D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Princes of Elemental Evil


Tolan nods a greeting to Brother Eardon as the man joins the conversation.

"Indeed, Brother Dawnbringer, I thank you for your concerns. It does seem like this valley is best by unfriendly times. I am sure that the Knight Commander is a capable man, but there are many things that can catch a person unaware when they are distracted by other matters. We will be going out with the knowledge that something has already gone wrong. Also, we will not be alone. Two others had put their mark to the notice as well."

The brother nods and smiles. "Well met. And it is as you say. Just don't get in over your head. I'll pray for your safe return."

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Forged Fury

First Post
Damien's ears perked up as he overheard the dingy Copper-tier fellow tell his tale. "On second thought, why don't you go meet our new companions. I'd like to follow up on something, but will head over in a few minutes."

Turning to face the bar, the warlock waited for Thaliss to depart before pulling up his hood and casting a quick glamour to change his facial features enough that it would be unlikely that he would be recognized as himself. Walking over to the group in conversation, Damien adjusted his Silver-tier status badge to greater prominence and asked, "Goodman, if I may have a word?"


Damien's ears perked up as he overheard the dingy Copper-tier fellow tell his tale. "On second thought, why don't you go meet our new companions. I'd like to follow up on something, but will head over in a few minutes."

Turning to face the bar, the warlock waited for Thaliss to depart before pulling up his hood and casting a quick glamour to change his facial features enough that it would be unlikely that he would be recognized as himself. Walking over to the group in conversation, Damien adjusted his Silver-tier status badge to greater prominence and asked, "Goodman, if I may have a word?"

"I don't see Mr. Goodman around, sir, but certainly we can talk. How goes it?"

Forged Fury

First Post
Damien ground his teeth at the fool's response. It's a bloody title, bah! he thought. Plastering a small smile on his face, the warlock said, "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with the lads. Sounds like there might be a bit of trouble not far from the Larch. Care to tell me more about it?"


OOC: Well, bummer


Damien ground his teeth at the fool's response. It's a bloody title, bah! he thought. Plastering a small smile on his face, the warlock said, "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with the lads. Sounds like there might be a bit of trouble not far from the Larch. Care to tell me more about it?"


OOC: Well, bummer
"Well yeah... I guess you could call it trouble. Lots o' trouble round these parts. Fresh graves, I think. I pass by there one day, nothing but a barren hill. Next day... four mounds of 'urf overturned. I don't know of anyone else who hunts or traps around those parts. And to bury the dead there... very strange. I'm not sure who'da done it. It was 'bout half-way between here and the creepy old tower in the mountains I reckon."

The gruff man scratches his beard and seems oblivious to your manner.

Forged Fury

First Post
Figuring he had gotten everything he was going to out of the man, Damien nodded with false thanks. "Much appreciated and good luck on working toward Silver-tier."

Damien turned back towards the table where Thaliss was speaking with the two elves who had signed up for the contract. "Well met."


Figuring he had gotten everything he was going to out of the man, Damien nodded with false thanks. "Much appreciated and good luck on working toward Silver-tier."

Damien turned back towards the table where Thaliss was speaking with the two elves who had signed up for the contract. "Well met."

OOC: You roughly know the location "Shallow Graves" on the map of the Dessarin Valley. It may take a survival check to locate it exactly.

Steve Gorak

OOC: You roughly know the location "Shallow Graves" on the map of the Dessarin Valley. It may take a survival check to locate it exactly.

"there is no better time than right now" Thaliss says with a smile. Addressing his new companions "Shall we head out to investigate?"


First Post
Tolan gets up from his table and squeezes past the two gentlemen congregating at the bar to read the newly posted notice. His fingers drum an idle rhythm on his scabbard as he contemplates the paper for a moment. After a moment, he nods decisively to himself and scrawls two more names at the bottom of the paper. His clothing and purse were both worn depressingly thin, and this kind of money could help rectify both issues.

Returning to his seat, he faces Aridha sitting across from him.

"More missing person work. Seems to be a lot of that going around lately. From the job rank and reward offered it sounds like it could be more than a little bit dangerous, though."

He grins slyly.

"So I signed you up too."

"I recently came from Beliard by way of Westbridge. I saw that delegation from Mirabar two tendays ago when I left. I'm a bit surprised they have not shown up yet. That Knight Commander that was with them... Gustav? Gustaf? He's famous. He was a Platinum adventurer some time ago. Had a falling out with his compatriots or such. Swore his loyalty to the king or queen or what-have-you and joined up with his home nation. Something personal, I would wager. If they did go missing, I would be more than a little careful if I were you. There's been a lot of missing persons of late."

Aridha gives Tolan a wry look, but before she can say anything, the good Brother comes forward with his information. She digests it silently, already adding it to the developing ball of information in her head. Finding people was what she did...she was pretty good at it. And sometimes even little details were crucial when a trail went cold.

"How far out from Beliard were you when you saw them two tendays ago?" the elf asked the devout of Lathander.

The most important fact to start with; where the trail began.

When Damien and Thaliss came over, she gave them brief, curt nods of acknowledgement.


Tolan rises to his feet once more at the arrival of Damien and Thaliss, offering each a welcoming handclasp in turn. He stays standing and turns so he can view everyone now gathered around the table. Thaliss's question earns a response.

"Right away? Well, we are four, an auspicious number. I have no objections to getting things going, but knowledge will take you halfway to victory, as they say. The Brother here was telling us that he had seen the missing party two tenday ago near Beliard. We could start our search there."

He turns to Damien.

"That is, unless your conversation with the scruffy gentleman over there brought anything to light?"
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