljammer.)

It appears from the UAs that Spelljammer and DL are coming this year, Darksun might be next year. Keep an eye out for a Psion Class UA near the end of the year (a guess on my part).

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