I would like to help.

Silver Box

First Post

Story Lines are starting to move, or are trying to. I wanted to offer a service, myself as characters/monsters/ or even event set-up. Something like playing random monsters to be killed, that really do not need a full progression of play or a bad guy that should be easly expendible. Someone, or somethings minion.

Or if you can't find enough players to actually get it moving, that sort of thing.

Becaue face it, when we play characters for a storyline we get attached and don't want them to die. So what do ya think, go ahead and post me back.

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First Post
I can help too. A long long time ago i regeistered a character named called Lackey for that purpose with a group i was in at the time. Anyone who needs a random lackey for themselves or for being cannon fodder let me know through either the message boards or my email.


Silver Box

First Post
*cries and cries..* Hey, get back in your unemployment line, this is my soap box!

Jk, This thread can work for anyone who wants to do this. Also, maybe someone has a retired bady of the ISRP that they would like to res for a new storyline. Chime in.


Chaotic Lawkeeper
I brought lemonaide!! *takes a biiiiig gulp!* Ahh..good stuff...*super puckers!* forgot the sugar! gah!!! hehe

Anyway, thanks for your offers folks! I hope people take you up on them!



First Post
*Adds Sugar to Nashy and shakes her well* There you go deary.

HHrrmm, good Idea, never enough Minions around. Speaking of Minions, mines named Miulkar. The dessy for it currently sucks because I've had three differnt ones using that name. But yeah...you wanna use it let me know! cheyjacob@msn.com

Blech, people getting attached to characters... I know the feeling, it's heartbreaking to see them die...knowing you'll never be able to play them again...*thinks of Dieterich...* And I have another doomed to die soon... :heh: Makes me sad...I could always use people to die though, so if ya want to, contact me at one of the below addresses.


First Post

cameroth said:
thanks everyone for your offers and i will gratiously accept everyones help with characters and the storyline if they wish..now i need to know what time is good for everyone on thursday to start

Note from Magi_Trelian: Belongs in other thread.
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