D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Princes of Elemental Evil

Forged Fury

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OOC: I guess keep going... these guys sure like to crit.
Concentration: [roll0] ...and there goes Hex.

HP: 36/39
AC: 16

No active spells

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Steve Gorak

Thaliss moves closer to Carradoc and blasts the remaining minotaur

OOC: Move to X33
Bonus action, transfer hex to remaining minotaur,disadvantage str checks.
Action: cast Eldrich Blast
attack [roll0]
attack with advantage [roll1]
force damage [roll2]
Necrotic damage [roll3]


The two monks miss their attacks of opportunity.

Thaliss blasts the minotaur. I misplaced the figured... not fixing that at the moment.


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Dent stood his ground and swung at the surviving minotaur.

OOC: Move: None.

Action: [roll0] with [roll1] for [roll2]. Divine Smite (only if one of the attack rolls hits) for an additional [roll3] damage.

Reaction: Fighting Style (Protection) Tolan.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Carradoc shifts his position and tries to put as many monks as he can to sleep.

OOC: still at y32 (see IC past 827). Firing 25 feet away from Dent (and so at t26 [possibly s26, depending on how you count diagonals] -- trying to get four monks in the blast, and casting sleep with a second-level slot, so [roll0] hit points. This may or may not also clip the minotaur, I realize.

spell active: mage armour
slots left: 3/2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-.


Dent smites the minotaur.

Carradoc's spell seems to work... but not in the way he intended. The Minotaur goes unconcious. Nothing else does.

A bunch of ninjas


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First Post
Aridha shifts into the shape of a massive dire wolf and attacks the monk between Damien and the minotaur!

(Wildshape: Dire Wolf has AC 14 and 37HP. Attack: [roll0] to hit (with advantage for Pack Tactics [roll1]) for [roll2] damage.)


Aridha's attack is parried by the monk.

The four monks now surrounding Dent land 5 hits. They deal 20 damage in total.

The monks surrounding Damien land 1 crit and 2 hits. 10 damage total after resistance.


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Forged Fury

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Figuring discretion was probably the better part of valor and noting further proof that they were probably outmatched, Damien focused on his defense and darted away.

OOC: Action: Dodge (All enemies have disadvantage on attacks against him for this round)
Move: Z30 (Treating Aridha's space as difficult terrain), drawing OAs from the monks)
HP: 26/39
AC: 16
Spell Slots: X/0/-/-/-

Dodging: All foes have disadvantage on attacks against him.


The minotaur unconcious, Tolan's focus shifts to the next foe in line and he continues trying to thin the herd.

Action: Attack monk(W27)
Bonus Action: Frenzy Attack (monk if still up, move to W29 and attack V29 if not)

attack - [roll0]
damage - [roll1]

frenzy - [roll2]
damage - [roll3]

AC: 17 HP: 36/41
Rage: round 5/10 (1/3 rages used) (1/1 frenzy used)
Resistance to Bludgeoning, Slashing, Piercing
Frenzy: Bonus Action to Attack

Voidrunner's Codex

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