Carradoc shifts his position and tries to put as many monks as he can to sleep.
still at y32 (see IC past 827). Firing 25 feet away from Dent (and so at t26 [possibly s26, depending on how you count diagonals] -- trying to get four monks in the blast, and casting sleep with a second-level slot, so [roll0] hit points. This may or may not also clip the minotaur, I realize.
Figuring discretion was probably the better part of valor and noting further proof that they were probably outmatched, Damien focused on his defense and darted away.
Action: Dodge (All enemies have disadvantage on attacks against him for this round)
Move: Z30 (Treating Aridha's space as difficult terrain), drawing OAs from the monks) HP: 26/39 AC: 16
Spell Slots: X/0/-/-/-
Dodging: All foes have disadvantage on attacks against him.